A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Articles are listed as follows: Title (Department) Issue Number/Page Number
Department Key: (BP) Back Page, (C) Consultants, (CH) Commonsense Horsemanship, (CR) Case Report, (F) Feature, (HO) Hands On, (HW) Health Watch, (MF) Medical Front, (PER) Perspective, (RO) Ride On, (RU) Roundup, (SR) Special Report, (TTop) Table Topic, (TT) True Tale, (UVA) Until the Vet Arrives, (VS) Vital Skills
Deep, massive hoof infection (CR) 377/19 Mysterious chronic condition (CR) 380/29
Aggressiveness Meal time aggression (C) 376/69 System for classifying self-mutilation (MF) 377/9
Airport Equestrian Program Patrolling the Perimeter (BP) 382/88
Allergies Eye drops for headshaking (MF) 375/9 Severe fly allergies (C) 379/75
Anemia Life-threatening anemia (CR) 379/25
Anhidrosis Determining what unusual sweating means (HO) 380/23 A New Approach to Anhidrosis (HW) 382/17
Arthritis Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Side effect of stifle surgery (MF) 381/20 Your aging horse: Arthritis (F) 381/46 Shock-wave therapy for arthritic knees (MF) 383/10 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28 Your Aging Horse: Conditioning (F) 386/34
Arthroscopes and Arthroscopy A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36
Contagious equine metritis found Kentucky (RU) 378/62 Lyme disease prevalence (MF) 379/14 Abdominal surgery and Salmonella infections (MF) 380/17 Mysterious chronic condition (CR) 380/29 Probiotics Explained (F) 382/34 Silver dressings inhibit infections (MF) 383/11 Raging infection (CR) 384/25
Bandages and Wraps Wrapping Clinic Part 5: The hoof wrap (VS) 375/16 Trailering in hot weather (HO) 382/21
Bathing and Cleaning Tips for speeding up the shedding process (HO) 379/20 7 Habits of Highly Effective Groomers (F) 381/38 Tips for bathing a horse safely (HO) 383/13
Behavior and Behavioral Problems Eye drops for headshaking (MF) 375/9 Meal time aggression (C) 376/69 What My Horse Taught Me (BP) 376/80 System for classifying self-mutilation (MF) 377/9 Causes of teeth grinding (HO) 377/12 When Your Horse Needs a Buddy (F) 377/44 Horse who rubs mane on fences (C) 377/68 Cribbing control (C) 377/69 Aversion to fly masks (C) 378/69 Tips for tempting a finicky eater (HO) 379/19 Cause of a “thunk-thunk” sound (C) 381/77 Reasons why a horse would roll (HO) 382/21 Concerns about horses who chew tree bark (HO) 382/21 Persistent headshaking (CR) 382/27 What Your Horse Wants in Arena Footing (F) 382/48 Why Go is as Important as Whoa (CH) 382/55 Mysterious episodes of collapse (C) 382/77 Equine memory for terrain (MF) 383/8 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30 When Horses Hurt (F) 383/38 Get Your Horse to Move Out (CH) 383/59 Affects of nervous handlers (MF) 384/16 Reasons why a horse may become bridle shy (HO) 384/19 Where horses like to roll (MF) 386/8 Free-Choice Grain? (TTop) 386/12 The Six Golden Principles of Training (F) 386/38
Biomechanics Conformation Insights (F) 385/34
Birth Defects Your Aging Horse: Hearing Loss (F) 378/48
Bits Bits and oral ulcers (MF) 380/17
Blankets and Sheets Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 Spotting winter skin woes (HO) 376/11 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Neighborly Advice (SR) 376/43 Blanket-related hair loss (HO) 377/12 Overblanketing in the spring (HO) 378/17 Trailering in hot weather (HO) 382/21 Pressure exerted by blankets studied (MF) 384/15 Temporary fixes for broken blankets (HO) 386/17
Bleeding Large Laceration (UVA) 385/20
Blindness (see Eyes and Vision Disorders)
Blood and Blood Disorders Life-threatening anemia (CR) 379/25
Body Condition Scores Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Obesity Special Report: Body Condition Score (SR) 377/32
Botox Botox for stringhalt (MF) 382/15 Botox to prevent founder (MF) 386/9
Botulism Feeding haylage to horses (C) 375/64
Brain and Brain Disorders Brain stimulation device pinpoints gait abnormalities (MF) 382/13 Laterality in hearing (MF) 385/11
Breeding and Reproduction Location of embryo implantation (MF) 380/18 Exercise affects embryo recovery (MF) 382/14 Findings about equine domestication (MF) 384/14 What a pregnant mare’s heart rate reveals (MF) 385/13
Bridles Bits and oral ulcers (MF) 380/17 Your Pre-Ride Safety Checklist (CH) 381/53 Persistent headshaking (CR) 382/27 Why Go is as Important as Whoa (CH) 382/55 Reasons why a horse may become bridle shy (HO) 384/19
Bruxism Causes of teeth grinding (HO) 377/12
Bucking Horses The Natural (TT) 385/57
What a pregnant mare’s heart rate reveals (MF) 385/13 Outlook for leaky heart valves (MF) 386/11
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (RO) 384/53
Carriage Horses and Driving Movie about New York City’s carriage horses (RU) 382/70 Conformation Insights: A Question of Type (F) 386/26
Cast HorseMonitoring device for stalls (MF) 385/12
