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American Horse Council to Host Issues Forum
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Equus
June 3, 2008 — The American Horse Council (AHC) will host the 2008 National Issues Forum June 16-18 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Industry leaders and participants will come together to discuss important national equine issues.
The general session on June 17 will feature sessions designed to educate horse organization leaders and individuals as to how they can be actively and effectively involved in the 2008 election process. Speakers include Jeff Glassie of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, on “What’s an Organization to do – IRS/FEC Limits”; J. Scott Jennings, senior strategist at Peritus Public Relations discussing “Getting in on the Ground Floor – Opportunities Elections Provide”; Gregory M. Cohen, president and CEO of the American Highway Users Alliance, and Derrick Crandall, president of the American Recreation Coalition, addressing “Developing/Delivering the Message to Candidates.” In addition, Congressman Ben Chandler (D-KY) and Congressman Cliff Stearns (R-FL), co-chairs of the Congressional Horse Caucus, have been invited to discuss the industry’s involvement in the elections.
In the afternoon, the AHC will provide an update on national issues affecting the horse industry and urges participants to make appointments to visit with their elected officials. Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday have been set aside for these congressional visits.
For those interested in the issue of unwanted horses, an Unwanted Horse Forum has been scheduled at the U.S. Department of Agriculture from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., June 18. There is no admission fee for this forum. To register, send your name, affiliation and email address to Marsha Stephens Hurd, 800 9th St. SW, Rm. 3150, Waterfront Center, Washington, DC, 20250-2220; telephone: 202-401-5352; fax: 202-401-6156; or email [email protected].
More information about the 2008 National Issues Forum, including registration forms, schedules and more, can be found at www.horsecouncil.org or by calling the AHC offices at 202-296-4031.