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EQUUS Magazine 2013 Articles Index
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Equus
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Articles are listed as follows: Title (Department) Issue Number/Page Number
Department Key: (BP) Back Page, (C) Consultants, (CH) Commonsense Horsemanship, (CR) Case Report, (F) Feature, (HO) Hands On, (HW) Health Watch, (MF) Medical Front, (PER) Perspective, (RO) Ride On, (RU) Roundup, (SR) Special Report, (TTop) Table Topic, (TT) True Tale, (UVA) Until the Vet Arrives, (VS) Vital Skills
Ability -see also- Problem-Solving Ability
Abortion Research from Kentucky shows that a mare’s age may affect the success of twin reduction. (MF)?? 430/10
Above and Beyond Animal Care Obie’s Ocular Enigma. (CR)?? 424/14
Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Abscesses An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23
Abuse and Neglect What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32
Accidents and Safety The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40 Protecting yourself from kicks. (HO)?? 427/19 Hung Up. (CR)?? 427/23 Trailer safety check. (HO)?? 428/16 After the Fall. (F)?? 428/40 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Techniques to minimize risks when crossing a road. (HO)?? 430/15 Tips to make the wash stall safer. (HO)?? 431/13 Clues that a helmet is ready to be replaced. (HO)?? 433/17
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (Journal) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11
Acute Equine Diarrhea Syndrome -see- Potomac Horse Fever
Adams, Kent Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21
Adoption The One Left Behind. (F)?? 425/46 My Good Samaritan Summer. (TT)?? 427/73
Age and Aging -see also- Elderly and Older Horses -see also- Young Horses University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6 Forever Young. (BP)?? 423/80 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Research from Kentucky shows that a mare’s age may affect the success of twin reduction. (MF)?? 430/10 A Life Well Lived. (BP)?? 431/80
Aggressiveness How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Air Pollution Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58
Air-Vest The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Airowear The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Airplanes Dutch researchers study horses and air travel. (MF)?? 425/12
Albright, Julia What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86
Alessio, John Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Allergies Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46 Asthma attack. (C)?? 430/71
American Association of Equine Practitioners Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
American Horse Shows Association Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene University of South Florida researchers find snakes are hosts of the eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus. (MF)?? 425/11
The American Journal of Veterinary Research University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10 Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10
American Saddlebred Horses Reverse Psychology. (BP)?? 430/80
American Society for Testing and Materials The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals . (MF)?? 432/14
American Standardbred Horses -see- Standardbred Horses
Amnion and Amnion Dressings Italian researchers find that transplanting amnion cells from sheep into injured equine tendons improves healing. (MF)?? 426/12
Ampe, Romain Home Away From Home. (BP)?? 429/80
Anaphylactic Shock Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46
Anatomy -see also- Backs and Back Problems -see also- Brain and Brain Disorders -see also- Cardiovascular System and Disorders -see also- Digestive System and Disorders -see also- Ears and Hearing Disorders -see also- Endocrine System and Disorders -see also- Eyes and Vision Disorders-see also- Guttural Pouches -see also- Hooves and Hoof Disorders -see also- Immune System and Disorders -see also- Joints and Joint Disorders -see also- Kidneys and Kidney Disease -see also- Legs and Leg Disorders -see also- Mouths and Mouth Disorders -see also- Muscles and Muscle Disorders -see also- Necks and Neck Disorders -see also- Nervous System and Neurological Disorders -see also- Nose and Nasal Disorders -see also- Pancreas and Pancreatic Disorders -see also- Pituitary Gland and Pituitary Disorders -see also- Reproductive System and Disorders -see also- Respiratory System and Disorders -see also- Skeletal System and Disorders -see also- Skin and Skin Disorders -see also- Tendons and Tendon Disorders -see also- Urinary Tract and Disorders -see also- Withers Pop Quiz: Where on a horse’s body will you find Galvayne’s groove? (HO)?? 431/13
Anchor D. Guiding & Outfitting Ltd. Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Anderson (Clinton) Emergency Brake Maneuver Training to stop on a dime. (C)?? 428/94
Andersson, Leif Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Anesthesia Anesthesia Without Fear. (F)?? 425/50 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Anhidrosis 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Animal and Human Relationship -see also- Horse and Human Relationship
The Animal Clinic and Pharmacy An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19
Animal Cognition (Journal) Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14
Animal Genetics (Journal) German study suggests that genetics plays an important role in a horse’s competitive success. (MF)?? 423/7
Animal Health Foundation A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88
Animal Health Trust English researchers study saddle slippage and lameness. (MF)?? 425/11 Large-scale outbreak of respiratory disease among Icelandic Horses is linked to common bacteria that normally do not cause illness. (MF)?? 425/13 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Animal Poison Control Center . (MF)?? 432/14
Animal Relationships -see also- Horse to Horse Relationship Companion options for lonely horses. (HO)?? 425/15 Special Section on Barn Dogs: 5 Skills Every Barn Dog Needs. (SECT)?? 431/52 Sheepish. (BP)?? 432/88
Animals -see also- Bats -see also- Birds -see also- Cats -see also- Coyotes -see also- Dogs -see also- Donkeys and Asses -see also- Goats -see also- Opossums -see also- Ponies -see also- Poultry -see also- Rodents -see also- Sheep -see also- Wild Animals Pop Quiz: Animal most closely related to horses. (HO)?? 425/15 Pop Quiz: Animals that make effective predators against rodents. (HO)?? 427/19
Antiseptics Differences in povidone iodine formulas. (HO)?? 430/16
Anxiety and Fear A Second Chance. (TT)?? 423/64 Can horses learn by observing other horses. (C)?? 423/66 How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 McNeese State University study suggests a whiff of lavender can help calm a high-strung horse. (MF)?? 426/12 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 What to do when resistance develops suddenly. (C)?? 429/72 Key to My Heart. (TT)?? 430/67 Things to watch for during weaning. (HO)?? 432/17
Appalachian Veterinary Services Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21