Casts and Splints Thermography to detect pressure sores (MF) 382/12
Cataracts Your Aging Horse: Vision Loss (F) 383/46
Cavalia The Six Golden Principles of Training (F) 386/38
Centered Riding Sally Swift, founder of Centered Riding, dies (RU) 381/69 Breathing Easy (CH) 386/45
Cervical Vertebral Compression Myelopathy Cervical vertebral compression myelopathy incidence (MF) 383/11
Choke Choke (UVA) 384/22 Finding the cause of drooling (HO) 385/17
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (see Recurrent Airway Obstruction)
Cleft Palate Help for a cleft palate (C) 379/76
Clipping and Clippers 7 Habits of Highly Effective Groomers (F) 381/38
Cloning Show jumping star Gem Twist is cloned (RU) 375/57
Clostridial Myositis (see Gas Gangrene)
Clubfoot Learning Farrier Lingo (F) 380/52
Coat and Hair Grooming a horse with a thick hair coat (HO) 375/13 Spotting winter skin woes (HO) 376/11 Blanket-related hair loss (HO) 377/12 Tips for speeding up the shedding process (HO) 379/20 7 Habits of Highly Effective Groomers (F) 381/38 How horse sweat cools (MF) 383/10
Colic Slow-growing tumor (CR) 375/19 Prognosis for sand colic surgery (MF) 376/7 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Clay treatment for postoperative diarrhea (MF) 379/14 Life-threatening anemia (CR) 379/25 Abdominal surgery and Salmonella infections (MF) 380/17 Colic (UVA) 382/24 Nonsurgical hernia treatment (MF) 384/17 Causes of hard, dry manure (HO) 384/20 Severe vaccination reactions (C) 384/68 Montioring device for stalls (MF) 385/12
Colitis Colitis (CR) 376/16
Coloration and Markings Cremello, perlino and light palomino compared (C) 382/79 Findings about equine domestication (MF) 384/14
Commonsense Horsemanship (Feature) Your Pre-Ride Safety Checklist (CH) 381/53 Why Go is as Important as Whoa (CH) 382/55 Get Your Horse to Move Out (CH) 383/59 Stand Still (CH) 384/47 Rebuild Your Confidence (CH) 385/41 Breathing Easy (CH) 386/45
Computerized Tomography (see CT Scans)
Conformation Help for a pigeon-toed horse, (C) 378/71 Learning Farrier Lingo (F) 380/52 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28 Conformation Insights (F) 385/34 Conformation Insights: A Question of Type (F) 386/26
Contagious Equine Metritis Contagious equine metritis found Kentucky (RU) 378/62
Coon Foot Learning Farrier Lingo (F) 380/52
Cough (see Respiratory System and Disorders)
Cresty Neck Scores Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46
Cribbing Cribbing control (C) 377/69
CT Scans A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36 Best application of CT scans of the head (MF) 385/11
Cushing’s Disease (Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction)
Lactose intolerance in foals, (MF) 375/10 Colitis (CR) 376/16 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Why horses stop ingesting salt (HO) 381/23 Causes of hard, dry manure (HO) 384/20
Dentistry (see Teeth and Dentistry)
Diagnostic Tools and Techniques Identifying stocking up (HO) 375/13 Thermal-sensing microchip (MF) 376/9 Head bobbing and lameness (HO) 376/13 Assessing neurological function (VS) 376/14 Gastrointestinal damage caused by phenylbutazone (MF) 377/10 Assessing a horse’s motor skills (VS) 377/16 A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36 Interpretations of lameness studied (MF) 378/12 Your Aging Horse: Hearing Loss (F) 378/48 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Determining what unusual sweating means (HO) 380/23 Cause of a “thunk-thunk” sound (C) 381/77 Brain stimulation device pinpoints gait abnormalities (MF) 382/13 Colic (UVA) 382/24 When Horses Hurt (F) 383/38 Reasons why a horse may become bridle shy (HO) 384/19 Causes of hard, dry manure (HO) 384/20 Best application of CT scans of the head (MF) 385/11 Finding the cause of drooling (HO) 385/17 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28 Mare who sleeps on her side and snores (C) 385/62 Computer-assisted lameness diagnosis (MF) 386/9
Diarrhea Lactose intolerance in foals, (MF) 375/10 Colitis (CR) 376/16 Clay treatment for postoperative diarrhea (MF) 379/14 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30
Diet and Nutrition (see also Feed Supplements and Feeding Methods) Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 Feeding haylage to horses (C) 375/64 Investigating heaves (C) 375/66 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Where Costs Can’t Be Cut (SR) 376/37 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Neighborly Advice (SR) 376/43 Meal time aggression (C) 376/69 Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Inflammation and pasture laminitis (MF) 378/12 Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25 Tips for tempting a finicky eater (HO) 379/19 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Protect Your Horse’s Respiratory Health (SR) 380/38 Muzzled For Moderation (F) 380/61 Fat horses and improved pastures (C) 380/84 7 Habits of Highly Effective Groomers (F) 381/38 Corn oil for horses (C) 382/78 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30 Grazing muzzle to control a horse’s hay intake? (C) 383/70 Free-Choice Grain? (TTop) 386/12 Uses for pumpkins (HO) 386/15
