Home > Horse World > 2011 EQUUS Professional Horseman Award Contest
2011 EQUUS Professional Horseman Award Contest
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Equus
Nominate your favorite vet, trainer, farrier, stable manager, etc. for the 2011 EQUUS Professional Horseman Award contest! In the entry form below, include a 200-word-or-less essay nominating a professional horseperson in your life who has gone above and beyond what’s expected of him/her.
The 2011 EQUUS Professional Horseman of the Year will receive a year’s worth of feed for his or her horse from Purina Mills and a 15-pound bag of Formula4 Feet, a “mini” bag of Speedi-Beet and a bottle of Solution4 Feet from Emerald Valley Natural Health. The winning nominator will receive a year’s worth of feed for his or her horse from Purina Mills and a Grooming Pack consisting of grooming topicals, leather conditioners and a sampling of treats and mashes from Emerald Valley Natural Health.
Official Rules.No Purchase Necessary; One Entry Per Person. You must be 18 years of age or older to win.