October 8, 2008 — Now in its ninth year, the next American Association of Equine Practicioners (AAEP) Healthy Horses Workshop will be held December 6 in San Diego, Calif., and will offer seminars addressing health topics that are important to the horse owner. In addition to world-renowned veterinary experts, the 2008 Olympic silver medalist in individual eventing, Gina Miles, will be featured.
The topics and speakers for the event are:
- Eye Diseases for Horse Owners: No More Blind Horses! – Dennis Brooks, DVM, Ph.D., DACVO
- Gina Miles: What It Takes to Win Silver
- Pain-Free Saddle Fitting for You and Your Horse: Part I & II – Joyce Harman, DVM (EquiSearch.com’s Ask the Vet)
- One-Step Horsemanship: Training and Control from the Ground – David Hayes, DVM
- Nutrition: Unlock the Key to Horse Health – Lydia Gray, DVM, MA
- Olympic Equine Medicine: Experiences as an Emergency Treating Veterinarian for Five Olympic Games – Sharon Spier, DVM, Ph.D., DACVIM
The workshop will take place from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel in the Douglas Pavilion A and is being held in conjunction with the AAEP 54th Annual Convention. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. The pre-registration fee through November 10 is $70; on-site registration will be $85. Lunch is included with the cost of registration.
To register, visit www.aaep.org/healthy_horses.htm. You also may register for this event by calling the AAEP office at 800-443-0177. Seating is limited and on-site registration will be offered based on space availability. The Healthy Horses Workshop is made possible in part through the generous support of the AAEP’s Educational and Media partners, including EQUUS magazine. Gina Miles is sponsored by Nutrena.