Appetite and Eating Disorders The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Journal) Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15
Arabian Horses What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 The Transformation. (TT)?? 433/67
Arizona Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22
Aroma Therapy McNeese State University study suggests a whiff of lavender can help calm a high-strung horse. (MF)?? 426/12
Art and Artists A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40 All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Arthritis Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12
Asses -see- Donkeys and Asses
Asthma Asthma attack. (C)?? 430/71
ASTM International Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Athletes, Equine -see- Equine Athletes
Attitude Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30
Auburn University New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Auburn University research may explain the link between cribbing and one type of colic. (MF)?? 431/9
Auctions and Sales (Horse) -see- Buying and Selling Horses
Aurich, J?rg Austrian researchers call for end to hot-iron branding. (MF)?? 424/9
Australia Australian study suggests that recombinant vaccines can be administered on an accelerated schedule to more quickly control outbreaks of equine influenza. (MF)?? 424/8 A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11 Clenbuterol shows promise as a treatment for endotoxemia. (MF)?? 430/11 . (MF)?? 431/10 Australian researchers study risks of joint injections. (MF)?? 433/15
Australian Bat Lyssavirus . (MF)?? 431/10
Australian Veterinary Journal Australian researchers study risks of joint injections. (MF)?? 433/15
Austria Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14
Automobiles and Vans When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Autumn Timesaving tips to finish barn chores during remaining daylight in autumn. (HO)?? 433/18
Avian Diseases (Journal) Danish researchers trace outbreak of respiratory disease on a poultry farm to a herd of horses. (MF)?? 426/11
Backing Up Training to stop on a dime. (C)?? 428/94
Backs and Back Problems French study indicates how a horse holds his neck while at rest provides clues to the health of his back. (MF)?? 426/13 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Bacteria Large-scale outbreak of respiratory disease among Icelandic Horses is linked to common bacteria that normally do not cause illness. (MF)?? 425/13 Danish researchers trace outbreak of respiratory disease on a poultry farm to a herd of horses. (MF)?? 426/11
Bad Breath -see- Halitosis
Bailey, Simon Clenbuterol shows promise as a treatment for endotoxemia. (MF)?? 430/11
Balaam-Morgan, Tanya The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26
Balance Series on Conformation: Hoof Balance. (F)?? 428/77 Series on Conformation: Two Extremes in Hoof Imbalance. (F)?? 429/55 Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51
Band Neutrophils University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13
Bandages and Wraps -see also- Casts and Splints Hung Up. (CR)?? 427/23 First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66 Helping wounds heal. (HO)?? 429/19
Baril, Karen Elizabeth The One Left Behind. (F)?? 425/46 Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Barns -see- Stables and Stable Care
Barrett, Myra The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Bartol, Jacqueline When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40
Bathing and Cleaning Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44
Bats . (MF)?? 431/10
Baylor University Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Beartooth Plateau Outfitters Inc. Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Beasley, Month After the Fall. (F)?? 428/40
Bed Itch Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Bedding Suitable wood shavings as bedding. (C)?? 431/72 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32
Behavior and Behavioral Problems French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 Seasonal mare behavior. (HO)?? 423/11 Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22 A Second Chance. (TT)?? 423/64 Can horses learn by observing other horses. (C)?? 423/66 Benefits of flexible feeding times. (HO)?? 424/11 How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 French researchers study horse problem-solving abilities. (MF)?? 425/10 McNeese State University study suggests a whiff of lavender can help calm a high-strung horse. (MF)?? 426/12 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 Protecting yourself from kicks. (HO)?? 427/19 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 Will foal of a mare with neurological problems mimic his mother’s behavior. (C)?? 427/78 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11 What tooth grinding means. (HO)?? 428/15 What to do when resistance develops suddenly. (C)?? 429/72 The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 Key to My Heart. (TT)?? 430/67 Auburn University research may explain the link between cribbing and one type of colic. (MF)?? 431/9 Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10 Determining why a horse doesn’t like to be touched. (HO)?? 431/14 Things to watch for during weaning. (HO)?? 432/17 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32 Sheepish. (BP)?? 432/88 English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13 If Your Horse Gets Loose. (F)?? 433/48 An Ordinary Horse. (F)?? 433/56 The Transformation. (TT)?? 433/67 Behaving badly on the trail. (C)?? 433/72 Breaking the habit of slowing down when passing the arena gate. (HO)?? 434/17 The Pony and Me. (TT)?? 434/77 Dealing with mouthy behavior. (C)?? 434/81
Behavior (Human) Breaking the habit of slowing down when passing the arena gate. (HO)?? 434/17
Behavioural Processes (Journal) French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7
Belgium Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16
Belgrave, Rodney L. Will foal of a mare with neurological problems mimic his mother’s behavior. (C)?? 427/78
Belknap, James Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32
Belli, Debra The Transformation. (TT)?? 433/67
Belmont Stakes Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Bennett, Stephanie Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23
Bergin, Barbara Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Bertone, Joe Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Biomechanics Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Birds Pop Quiz: Animals that make effective predators against rodents. (HO)?? 427/19 Pop Quiz: Wild animals that prey upon small rodents. (HO)?? 433/17
Birth Japanese veterinarians find a new way to predict foaling. (MF)?? 427/17 Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12
Birth Defects Seeking Closure. (CR)?? 433/23 Ohio and Kentucky researchers study cleft palate survival. (MF)?? 434/12 Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Black, Jerry Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Bladders -see- Urinary Tract and Disorders
Blankets and Sheets Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11 Steps to to keep stored blankets in good shape. (HO)?? 427/19 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Blikslager, Anthony Watering a sweaty horse. (C)?? 432/78
