What does equine welfare really mean?
A Canadian survey of horse owners reveals a disconnect between perceptions of “equine welfare” and “standard of care.”
Strangles Case Confirmed in Palm Beach County, Florida
Book cover: "Feeding Horses: An Evidence-Based Approach"
'Feeding Horses: An Evidence-Based Approach to Equine Nutrition'
Florida Gelding Tests Positive for Strangles
Potomac Horse Fever Case Confirmed in Washington

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EQUUS Podcasts

EQUUS Barn Stories

EQUUS Barn Stories focus on the softer side of horse ownership, serving as a reminder of why we have horses and highlighting the fellowship among riders. They are meant to be listened to on the way to the barn, while cleaning tack or simply relaxing in the quieter moments of the day. Barn Stories are not instructional, but instead seek to underscore and celebrate the way horses enrich our lives.
Saddled horse wearing Santa hat
'Barn Stories,' Ep. 83: Home for Christmas
Portrait of grey horse (head/shoulders)
'Barn Stories,' Ep. 82: A change of heart
A young girl holds a haltered chestnut horse
'Barn Stories,' Ep. 81: Taking up the reins
Horseback rider along a highway
'Barn Stories,' Ep. 80: Lost and found in America

Our Latest Issue

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Each issue of EQUUS is packed with articles on the latest veterinary advances, physiology, behavior and other vital topics. EQUUS provides hands-on instruction and helpful advice from the world’s foremost authorities on horse care. Since 1977, EQUUS has led the way in offering the accurate, up-to-date information you need to take the best care possible of your horse.

Take a Quiz

Horse with many flies on the eye
Fly Control for Sensitive Horses  
horse taking treat
Design a snack board for horses and we'll rate it for you
horse map
What do horses "say" in different languages?
What rare horse breed are you?
three horses in shed
Which herd member are you?
cleaning stalls
What does your stall-cleaning technique say about you?


Two horses drinking from a water trough.
Three simple ways to get your horse to drink more
Close up of two hind hooves and lower limbs
4 facts about stocking up
How to identify 8 common equine skin diseases
Closeup of gaited horse in bridle with red brow and nose bands
Federal district court ruling weakens key soring protections


Small Space, Big Responsibility: Keeping a Horse on 1 Acre or Less

Keeping a horse on 1 acre or less requires strategic property design, pasture management, exercise routines, and feeding solutions. Click here to learn how to make it work. 



EQUUS Extras

Gray horse head in profile on EQ Extra 89 cover
What we’ve learned about PPID
Do right by your retired horse
Tame your horse’s anxiety
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Get ready for winter!


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Antibiotics & your horse: What you should know
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Equestrian vacations
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Easy gaits
Woman in white coat bandaging horse's leg
 Medicinal honey for horses