Digestive System and Disorders Lactose intolerance in foals, (MF) 375/10 Slow-growing tumor (CR) 375/19 Prognosis for sand colic surgery (MF) 376/7 Colitis (CR) 376/16 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Gastrointestinal damage caused by phenylbutazone (MF) 377/10 Clay treatment for postoperative diarrhea (MF) 379/14 Life-threatening anemia (CR) 379/25 Abdominal surgery and Salmonella infections (MF) 380/17 Friesian horses and megaesophagus, (MF) 381/17 Ulcers in circus horses (MF) 382/12 Lidocaine can slow intestinal motility (MF) 382/15 Colic (UVA) 382/24 Probiotics Explained (F) 382/34 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30 Nonsurgical hernia treatment (MF) 384/17 Causes of hard, dry manure (HO) 384/20 Choke (UVA) 384/22 Severe vaccination reactions (C) 384/68
Draft HorsesRetained placentas in draft mares (MF) 377/9 Conformation Insights: A Question of Type (F) 386/26
Dressage Olympic riders suspended for positive drug tests (RU) 375/56 Mucous accumulation affects performance (MF) 376/8 Equine-oriented iPhone applications (RU) 380/77 Uses for pumpkins (HO) 386/15
Dust and Dust Control Investigating heaves (C) 375/66 Protect Your Horse’s Respiratory Health (SR) 380/38
Your Aging Horse: Hearing Loss (F) 378/48 Reasons why a horse may become bridle shy (HO) 384/19 Laterality in hearing (MF) 385/11
Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22
Elderly and Older Horses A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Neighborly Advice (SR) 376/43 The Golden Year (TT) 376/66 When Your Horse Needs a Buddy (F) 377/44 First In Our Hearts (BP) 377/80 Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25 Your Aging Horse: Hearing Loss (F) 378/48 Obesity and “inflamm-aging” (MF) 381/18 Your aging horse: Arthritis (F) 381/46 Your Aging Horse: Vision Loss (F) 383/46 Dislocated pastern (CR) 386/21 Your Aging Horse: Conditioning (F) 386/34
Electrolytes Heat Exhaustion (UVA) 383/16
Embryo Transfer Exercise affects embryo recovery (MF) 382/14
Endocrine System and Disorders Steroid ointment side effects (MF) 386/11
Endoscopy A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36
Endotoxins and Endotoxemia Airborne endotoxins (MF) 376/7 Colitis (CR) 376/16
Epilepsy Mysterious episodes of collapse (C) 382/77
Equine CankerEquine canker (CR) 383/19
Equine Influenza The Great Epizootic of 1872 (F) 383/24 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30
Equine Piroplasmosis Piroplasmosis case in Florida (MF) 375/8 Protocol for importing piro-positive horses (MF) 379/16
Equine Recurrent Uveitis Leptospira and uveitis (MF) 376/6 New treatment for equine glaucoma (MF) 377/10
Exercise and Conditioning Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Your aging horse: Arthritis (F) 381/46 Exercise affects embryo recovery (MF) 382/14 Hill Work: An Equine Bodybuilding Secret (F) 382/42 Hand-walking a stall-bound horse safely (HO) 384/20 Turnout and fitness (MF) 385/10 Your Aging Horse: Conditioning (F) 386/34
Exertional Rhabdomyolysis Tying Up (UVA) 386/18
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Shock wave therapy for urinary stones (MF) 378/11 Shock-wave therapy for arthritic knees (MF) 383/10
Eyes and Vision Disorders Eye drops for headshaking (MF) 375/9 Equine visual field studied (MF) 375/10 Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 Leptospira and uveitis (MF) 376/6 New treatment for equine glaucoma (MF) 377/10 Equine night vision studied (MF) 377/11 Blindness caused by sinus infection (MF) 378/11 Factors affecting tear production (MF) 380/18 Medicating an Eye (VS) 380/26 Persistent headshaking (CR) 382/27 Your Aging Horse: Vision Loss (F) 383/46 Bridle shyness (HO) 384/19 Equine night vision tested (TTop) 385/14 Rare deadly tumor (CR) 385/23
The Frugal Horsekeeper An Equine Money Makeover (SR) 376/30 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Where Costs Can’t Be Cut (SR) 376/37 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Neighborly Advice (SR) 376/43 Stacking Hay for a Short Haul (VS) 381/26 Getting the most from the pasture (HO) 383/13 10 Back-Saving Techniques for Horsekeepers (F) 385/46
Farriers and Farriery (see also shoes and shoeing) A Natural Approach to Navicular Syndrome (F) 375/26 Colitis (CR) 376/16 Deep, massive hoof infection (CR) 377/19 Help for a pigeon-toed horse, (C) 378/71 Learning Farrier Lingo (F) 380/52 Looking for Mr. Right (BP) 380/96 Equine canker (CR) 383/19 Navicular treatment options (C) 383/70 Stand Still (CH) 384/47
Feed and Feeding (see Diet and Nutrition)