Blindness -see- Eyes and Vision Disorders
Blood and Blood Disorders Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21
Blood Clots Pop Quiz: What a horse’s body does with calcium. (HO)?? 423/11
Blood Pressure French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
Blood Tests -see- Diagnostic Tools and Techniques
Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56
Body Condition and Body Condition Scores Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11
Body Language How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Body Protectors The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Bold Ruler (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Bones -see- Skeletal System and Disorders
Boojum Expeditions Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Books and Literature The Book that Changed My Life. (BP)?? 425/80
Boots Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Borade, Devyani The Last Tanga. (TT)?? 424/67
Botulism Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15
Bradley, William When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40
Brain (Human) Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Brain and Brain Disorders Czech Republic researchers find support for the theory that narcolepsy can be inherited. (MF)?? 423/9 University of South Florida researchers find snakes are hosts of the eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus. (MF)?? 425/11 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 . (MF)?? 431/10
Brandenburg State Stud Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14
Branding Austrian researchers call for end to hot-iron branding. (MF)?? 424/9
Brannaman, Buck After the Fall. (F)?? 428/40
Breakdowns -see- Injuries
Breaking Horses -see- Training Horses
Breathing -see- Respiratory System and Disorders
Breeding and Reproduction -see also- Pregnancy New study fails to support the theory that centuries of breeding have produced horses who are innately “in tune” with their human handlers. (MF)?? 433/12 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42 Breeding for white markings. (C)?? 434/81
Breeds -see also- American Saddlebred Horses -see also- Arabian Horses -see also- Connemara Ponies -see also- Dartmoor Ponies -see also- Donkeys and Asses -see also- Gotland Horses -see also- Hobby Horses -see also- Icelandic Horses -see also- New Forest Ponies -see also- Paso Fino Horses -see also- Ponies -see also- Quarter Horses -see also- Tennessee Walking Horses -see also- Thoroughbred Horses -see also- Warmblood Horses Pop Quiz: Pony breed that did not originate in the British Isles. (HO)?? 424/11 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46
Bridle Paths -see- Trails and Trail Riding
Briefer Freymond, Sabrina Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10
British Equestrian Trade Association The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
British Equine Veterinary Association English researchers study saddle slippage and lameness. (MF)?? 425/11
Bruises -see also- Hoof Bruises Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12
Bruxism What tooth grinding means. (HO)?? 428/15
Bryant, Jeri Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Buckley, Petra Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11
Buhl, Rikke Danish researchers studying cardiac activity in horses undergoing euthanasia recommend administering a sedative before the procedure. (MF)?? 428/10
Burek, Roy Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Butler, Teresa Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Buying and Selling Horses Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26
Byerly Turcoman Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Cable, Lee A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Calcium Pop Quiz: What a horse’s body does with calcium. (HO)?? 423/11
Camps Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Canada Canadian study suggests that fragmentation of a bone within the hock may go unnoticed until radiographs are taken. (MF)?? 429/15 A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17
Cancer A Second Chance. (TT)?? 423/64 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14
Candy-see- Treats and Snacks
Canker, Equine -see- Equine Canker
Cantharidin Toxicity Beetle in a Haystack. (CR)?? 428/21
Cardiovascular System and Disorders New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13 Anesthesia Without Fear. (F)?? 425/50 Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14 Danish researchers studying cardiac activity in horses undergoing euthanasia recommend administering a sedative before the procedure. (MF)?? 428/10 University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12 Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44 New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
Carlson, Hobbie Key to My Heart. (TT)?? 430/67
Carousel Horses All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Carriage -see- Posture and Carriage
Carriage Horses and Driving The Last Tanga. (TT)?? 424/67
Carriere, Kerri Seeking Closure. (CR)?? 433/23
Cartilage Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12
Casco Manufacturing Solutions The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Case Report (Feature) Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Obie’s Ocular Enigma. (CR)?? 424/14 Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21 An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23 Hung Up. (CR)?? 427/23 Beetle in a Haystack. (CR)?? 428/21 Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24 An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19 A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17 Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23 Seeking Closure. (CR)?? 433/23 Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Casman, Holly Beetle in a Haystack. (CR)?? 428/21
Castration Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Casts and Splints First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66
Cats Pop Quiz: Animals that make effective predators against rodents. (HO)?? 427/19
Cavalry and Cavalry Horses Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Cellular Telephones Protecting yourself from kicks. (HO)?? 427/19
Cellulitis New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12
Cervical Vertebral Malformation -see- Wobbler Syndrome
Chalon, Henry Bernard A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Character and Personality Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 The Pony and Me. (TT)?? 434/77
Charles II, King Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Charles Sturt University Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11
Charles University Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14
Chemicals What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86
Chemotherapy -see- Medications and Drugs
Chenery, Christopher Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Chenery, Helen “Penny” Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Chestnuts Pop Quiz: Another name for a chestnut. (HO)?? 430/15
Chewing How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Children and Youth That First Ride. (BP)?? 426/112
