‘Horses of Gettysburg’ Documentary Now on DVD

June 28, 2006 -- A new documentary film explores the relationship between soldiers and their horses during the Battle of Gettysburg and throughout the Civil War.

June 28, 2006 — Inecom Entertainment Company has announced the release of its newest documentary film, “Horses of Gettysburg.” Directed by Mark Bussler and narrated by Ronald F. Maxwell (director of the epic films “Gettysburg” and “Gods and Generals”), the film captures the relationship between soldiers and their horses during the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 and throughout the Civil War.

The documentary is available as a Special Edition 2-DVD Box Set containing a 116-minute Director’s Cut from the high-definition master with more than three hours of additional DVD features, including interviews with experts like Gettysburg National Military Park Ranger Eric Campbell.

The fourth installment in the popular Civil War Minutes series, “Horses of Gettysburg” is filled with charging horses, period photographs and battlefield panoramas with no “talking heads.” Through his narration, Maxwell tells the story of the estimated 72,000 horses and mules that fought at the Battle of Gettysburg.

According to director Mark Bussler, “The idea for the film started with questions like how many horses were involved in the Battle of Gettysburg, who fed them, how were they trained and what happened to them during the battle?”

Not only does “Horses of Gettysburg” answer those questions but it also explores little known details like the number of Union and Confederate horses killed during the three-day battle, how the Army mule differed from the Army horse, how Union and Confederate horses were procured and how unscrupulous horse dealers tried to scam the Army.

Doug Sloan, one of Hollywood’s notable horse wranglers, is featured on the commentary track of DVD. Along with Maxwell and Bussler, Sloan talks about working with horses in movies and gives additional insight into the use of horses during the Civil War.

In his interview, he explains the horse wrangler’s role on a film set and details how to care for horses when filming. Sloan says, “The title of the film alone excited me. In 1863 horses were treated like cars are today; they were overlooked, overworked and taken for granted.”

Sloan’s wrangling credentials include “The West Wing, “The Last Samurai,” “Gods and Generals,” “Gettysburg” and “Far and Away.” He has also trained actors like Richard Gere, Jodie Foster, Martin Sheen and Danny Glover to ride and drive horse-drawn wagons.

“Horses of Gettysburg” is available in video stores, Internet retailers, educational and institutional distributors and large retail chains. Visit www.horsesofgettysburg.com for more information.




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