Feed Supplements Your aging horse: Arthritis (F) 381/46 Probiotics Explained (F) 382/34 Switching to feed-through products (HO) 385/18 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28
Feeding Methods Protect Your Horse’s Respiratory Health (SR) 380/38 Free-Choice Grain? (TTop) 386/12
Foaling Foaling Checklist (F) 376/50 Retained placentas in draft mares (MF) 377/9 Raising Orphan Annie (TT) 377/65 A Mother’s Instinct (TT) 380/81 What a pregnant mare’s heart rate reveals (MF) 385/13
Footing What Your Horse Wants in Arena Footing (F) 382/48
Forage Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 Feeding haylage to horses (C) 375/64 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Where Costs Can’t Be Cut (SR) 376/37 Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25 Fat horses and improved pastures (C) 380/84
Fungi and Fungal Infection Probiotics Explained (F) 382/34 Tea tree oil for ringworm (MF) 383/9 Equine canker (CR) 383/19 Finding the cause of drooling (HO) 385/17
Raging infection (CR) 384/25
Genetics Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Friesian horses and megaesophagus (MF) 381/17 Cornell researchers seek DNA samples (MF) 382/12 Cremello, perlino and light palomino compared (C) 382/79 Findings about equine domestication (MF) 384/14 Biochemistry of laminitis (MF) 384/15 Genes responsible for guttural pouch tympany (MF) 386/10
Glaucoma New treatment for equine glaucoma (MF) 377/10 Your Aging Horse: Vision Loss (F) 383/46
Grooming Grooming a horse with a thick hair coat (HO) 375/13 No-wash makeover for the tail (HO) 378/16 Tips for speeding up the shedding process (HO) 379/20 Importance of leaving scabs alone (HO) 380/25 Protect Your Horse’s Respiratory Health (SR) 380/38 7 Habits of Highly Effective Groomers (F) 381/38 Your Pre-Ride Safety Checklist (CH) 381/53
Guttural Pouches Mysterious chronic condition (CR) 380/29 Genes responsible for guttural pouch tympany (MF) 386/10
Muscle Hill wins the Hambletonian Stakes (RU) 385/53 Conformation Insights: A Question of Type (F) 386/26
Head Shaking and Tossing Eye drops for headshaking (MF) 375/9 Persistent headshaking (CR) 382/27
Headgear How a Helmet Saved my Life (F) 379/30 Your Pre-Ride Safety Checklist (CH) 381/53 Florida’s new helmet law (RU) 384/61 When to replace an aging helmet (C) 386/61
Healing The Science of Wound Ointments (F) 379/38
Heat Stress and Exhaustion A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Trailering in hot weather (HO) 382/21 Heat Exhaustion (UVA) 383/16
Heaves (see Recurrent Airway Obstruction)
Hemangiosarcoma Rare deadly tumor (CR) 385/23
Hills Hill Work: An Equine Bodybuilding Secret (F) 382/42
Hoods and Masks Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 Aversion to fly masks (C) 378/69 Fly mask features (HO) 380/24
Hooves and Hoof Disorders Wrapping Clinic Part 5: The hoof wrap (VS) 375/16 A Natural Approach to Navicular Syndrome (F) 375/26 Colitis (CR) 376/16 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Deep, massive hoof infection (CR) 377/19 Inflammation and pasture laminitis (MF) 378/12 Healthy frogs (HO) 378/16 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Learning Farrier Lingo (F) 380/52 Laminitis and seizures (C) 380/86 Hoof injury leads to bone infection (CR) 381/29 Options for easing navicular pain (C) 381/78 Equine canker (CR) 383/19 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30 Navicular treatment options (C) 383/70 Biochemistry of laminitis (MF) 384/15
Hypothyroidism A New Approach to Anhidrosis (HW) 382/17
Leptospira and uveitis (MF) 376/6 Airborne endotoxins (MF) 376/7 Life-threatening anemia (CR) 379/25 Postponing vaccinations after a horse has been ill (HO) 381/25 Steroid ointment side effects (MF) 386/11
Infection Deep, massive hoof infection (CR) 377/19 Blindness caused by sinus infection (MF) 378/11 Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25 The Science of Wound Ointments (F) 379/38 Abdominal surgery and Salmonella infections (MF) 380/17 Hoof injury leads to bone infection (CR) 381/29 Silver dressings inhibit infections (MF) 383/11 Equine canker (CR) 383/19 Raging infection (CR) 384/25 Finding the cause of drooling (HO) 385/17 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28 Protecting a horse’s pasterns in winter (HO) 386/15
Inflammation Inflammation and pasture laminitis (MF) 378/12 Obesity and “inflamm-aging” (MF) 381/18 Steroid ointment side effects (MF) 386/11
Injections Your aging horse: Arthritis (F) 381/46 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28 Tying Up (UVA) 386/18