China (Country) Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51
Chitwood, Linda An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23
Choke The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease -see- Recurrent Airway Obstruction
Cinches -see- Girths and Cinches
Circulatory System -see- Cardiovascular System and Disorders
Clayton, Hilary Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Cleaning and Cleaning Products -see also- Bathing and Cleaning Using a mesh laundry bag to dry wet sponges. (HOT)?? 428/16 Using a shower puff the clean a horse’s fetlocks and pasterns. (HOT)?? 433/18
Cleft Palate Ohio and Kentucky researchers study cleft palate survival. (MF)?? 434/12
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology (Journal) Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14
Clinics, Seminars and Workshops Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Clipping and Clippers Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11 English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13
Clostridial Myositis -see- Gas Gangrene
Clothing Warm choices for winter apparel. (HO)?? 424/12
Clubfoot Series on Conformation: Two Extremes in Hoof Imbalance. (F)?? 429/55
Coaches (Human) -see- Trainers and Coaches
Coat and Hair -see also- Manes, Tails and Forelocks Horses’ puffy coats in winter. (HO)?? 424/13 Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Fixing a feeble forelock. (C)?? 424/68 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11 Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 Michigan State University study helps explain why horses with Cushing’s Disease fail to shed their winter coats. (MF)?? 428/13 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46
Cold Therapy -see- Cryotherapy
Colic University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6 North Carolina State University study finds nearly three-quarters of equine athletes return to the previous level of performance a year after colic surgery. (MF)?? 424/7 Horses’ water needs in winter. (HO)?? 425/15 Common colic descriptions and what they mean. (HO)?? 426/18 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15 Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24 Auburn University research may explain the link between cribbing and one type of colic. (MF)?? 431/9 Watering a sweaty horse. (C)?? 432/78 Impaction Colic. (PRE)?? 434/20
Colitis Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12
Colorado State University Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Coloration and Markings -see also- Gray Horses Myths about blue-eyed horses. (C)?? 429/74 Breeding for white markings. (C)?? 434/81
Colts Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Combined Training -see- Eventing
Communications Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22 How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 What to do when resistance develops suddenly. (C)?? 429/72
Competitions and Sports -see also- Carriage Horses and Driving -see also- Cross-Country Events -see also- Cutting and Cutting Horses -see also- Dressage -see also- Eventing -see also- Jumping -see also- Racing and Racehorses -see also- Reining and Reining Horses -see also- Show Jumping German study suggests that genetics plays an important role in a horse’s competitive success. (MF)?? 423/7 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19 Reverse Psychology. (BP)?? 430/80 What Really Counts. (BP)?? 434/88
Compounding Pharmacies Why FDA Approval Matters. (F)?? 425/38
Conditioning -see- Exercise and Conditioning
Conference on Equine Infectious Diseases Large-scale outbreak of respiratory disease among Icelandic Horses is linked to common bacteria that normally do not cause illness. (MF)?? 425/13
Conferences, Conventions and Meetings -see also- Clinics, Seminars and Workshops
Conformation Series on Conformation: The Vitruvian Hoof. (F)?? 423/45 Series on Conformation: The Hoof’s Telltale Tubules. (F)?? 424/47 Series on Conformation: Hoof Balance. (F)?? 428/77 Pop Quiz: Arabic word that describes the bulge on the facial profile of a horse. (HO)?? 429/19 Series on Conformation: Two Extremes in Hoof Imbalance. (F)?? 429/55 Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Conjunctivitis 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Connemara Ponies Pop Quiz: Pony breed that did not originate in the British Isles. (HO)?? 424/11
Contracts Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Coolers -see- Blankets and Sheets
Cornell University What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86
Corrals-see- Paddocks and Corrals
Cough -see- Respiratory System and Disorders
Cow Horses An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19
Coyotes Pop Quiz: Wild animals that prey upon small rodents. (HO)?? 433/17
Creams (Medical) -see- Ointments and Creams
Cribb, Nicola Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24
Cribbing What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Auburn University research may explain the link between cribbing and one type of colic. (MF)?? 431/9
Crisis Management and Crisis Management Plans My Escape from Wildfires. (TT)?? 431/66
Cross-Country Events What Really Counts. (BP)?? 434/88
Cruelty to Animals -see- Abuse and Neglect
Cryotherapy Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88 Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12
Cryptorchidism Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Cuadras, Miguel Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Cushing, Harvey Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30
Cushing’s Disease Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 Michigan State University study helps explain why horses with Cushing’s Disease fail to shed their winter coats. (MF)?? 428/13
Cutting and Cutting Horses Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Czech Republic Czech Republic researchers find support for the theory that narcolepsy can be inherited. (MF)?? 423/9 Czech researchers study fungal infections of the guttural pouch. (MF)?? 426/12 Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14
da Vinci, Leonardo Series on Conformation: The Vitruvian Hoof. (F)?? 423/45
Dabareiner, Robin Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46
Dainese S.p.A. The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Dake, Julia The Transformation. (TT)?? 433/67
Darley Arabian Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Dartmoor Ponies Pop Quiz: Pony breed that did not originate in the British Isles. (HO)?? 424/11
Data Bases -see- Information Systems and Services
Dawson, Phyllis Training a reluctant horse to cross water. (C)?? 426/105
Dehydration Horses’ water needs in winter. (HO)?? 425/15 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44 Things to watch for during weaning. (HO)?? 432/17 Impaction Colic. (PRE)?? 434/20
Denmark Danish researchers trace outbreak of respiratory disease on a poultry farm to a herd of horses. (MF)?? 426/11 Danish researchers studying cardiac activity in horses undergoing euthanasia recommend administering a sedative before the procedure. (MF)?? 428/10
Dentistry -see- Teeth and Dentistry
