Horse owners invited to take biosecurity survey

The EDCC is seeking to determine levels of awareness in order to create appropriate educational information

With the support of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Equine Disease Communication Center (learn more about the EDCC) is completing a study to determine the awareness and knowledge of biosecurity in the horse industry. Your help is needed to determine knowledge and use of biosecurity for your horse(s). The goal is to help protect horses from infectious diseases.


The survey will take approximately 10 minutes with responses collected and tabulated by The Matrix Group, a professional firm with experience conducting qualitative and quantitative research in the equine industry.

All the information from this biosecurity survey will be strictly confidential. The summarized information will be shared with all parts of the horse industry and used to create educational information.

Please help by participating in the survey (Use this link to take the survey)

Helpful definitions for biosecurity survey:

Horse: Defined as any equid (horses, ponies, donkeys, mules)

Non-resident horse: A horse on the property for less than 30 days

Infectious disease: Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Infectious diseases can be passed from horse to horse, transmitted by insects or caused by consuming contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment.

Biosecurity: A set of management and physical measures designed to reduce the risk of introduction, establishment and spread of animal diseases, infections or infestations to, from and within an animal population.

Isolation or isolate: Horses separated from other horses with no opportunity for direct contact.

Disease outbreak: A disease outbreak is the occurrence of disease cases in excess of what is normally expected. 




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