Injuries Hopeful outlook for extensor tendon injuries (MF) 376/8 Deep, massive hoof infection (CR) 377/19 Your Aging Horse: Hearing Loss (F) 378/48 Why horses stop ingesting salt (HO) 381/23 Outcome after a horse injures his hip (HO) 381/25 Hoof injury leads to bone infection (CR) 381/29 Thermography to detect pressure sores (MF) 382/12 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30 Large Laceration (UVA) 385/20 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28 Dislocated pastern (CR) 386/21 Your Aging Horse: Conditioning (F) 386/34 Prognosis for a torn medial collateral ligament (C) 386/60
Insects and Insect Control A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Severe fly allergies (C) 379/75 Fly mask features (HO) 380/24 Targeted Pest Control (F) 380/66 Plants that attract stable flies (MF) 381/18 15 Ways to Become a “Green” Rider (SR) 381/60 Reasons why a horse would roll (HO) 382/21 Dangers to dogs of fly-control product (C) 384/71 Switching to feed-through products (HO) 385/18
Insulin Resistance Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Muzzled For Moderation (F) 380/61
Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Side effect of stifle surgery (MF) 381/20 Outcome after a horse injures his hip (HO) 381/25 Your aging horse: Arthritis (F) 381/46 Options for easing navicular pain (C) 381/78 Shock-wave therapy for arthritic knees (MF) 383/10 Perils of overstretching (MF) 384/17 Preventing shoe boils (HO) 384/19 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28 Protecting a horse’s pasterns in winter (HO) 386/15 Dislocated pastern (CR) 386/21
John Henry statue (RU) 376/63 Alysheba joins Hall of Champions (RU) 376/64 Countdown to World Equestrian Games begins (RU) 376/65 Funny Cide moves to Hall of Champions (RU) 377/63 Alysheba put down at age 25 (RU) 381/69
Knots Tying a modified quick-release knot (VS) 379/22
Lactose intolerance in foals, (MF) 375/10
Lameness Head bobbing and lameness (HO) 376/13 Special Report on Obesity: Slim & Sound (SR) 377/30 Interpretations of lameness studied (MF) 378/12 Shock-wave therapy for arthritic knees (MF) 383/10 Computer-assisted lameness diagnosis (MF) 386/9
Laminitis Colitis (CR) 376/16 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Special Report on Obesity: Slim & Sound (SR) 377/30 Inflammation and pasture laminitis (MF) 378/12 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Muzzled For Moderation (F) 380/61 Laminitis and seizures (C) 380/86 Biochemistry of laminitis (MF) 384/15 Botox to prevent founder (MF) 386/9
Laparoscopy A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36
Laryngeal Hemiplegia Mare who sleeps on her side and snores (C) 385/62
Legs and Leg Disorders Identifying stocking up (HO) 375/13 Hopeful outlook for extensor tendon injuries (MF) 376/8 What Liniments Can Do (F) 378/32
Ligaments and Ligament Disorders Side effect of stifle surgery (MF) 381/20 Dislocated pastern (CR) 386/21 Prognosis for a torn medial collateral ligament (C) 386/60
Liniments and PoulticesWhat Liniments Can Do (F) 378/32
Lipomas Slow-growing tumor (CR) 375/19
Lyme DiseaseA Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Lyme disease prevalence (MF) 379/14
A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36
Manes and Tails Horse who rubs mane on fences (C) 377/68 No-wash makeover for the tail (HO) 378/16 7 Habits of Highly Effective Groomers (F) 381/38
Manure and Manure Management Investigating heaves (C) 375/66 Four Simple Rules for Low Impact Trail Riding (F) 378/38 Protect Your Horse’s Respiratory Health (SR) 380/38 Causes of hard, dry manure (HO) 384/20 Dangers to dogs of fly-control product (C) 384/71 10 Back-Saving Techniques for Horsekeepers (F) 385/46
Medications and Drugs Eye drops for headshaking (MF) 375/9 Keeping medications in a climate-controlled area (HO) 375/14 More Olympic riders suspended (RU) 376/62 Gastrointestinal damage caused by phenylbutazone (MF) 377/10 New treatment for equine glaucoma (MF) 377/10 Environmental cause of false positives(MF) 378/12 Your Aging Horse: Hearing Loss (F) 378/48 Norwegian Olympic team may lose medal (RU) 378/62 The Science of Wound Ointments (F) 379/38 Medicating an Eye (VS) 380/26 Pergolide storage guidelines (MF) 381/16 Your aging horse: Arthritis (F) 381/46 Options for easing navicular pain (C) 381/78 Lidocaine can slow intestinal motility (MF) 382/15 Selenium poisoning suspected in polo deaths (RU) 382/69 Heat Exhaustion (UVA) 383/16 Equine canker (CR) 383/19 When Horses Hurt (F) 383/38 Raging infection (CR) 384/25 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28
Mouths and Mouth Disorders Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25
Mud Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 Protecting a horse’s pasterns in winter (HO) 386/15
Muscles and Muscle Disorders Recurrent airway obstruction causes muscle changes (MF) 375/9 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 What Liniments Can Do (F) 378/32 Botox for stringhalt (MF) 382/15 Botox to prevent founder (MF) 386/9 Tying Up (UVA) 386/18
Muzzles Muzzled For Moderation (F) 380/61 Grazing muzzle to control a horse’s hay intake? (C) 383/70