Dentzel Carousel Company All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Dentzel, Gustav All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Design Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Developmental Orthopedic Disease Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46
Diagnostic Tools and Techniques -see also- Prognostic Tools and Techniques Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 Japanese veterinarians find a new way to predict foaling. (MF)?? 427/17 University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12 Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24 English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Dialysis, Kidney -see- Renal Replacement Therapy
Diet and Nutrition -see also- Feed Supplements -see also- Feeding Methods Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Fixing a feeble forelock. (C)?? 424/68 Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Pasture portion control. (C)?? 425/67 Precautions to take when pasture turns to green in spring. (HO)?? 426/17 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51 When is hay too old. (C)?? 431/71 Horses’ oil needs. (C)?? 432/77 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Digestive System and Disorders University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6 North Carolina State University study finds nearly three-quarters of equine athletes return to the previous level of performance a year after colic surgery. (MF)?? 424/7 Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21 Common colic descriptions and what they mean. (HO)?? 426/18 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15 Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24 Auburn University research may explain the link between cribbing and one type of colic. (MF)?? 431/9 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 Kansas State University researchers study method for reducing cecal acidity. (MF)?? 432/14 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12 Impaction Colic. (PRE)?? 434/20 Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Disabled Riders A Level Playing Field. (TT)?? 432/72
Disasters and Disaster Relief -see also- Fires and Fire Prevention -see also- Storms Tips on handling drugs after a disaster. (HO)?? 426/17
Disbrow, Debbie The Ins and Outs of Gates. (F)?? 423/30
Disease and Disorders -see also- Abscesses -see also- Anaphylactic Shock -see also- Anhidrosis -see also- Appetite and Eating Disorders -see also- Arthritis -see also- Australian Bat Lyssavirus -see also- Backs and Back Problems -see also- Bed Itch -see also- Blood and Blood Disorders -see also- Botulism -see also- Brain and Brain Disorders -see also- Bruxism-see also- Cancer -see also- Cantharidin Toxicity -see also- Cardiovascular System and Disorders -see also- Cellulitis -see also- Clubfoot -see also- Colic -see also- Colitis -see also- Conjunctivitis -see also- Cryptorchidism -see also- Cushing’s Disease -see also- Dehydration -see also- Developmental Orthopedic Disease -see also- Digestive System and Disorders -see also- Distichiasis -see also- Ears and Hearing Disorders -see also- Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis -see also- Endocrine System and Disorders-see also- Endotoxins and Endotoxemia -see also- Equine Canker -see also- Equine Herpesvirus -see also- Equine Herpesvirus-2 Keratitis -see also- Equine Influenza -see also- Equine Insect Hypersensitivity -see also- Equine Metabolic Syndrome -see also- Equine Motor Neuron Disease -see also- Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis -see also- Exertional Rhabdomyolysis -see also- Eyes and Vision Disorders -see also- Fescue Toxicosis -see also- Fractures -see also- Fungi and Fungal Infection -see also- Gas Gangrene -see also- Glaucoma-see also- Heat Stress and Exhaustion -see also- Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia -see also- Hernias -see also- Hoof Bruises -see also- Hooves and Hoof Disorders -see also- Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis -see also- Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy -see also- Immune System and Disorders -see also- Infection -see also- Injuries -see also- Joints and Joint Disorders -see also- Juvenile Osteochondral Conditions -see also- Keratomycosis -see also- Kidneys and Kidney Disease -see also- Lameness -see also- Laminitis -see also- Legs and Leg Disorders-see also- Long Toe/Low Heel Syndrome -see also- Lyme Disease -see also- Melanomas -see also- Mouths and Mouth Disorders -see also- Muscles and Muscle Disorders -see also- Narcolepsy -see also- Navicular Disease -see also- Neonatal Encephalopathy -see also- Nervous System and Neurological Disorders -see also- Nose and Nasal Disorders -see also- Osteochondritis Dissecans -see also- Osteomyelitis -see also- Pancreas and Pancreatic Disorders -see also- Pancreatitis -see also- Patent Urachus -see also- Photosensitivity -see also- Pigeon Fever -see also- Pituitary Gland and Pituitary Disorders-see also- Pneumonia -see also- Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy -see also- Potomac Horse Fever -see also- Purpura Hemorrhagica -see also- Rainrot -see also- Recurrent Airway Obstruction -see also- Reproductive System and Disorders -see also- Respiratory System and Disorders -see also- Rhabdomyolysis -see also- Rhinopneumonitis -see also- Ringbone -see also- Ringworm -see also- Scratches -see also- Sepsis -see also- Skeletal System and Disorders -see also- Skin and Skin Disorders -see also- Sleep and Sleep Disorders-see also- Stiff Horse Syndrome -see also- Stringhalt -see also- Swellings -see also- Tendons and Tendon Disorders -see also- Tetanus -see also- Thrush -see also- Tumors -see also- Ulcers -see also- Urinary Tract and Disorders -see also- Viruses -see also- White Line Disease -see also- Wobbler Syndrome New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9 Myths about blue-eyed horses. (C)?? 429/74 Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51 New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
Disease and Disorders (Human) -see also- Asthma -see also- Cancer -see also- Lyme Disease -see also- Stiff Person Syndrome
Distichiasis Dutch researchers report on Friesian Horses with distichiasis. (MF)?? 434/13
Dogs Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44 Special Section on Barn Dogs: 5 Skills Every Barn Dog Needs. (SECT)?? 431/52
Donkeys and Asses One Step at a Time. (BP)?? 424/80 Companion options for lonely horses. (HO)?? 425/15
Doors and Gates The Ins and Outs of Gates. (F)?? 423/30 Breaking the habit of slowing down when passing the arena gate. (HO)?? 434/17
Dore, Kim 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75
Drainage 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75
Dressage Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Reverse Psychology. (BP)?? 430/80
Driving -see also- Carriage Horses and Driving
Drooling -see- Saliva and Salivation
Drugs -see- Medications and Drugs
Dryland Distemper -see- Pigeon Fever
The Dude Ranchers’ Association Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Dunkel, Bettina English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15
Dust and Dust Control Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58
