Home > EQUUS Extra > Do right by your retired horse
Do right by your retired horse
5 options for planning his golden years
- December 5, 2023
- ⎯ Editors of EQUUS
The old term “out to pasture” refers to horses whose careers are over. It almost sounds like being tossed in the back 40 and forgotten, doesn’t it? However, most horses stay healthier and live longer when they remain active for as long as possible.
In this edition of EQUUS Extra, we walk you through five retirement options that can help enrich your horse’s golden years. From switching careers or finding new ways to enjoy your time together to enhancing his days at pasture, there are many rewarding alternatives. Don’t you owe that to your longtime friend? Plus: Retirement do’s and don’ts
Also featured in this edition:
- Why sense of purpose matters
- Signs that it’s time for retirement
- Therapeutic riding