Mysterious episodes of collapse (C) 382/77
Navicular SyndromeA Natural Approach to Navicular Syndrome (F) 375/26 Options for easing navicular pain (C) 381/78 Navicular treatment options (C) 383/70 Your Aging Horse: Conditioning (F) 386/34
Nervous System and Neurological Disorders Assessing neurological function (VS) 376/14 Assessing a horse’s motor skills (VS) 377/16 Parasitic nematode can cause scoliosis (MF) 378/10 Why the blood-brain barrier might fail (MF) 379/14 The economics of West Nile virus vaccination (HO) 379/19 Determining what unusual sweating means (HO) 380/23 Botox for stringhalt (MF) 382/15 Cervical vertebral compression myelopathy incidence (MF) 383/11 When Horses Hurt (F) 383/38 Best application of CT scans of the head (MF) 385/11 Finding the cause of drooling (HO) 385/17
Nutrition (see Diet and Nutrition)
Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Obesity Special Report: Body Condition Score (SR) 377/32 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Obesity and “inflamm-aging” (MF) 381/18
Oils and Fats Corn oil for horses (C) 382/78
Ointments The Science of Wound Ointments (F) 379/38 Steroid ointment side effects (MF) 386/11
Orphaned Foals When Your Horse Needs a Buddy (F) 377/44
Mealtime aggression (C) 376/69 Causes of teeth grinding (HO) 377/12 Life-threatening anemia (CR) 379/25 Options for easing navicular pain (C) 381/78 Colic (UVA) 382/24 Why Go is as Important as Whoa (CH) 382/55 Sore throats in horses (HO) 383/14 When Horses Hurt (F) 383/38 Bridle shyness (HO) 384/19 Raging infection (CR) 384/25 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28
Parasites and Parasite Control Piroplasmosis case in Florida (MF) 375/8 Spotting winter skin woes (HO) 376/11 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Where Costs Can’t Be Cut (SR) 376/37 Parasitic nematode can cause scoliosis (MF) 378/10 What’s Your Internal Parasite IQ? (F) 379/56 Switching to feed-through products (HO) 385/18
Pasterns Protecting a horse’s pasterns in winter (HO) 386/15 Dislocated pastern (CR) 386/21
Pastures Inflammation and pasture laminitis (MF) 378/12 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Fat horses and improved pastures (C) 380/84 Getting the most from the pasture (HO) 383/13 Where horses like to roll (MF) 386/8
Performance and Performance Problems Mucous accumulation affects performance (MF) 376/8
Periodic Ophthalmia (see Equine Recurrent Uveitis)
Pest Control Targeted Pest Control (F) 380/66
Photosensitivity A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22
Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Muzzled For Moderation (F) 380/61 Laminitis and seizures (C) 380/86 Pergolide storage guidelines (MF) 381/16 Your Aging Horse: Conditioning (F) 386/34
Plants and Weeds Four Simple Rules for Low Impact Trail Riding (F) 378/38 Plants that attract stable flies (MF) 381/18 Where horses like to roll (MF) 386/8
Plasma Transfusions Colitis (CR) 376/16
Pneumonia Help for a cleft palate (C) 379/76
Poisons and Poisoning Animal Poison Control Center hotline (MF) 379/16 Dangerous yard wastes and how to deal with neighbors (HO) 380/23 Concerns about horses who chew tree bark (HO) 382/21 Selenium poisoning suspected in polo deaths (RU) 382/69 Dangers to dogs of fly-control product (C) 384/71
Potomac Horse Fever A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22
Pressure Sores Pressure exerted by blankets studied (MF) 384/15
Peppers Pride wins 17th consecutive race (RUN) 375/59 Suffolk Downs anti-slaughter policy (RU) 375/59 John Henry statue unveiled (RU) 376/63 More racetracks adopt anti-slaughter policies (RU) 376/63 Alysheba joins Hall of Champions (RU) 376/64 Funny Cide moves to Kentucky Horse Park (RU) 377/63 Environmental cause of false positives (MF) 378/12 Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25 Peppers Pride retires (RU) 378/61 Scenes From the Backstretch (TT) 378/65 Basketball team’s honors Secretariat (RU) 379/65 Thoroughbred speed at limit? (MF) 380/20 Alysheba put down at age 25 (RU) 381/69 Jockey Club offers free tattoo identification service (RU) 383/66 Conformation Insights: A Question of Type (F) 386/26
Rainrot Spotting winter skin woes (HO) 376/11 Importance of leaving scabs alone (HO) 380/25 Watching for rainrot in the fall (HO) 385/17
Recurrent Airway Obstruction Recurrent airway obstruction causes muscle changes (MF) 375/9 Investigating heaves (C) 375/66 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Protect Your Horse’s Respiratory Health (SR) 380/38
Recurrent Exertional Rhabdomyolysis A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22
Reproductive System and Disorders Location of embryo implantation (MF) 380/18 Exercise affects embryo recovery (MF) 382/14