Dyson, Sue English researchers study saddle slippage and lameness. (MF)?? 425/11 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Earing, Jennifer Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Ears and Hearing Disorders How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46
Eastern Competitive Trail Riding Association Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis University of South Florida researchers find snakes are hosts of the eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus. (MF)?? 425/11
Eating Disorders -see- Appetite and Eating Disorders
Ecole Nationale V?t?rinaire d’Alfort French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12
Ecole V?t?rinaire d’Alfort French researchers find good prognosis for rare type of fracture. (MF)?? 432/13
Eddy, Alison An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23
Education -see- Training and Education
El-Hage, Charles Mark Australian study suggests that recombinant vaccines can be administered on an accelerated schedule to more quickly control outbreaks of equine influenza. (MF)?? 424/8
Elderly and Older Horses The Last Tanga. (TT)?? 424/67 The Power of Two. (TT)?? 425/64 Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Texas A&M University study supports the theory that nasopharyngeal cicatrix syndrome is caused by chronic exposure to an irritant or infective agent in the environment. (MF)?? 430/13 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 Checking the underside of the tailbone. (HO)?? 434/18
Elderly People The Power of Two. (TT)?? 425/64
Electrolytes Horses’ water needs in winter. (HO)?? 425/15
Electroporation When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40
Elimination -see also- Urine and Urination
Elster McCleary, Carol Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Emergencies First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66
Emerson, Denny Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Endocrine System and Disorders Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30
Endotoxins and Endotoxemia Clenbuterol shows promise as a treatment for endotoxemia. (MF)?? 430/11
England -see- Great Britain
Enzymes Pop Quiz: What a horse’s body does with calcium. (HO)?? 423/11 Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Equestrian Facilities -see also- Trails and Trail Riding
Equestrian Medical Safety Association The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Equestrian Vacations Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Equine Athletes North Carolina State University study finds nearly three-quarters of equine athletes return to the previous level of performance a year after colic surgery. (MF)?? 424/7 Benefits of flexible feeding times. (HO)?? 424/11
Equine Canker Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51
Equine Encephalomyelitis -see also- Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis
Equine Endocrinology Summit Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30
Equine Herpesvirus Will foal of a mare with neurological problems mimic his mother’s behavior. (C)?? 427/78
Equine Herpesvirus-2 Keratitis Equine herpesvirus-2 keratitis. (C)?? 433/74
Equine Influenza Australian study suggests that recombinant vaccines can be administered on an accelerated schedule to more quickly control outbreaks of equine influenza. (MF)?? 424/8
Equine Insect Hypersensitivity 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Equine Metabolic Syndrome Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30
Equine Motor Neuron Disease University of Minnesota researchers discover early signs of equine motor neuron disease. (MF)?? 429/16
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Will foal of a mare with neurological problems mimic his mother’s behavior. (C)?? 427/78
Equine Veterinary Journal North Carolina State University study finds nearly three-quarters of equine athletes return to the previous level of performance a year after colic surgery. (MF)?? 424/7 University of California-Davis study illustrates the potentially devastating consequences of fungal infections of the cornea. (MF)?? 424/7 Australian study suggests that recombinant vaccines can be administered on an accelerated schedule to more quickly control outbreaks of equine influenza. (MF)?? 424/8 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 French study suggests that maggot therapy can be beneficial in treating uncomplicated equine wounds. (MF)?? 428/11 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11 University of California-Davis study suggests that pancreatitis in horses may occur more often than previously thought. (MF)?? 428/13 English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15 Research from Kentucky shows that a mare’s age may affect the success of twin reduction. (MF)?? 430/10 Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 Kansas State University researchers study method for reducing cecal acidity. (MF)?? 432/14 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12 Dutch researchers report on Friesian Horses with distichiasis. (MF)?? 434/13 University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13
Equipment and Supplies -see also- Grooming Equipment -see also- Stable Equipment and Supplies -see also- Watering and Watering Supplies
EquiSpirit Trailer Company When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Equitarian Initiative Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Equitation -see- Riders and Riding
Equitours Worldwide Horseback Riding Adventures Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Equitrekking Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
EQUUS (Magazine) -see also- Case Report (Feature) -see also- Medical Front (Feature) -see also- Prevention (Feature) -see also- Special Report (Feature) -see also- Special Section (Feature) -see also- True Tale (Feature) Index to EQUUS issues 411-422. (F)?? 423/59
Escaped and Lost Horses Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26 If Your Horse Gets Loose. (F)?? 433/48 Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Estrus Seasonal mare behavior. (HO)?? 423/11
European Committee for Standardization The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Euthanasia Danish researchers studying cardiac activity in horses undergoing euthanasia recommend administering a sedative before the procedure. (MF)?? 428/10
Eventing Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Evolution Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32
Exercise and Conditioning Cold weather workouts. (HO)?? 425/15 Forestalling thrush. (HO)?? 425/17 Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Vaccines and exercise. (C)?? 425/67 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60 Impaction Colic. (PRE)?? 434/20
Exertional Rhabdomyolysis New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9 Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15
Exhaustion Things to watch for during weaning. (HO)?? 432/17
Eye Lashes Dutch researchers report on Friesian Horses with distichiasis. (MF)?? 434/13
