Home > EQUUS Extra > Easy but effective grooming
Easy but effective grooming
7 tips to bring out your horse’s natural beauty PLUS: The right tools for the job
- May 27, 2022
- ⎯ Editors of EQUUS
7 tips to bring out your horse’s natural beauty
PLUS: The right tools for the job
They say the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. But let’s face it: We all appreciate the beauty of clean horse a bit more than that of a dirty, scruffy one! Of course, grooming means more than just currying and brushing. In this edition of EQUUS Extra, we focus on time-tested techniques to rid equine coats of scurf, stay ahead of stains, manage mud, bathe like a boss and more. PLUS: Brushes and combs that work best
Featured in this edition:
- “Hand grooming” for health
- The virtues of vacuums
- Preventing split ends