Respiratory System and Disorders Recurrent airway obstruction causes muscle changes (MF) 375/9 Veterinarian dies after contracting Hendra virus(MF) 375/11 Investigating heaves (C) 375/66 Airborne endotoxins (MF) 376/7 Mucous accumulation affects performance (MF) 376/8 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25 Protect Your Horse’s Respiratory Health (SR) 380/38 A New Approach to Anhidrosis (HW) 382/17 Sore throats in horses (HO) 383/14 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30 Raging infection (CR) 384/25 Mare who sleeps on her side and snores (C) 385/62 Genes responsible for guttural pouch tympany (MF) 386/10
Restraints Tying a modified quick-release knot (VS) 379/22 Stand Still (CH) 384/47
Ringworm Spotting winter skin woes (HO) 376/11 Tea tree oil for ringworm (MF) 383/9
Roaring (see Laryngeal Hemiplegia)
Rodents A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Targeted Pest Control (F) 380/66
Rodeos Arizona bans horse tripping events (RU) 384/63 The Natural (TT) 385/57
Rolling Reasons why a horse would roll (HO) 382/21 Where horses like to roll (MF) 386/8
Your Pre-Ride Safety Checklist (CH) 381/53 Why Go is as Important as Whoa (CH) 382/55 Safety catches on the stirrup bars (C) 385/63
Saliva and Salivation Finding the cause of drooling (HO) 385/17
Salt and Salt Blocks Why horses stop ingesting salt (HO) 381/23
Sarcoids Mysterious skin condition (C) 376/68 New sarcoid treatment (MF) 379/13
Scoliosis Parasitic nematode can cause scoliosis (MF) 378/10
Scratches A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Importance of leaving scabs alone (HO) 380/25
Seizures Laminitis and seizures (C) 380/86 Mysterious episodes of collapse (C) 382/77 Best application of CT scans of the head (MF) 385/11
Self-Mutilation System for classifying self-mutilation (MF) 377/9
Shoes and Shoeing (see also Farriers and Farriery) A Natural Approach to Navicular Syndrome (F) 375/26 Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 Deep, massive hoof infection (CR) 377/19 Removing a shoe (VS) 378/18 Help for a pigeon-toed horse, (C) 378/71 Learning Farrier Lingo (F) 380/52 Options for easing navicular pain (C) 381/78 Navicular treatment options (C) 383/70 Preventing shoe boils (HO) 384/19
Skeletal System and Disorders Technology to “hear” microfractures (MF) 377/8 Parasitic nematode can cause scoliosis (MF) 378/10 Natural growth factor can speed bone healing (MF) 379/12 Conformation Insights (F) 385/34
Skin and Skin Disorders Spotting winter skin woes (HO) 376/11 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Mysterious skin condition (C) 376/68 What Liniments Can Do (F) 378/32 New sarcoid treatment (MF) 379/13 Reasons why a horse would roll (HO) 382/21 Tea tree oil for ringworm (MF) 383/9 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30 Watching for rainrot in the fall (HO) 385/17 Protecting a horse’s pasterns in winter (HO) 386/15
Slaughter Suffolk Downs anti-slaughter policy (RU) 375/59 More racetracks adopt anti-slaughter policies (RU) 376/63 New program hopes prevent slaughter (RU) 377/63 New horse transport legislation introduced (RU) 379/66 States introduce measures to protect equine slaughter (RU) 380/78 The Case Against Equine Slaughter (PER) 384/6
Sleep and Sleep Disorders Mysterious episodes of collapse (C) 382/77 Mare who sleeps on her side and snores (C) 385/62
Spooking Horse who spooks on the trail (C) 384/68
Spurs Get Your Horse to Move Out (CH) 383/59
Stabling and Turning Out Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 Airborne endotoxins (MF) 376/7 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Where Costs Can’t Be Cut (SR) 376/37 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Neighborly Advice (SR) 376/43 Turnout and fitness (MF) 385/10 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28
Stem Cells and Stem-Cell Therapy Your aging horse: Arthritis (F) 381/46
Steroids Equine canker (CR) 383/19 Steroid ointment side effects (MF) 386/11
Stirrups Your Pre-Ride Safety Checklist (CH) 381/53 Safety catches on the stirrup bars (C) 385/63
Stocking Up Identifying stocking up (HO) 375/13
Stringhalt Botox for stringhalt (MF) 382/15
Subluxation Dislocated pastern (CR) 386/21
Sun and Sun Protection A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Protect horses from sunburn (HO) 382/22
Sweating Determining what unusual sweating means (HO) 380/23 A New Approach to Anhidrosis (HW) 382/17 How horse sweat cools (MF) 383/10
Swellings Identifying stocking up (HO) 375/13 Raging infection (CR) 384/25
Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter Tying Up (UVA) 386/18
Causes of teeth grinding (HO) 377/12 Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25 Mysterious chronic condition (CR) 380/29 Cause of a “thunk-thunk” sound (C) 381/77 Color of horses’ teeth (HO) 383/13 Bridle shyness (HO) 384/19 Your Aging Horse: Dental Problems (F) 384/32
Tendons and Tendon Disorders Hopeful outlook for extensor tendon injuries (MF) 376/8
Tetanus Importance of vaccination (MF) 376/8