Eyes and Vision Disorders University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6 University of California-Davis study illustrates the potentially devastating consequences of fungal infections of the cornea. (MF)?? 424/7 Obie’s Ocular Enigma. (CR)?? 424/14 How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 Surgery to see better. (C)?? 426/106 Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Myths about blue-eyed horses. (C)?? 429/74 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44 Equine herpesvirus-2 keratitis. (C)?? 433/74 Dutch researchers report on Friesian Horses with distichiasis. (MF)?? 434/13
Fagan, Becky Adler That First Ride. (BP)?? 426/112
Falter, John Philip A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Famous Horses Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Fans Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58
Farm Management -see also- Manure and Manure Management
Farnsworth, Kelly When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40
Farriers and Farriery -see also- Shoes and Shoeing Preparing the barn for a winter visit from the veterinarian or farrier. (HO)?? 423/12 A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40 Forestalling thrush. (HO)?? 425/17 Hoof Bruises. (PRE)?? 426/20 Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46
Fats -see- Oils and Fats
Fear -see- Anxiety and Fear
F?d?ration Equ?stre Internationale Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Feed and Feeding -see- Diet and Nutrition
Feed Bags Cleaning out the feed room. (HO)?? 434/19
Feed Rooms Cleaning out the feed room. (HO)?? 434/19 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Feed Storage Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58
Feed Supplements Why FDA Approval Matters. (F)?? 425/38 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Cleaning out the feed room. (HO)?? 434/19 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Feeding Methods Benefits of flexible feeding times. (HO)?? 424/11
Fencing Inspecting the round pen. (HO)?? 429/19 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Feral Horses -see- Wild Horses
Fershtman, Julie Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Fery, Melissa 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75
Fescue Toxicosis University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12
Fever Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46 Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51
Field, Jonathan 7 Things to Teach Your Trail Horse. (F)?? 425/30 Training to stop on a dime. (C)?? 428/94 Dealing with mouthy behavior. (C)?? 434/81
Fires and Fire Prevention My Escape from Wildfires. (TT)?? 431/66 Ways to reduce the chances of a fire in the barn. (HO)?? 433/19
First Aid and First Aid Kits First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66 Differences in povidone iodine formulas. (HO)?? 430/16
Fitness Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8
Fleck, Robert Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44
Flehmen Response How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Flies -see- Insects and Insect Control
Flooring Trailer safety check. (HO)?? 428/16 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Flying Childers (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Foaling -see- Birth
Foals Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10 Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 Will foal of a mare with neurological problems mimic his mother’s behavior. (C)?? 427/78 (HO)?? 428/15 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Determining how large a foal will be when grown. (HO)?? 430/15 Things to watch for during weaning. (HO)?? 432/17 Seeking Closure. (CR)?? 433/23 Ohio and Kentucky researchers study cleft palate survival. (MF)?? 434/12
Footing Forestalling thrush. (HO)?? 425/17 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75 Inspecting the round pen. (HO)?? 429/19 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20
Forage Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Pasture portion control. (C)?? 425/67 Beetle in a Haystack. (CR)?? 428/21 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 Impaction Colic. (PRE)?? 434/20
Forelocks -see- Manes, Tails and Forelocks
Foundations A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88
Fractures Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Anesthesia Without Fear. (F)?? 425/50 A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17 French researchers find good prognosis for rare type of fracture. (MF)?? 432/13
France French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 French researchers study horse problem-solving abilities. (MF)?? 425/10 French study indicates how a horse holds his neck while at rest provides clues to the health of his back. (MF)?? 426/13 French study suggests that maggot therapy can be beneficial in treating uncomplicated equine wounds. (MF)?? 428/11 French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12 French researchers find good prognosis for rare type of fracture. (MF)?? 432/13
Frank, Katie Home Away From Home. (BP)?? 429/80
Freckleton, Melinda Vaccines and exercise. (C)?? 425/67 Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46 Preparing for a move. (C)?? 428/95 Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24
Freeman, Sarah Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12
French National Institute For Agricultural Research French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7
Frisbie, David The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Frontiers in Psychology (Journal) French researchers study horse problem-solving abilities. (MF)?? 425/10
Fund Raising A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88
Fungi and Fungal Infection University of California-Davis study illustrates the potentially devastating consequences of fungal infections of the cornea. (MF)?? 424/7 Czech researchers study fungal infections of the guttural pouch. (MF)?? 426/12 University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12 Ringworm. (PRE)?? 433/20
Furseth, Heidi She’s Leaving Home. (TT)?? 426/99
Gaited Horses Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Gaits and Gait Analysis -see also- Gallop -see also- Pace -see also- Running Walk -see also- Tolt -see also- Trot English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8
Gallop Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Galvayne’s Groove (HO)?? 431/13
Gas Gangrene Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46
Gates -see- Doors and Gates
GE Research Lab The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Gebhart, Angela Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Geldings The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36
Gender Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12
Genetics German study suggests that genetics plays an important role in a horse’s competitive success. (MF)?? 423/7 Czech Republic researchers find support for the theory that narcolepsy can be inherited. (MF)?? 423/9 Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9 New study fails to support the theory that centuries of breeding have produced horses who are innately “in tune” with their human handlers. (MF)?? 433/12 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14 Breeding for white markings. (C)?? 434/81
Genitalia Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Gentling -see- Training Horses
