Enjoy your vacation by having an Icelandic horse answer your emails
- May 23, 2022
- ⎯ Christine Barakat
Worried about work emails piling up while you’re on vacation this summer? Consider enlisting an Icelandic horse to handle them for you.
The “OutHorse your Email” program is a novel marketing campaign from the Visit Iceland and Inspired by Iceland tourism groups. Via the website https://www.visiticeland.com/outhorse-your-email/, you can choose one of three real-life horses to supply their “out-of-office” message while they are on vacation this summer.
The horses, Litla Stjarna (“Types fast, but might take a nap), Hekla (“Friendly. Trained in corporate buzzwords”) and Hrímnir (“Assertive. Efficient. Shiny hair”) were trained to “type” by walking a cross a giant keyboard.
After entering your name, email and return-to-office date, (and having the option to choose to receive promotional material about Icelandic tourism) a message generated by the chosen horse is displayed, ready to to be copied and pasted into your relevant email program.
Of course, it’s just a marketing campaign, but it’s a clever one featuring adorable horses. Just watch the video…