Thermography A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36 Thermography to detect pressure sores (MF) 382/12
Thrush Equine canker (CR) 383/19
Thumps (See Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter)
Thyroid Gland and Thyroid Disorders A New Approach to Anhidrosis (HW) 382/17
Ticks A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Protocol for importing piro-positive horses (MF) 379/16 Targeted Pest Control (F) 380/66
Toxic and Hazardous Plants A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Dangerous yard wastes (HO) 380/23
Trailers and Trailering Making a horse comfortable when he returns home after a trip (HO) 375/15 Using the left side of a two-horse trailer when trailering a single horse (HO) 377/15 Retraining to unload (C) 381/76 Trailering in hot weather (HO) 382/21 The Latest in Trailer Gadgets & Gear Options (F) 384/38
Trails and Trail Riding Elmer Bandit sets competitive trail records (RU) 376/64 Four Simple Rules for Low Impact Trail Riding (F) 378/38 Positions on the trail (HO) 379/20 National equestrian trail association planned (RU) 379/65 Equine-oriented iPhone applications (RU) 380/77 Horse who spooks on the trail (C) 384/68 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28 On-line survey of restricted or closed trails (RU) 385/52 The Trail in Autumn (BP) 385/72
Training Meal time aggression (C) 376/69 What My Horse Taught Me (BP) 376/80 Making the most of the mounting block (HO) 377/14 When Your Horse Needs a Buddy (F) 377/44 Aversion to fly masks (C) 378/69 Positions on the trail (HO) 379/20 Equine long-term memory (MF) 380/16 Retraining to unload (C) 381/76 Persistent headshaking (CR) 382/27 Hill Work: An Equine Bodybuilding Secret (F) 382/42 Get Your Horse to Move Out (CH) 383/59 Bridle shyness (HO) 384/19 Stand Still (CH) 384/47 Horse who spooks on the trail (C) 384/68 Uses for pumpkins (HO) 386/15 The Six Golden Principles of Training (F) 386/38
Tying Up (see Exertional Rhabdomyolysis)
Bits and oral ulcers (MF) 380/17 Ulcers in circus horses (MF) 382/12 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30
Ultrasound A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36
Upward Fixation of the Patella Side effect of stifle surgery (MF) 381/20
Urinary Tract and Disorders Shock wave therapy for urinary stones (MF) 378/11
Importance of vaccination (MF) 376/8 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Where Costs Can’t Be Cut (SR) 376/37 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Neighborly Advice (SR) 376/43 Foaling checklist (F) 376/50 Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign (RU) 378/61 New sarcoid treatment (MF) 379/13 The economics of West Nile virus vaccination (HO) 379/19 When to postponing routine vaccinations (HO) 381/25 Severe vaccination reactions (C) 384/68
Ventilation Investigating heaves (C) 375/66 Protect Your Horse’s Respiratory Health (SR) 380/38 Trailering in hot weather (HO) 382/21
Viruses Veterinarian dies after contracting Hendra virus(MF) 375/11 Second Australian veterinarian dies of a Hendra virus infection (RU) 386/55
Vision (see Eyes and Vision Disorders)
Heat Exhaustion (UVA) 383/16
Warts 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30
Watering and Watering Supplies Using a leaky water trough as a hay feeder (HOT) 375/14 Make the Most of Winter Turnout (F) 375/34 A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Where Costs Can’t Be Cut (SR) 376/37 The Frugal Horsekeeper: Neighborly Advice (SR) 376/43 Why horses stop ingesting salt (HO) 381/23 Trailering in hot weather (HO) 382/21 Drinking water in the summer (HO) 382/23 Heat Exhaustion (UVA) 383/16
Weanlings When Your Horse Needs a Buddy (F) 377/44 7 Common Weanling Woes (F) 383/30
Weed Free Feed Four Simple Rules for Low Impact Trail Riding (F) 378/38
Weight and Weight Management (see Obesity) A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 Is Your Horse Too Fat? (SR) 377/24 Obesity Special Report: Body Condition Score (SR) 377/32 Unusual dental condition (CR) 378/25 Assess Your Horse’s Laminitis Risk (F) 379/46 Fat horses and improved pastures (C) 380/84 Grazing muzzle to control a horse’s hay intake? (C) 383/70 Your Aging Horse: Dental Problems (F) 384/32
Weight-Carrying Ability Conformation Insights: A Question of Type (F) 386/26
West Nile Virus A Horsekeeper’s Plan for All Seasons (F) 376/22 The economics of West Nile virus vaccination (HO) 379/19
Wounds and Wound Treatment The Science of Wound Ointments (F) 379/38 Importance of leaving scabs alone (HO) 380/25 Mysterious chronic condition (CR) 380/29 Hoof injury leads to bone infection (CR) 381/29 Silver dressings inhibit infections (MF) 383/11 Large Laceration (UVA) 385/20
Wraps (see Bandages and Wraps)
A Consumer’s Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (F) 377/36 Arthritis Quiz (F) 385/28
Probiotics Explained (F) 382/34