Germain, Susan All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Germany German study suggests that genetics plays an important role in a horse’s competitive success. (MF)?? 423/7 Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14
Gibb, John S. A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Giglio, Patricia The Pony and Me. (TT)?? 434/77
Gimenez, Rebecca Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26 If Your Horse Gets Loose. (F)?? 433/48
Girths and Cinches Sizing Up Cinches & Girths. (F)?? 428/32
Glands and Gland Disorders -see also- Pituitary Gland and Pituitary Disorders
Glaucoma Obie’s Ocular Enigma. (CR)?? 424/14
Gluck Equine Research Center -see- University of Kentucky
Goats Companion options for lonely horses. (HO)?? 425/15
Godolphin Arabo-Turcoman (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Goehring, Lutz Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15
Goodnight, Julie Cue control. (C)?? 427/78
Gordon, Linda The Power of Two. (TT)?? 425/64
Gotland Horses Pop Quiz: Pony breed that did not originate in the British Isles. (HO)?? 424/11
Graf Lehndorff Institute for Equine Science Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14
Grain -see- Diet and Nutrition
Grasses -see- Plants and Weeds
Gray Horses When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14 Checking the underside of the tailbone. (HO)?? 434/18
Grazing Precautions to take when pasture turns to green in spring. (HO)?? 426/17
Great Britain Pop Quiz: Pony breed that did not originate in the British Isles. (HO)?? 424/11 English researchers study saddle slippage and lameness. (MF)?? 425/11 New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13 English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15 English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 New study fails to support the theory that centuries of breeding have produced horses who are innately “in tune” with their human handlers. (MF)?? 433/12 English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13
Grooming -see also- Bathing and Cleaning Fixing a feeble forelock. (C)?? 424/68 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Avoiding getting shock from static electricity when grooming. (HOT)?? 431/14 Determining why a horse doesn’t like to be touched. (HO)?? 431/14 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44 Home remedies for getting tree sap off your horse. (HO)?? 433/17
Grooming Equipment -see also- Clipping and Clippers Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Getting to the bottom of a hoof conditioner container. (HOT)?? 429/20 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Growth (Animal) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Guttural Pouches Czech researchers study fungal infections of the guttural pouch. (MF)?? 426/12
Hair -see- Coat and Hair
Halitosis Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46
Hall, Carol English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13
Harman, Joyce Sizing Up Cinches & Girths. (F)?? 428/32
Harris, Susan E. Fixing a feeble forelock. (C)?? 424/68
Hart, Kelsey New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16
Harvey, Timothy J. Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Hats -see- Headgear
Hay -see- Diet and Nutrition
Hay Storage -see- Feed Storage
Hayes, Marcia The Book that Changed My Life. (BP)?? 425/80
Hayes, Tim What to do when resistance develops suddenly. (C)?? 429/72 Behaving badly on the trail. (C)?? 433/72
Haymarket Veterinary Service Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46
Headgear Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Clues that a helmet is ready to be replaced. (HO)?? 433/17
Heads How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Pop Quiz: Arabic word that describes the bulge on the facial profile of a horse. (HO)?? 429/19
Healing Italian researchers find that transplanting amnion cells from sheep into injured equine tendons improves healing. (MF)?? 426/12 Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15 Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14 Helping wounds heal. (HO)?? 429/19
Health and Health Maintenance Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44
Hearing Disorders -see- Ears and Hearing Disorders
Hearts -see- Cardiovascular System and Disorders
Heat Stress and Exhaustion 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Heat Therapy Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15
Heaves -see- Recurrent Airway Obstruction
Hegeman, Adrian D. Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Heifer International Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Height -see- Stature and Size
Helmets -see- Headgear
Helsinki University Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32
Herbicides -see- Chemicals
Herds French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 Companion options for lonely horses. (HO)?? 425/15 Protecting yourself from kicks. (HO)?? 427/19 The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10
Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9
Herman, Elizabeth B. Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22
Hernandez Gil, Mariano Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Hernias Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Herring, John Frederick Sr. A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Herschell (Allen) Company All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Herschell Spillman Company All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Herschell, Armitage All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Hershner, Shelley What Really Counts. (BP)?? 434/88
Hickman, Clay Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Hidaka Training and Research Center Japanese veterinarians find a new way to predict foaling. (MF)?? 427/17
Highways, Streets and Roads Techniques to minimize risks when crossing a road. (HO)?? 430/15
History Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Hives Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46
Hobby Horses Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Hofkin, Bonnie A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Hofstra, Michelle A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17
Holden, Ashley Learning to Love Loki. (TT)?? 429/68
Holiday on Horseback Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Holmes, Laura Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12
Hoof Bruises Hoof Bruises. (PRE)?? 426/20 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Hooves and Hoof Disorders Series on Conformation: The Vitruvian Hoof. (F)?? 423/45 Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Series on Conformation: The Hoof’s Telltale Tubules. (F)?? 424/47 Forestalling thrush. (HO)?? 425/17 Hoof Bruises. (PRE)?? 426/20 Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88 Series on Conformation: Hoof Balance. (F)?? 428/77 Getting to the bottom of a hoof conditioner container. (HOT)?? 429/20 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Series on Conformation: Two Extremes in Hoof Imbalance. (F)?? 429/55 Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51 Suitable wood shavings as bedding. (C)?? 431/72 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 Kansas State University researchers study method for reducing cecal acidity. (MF)?? 432/14 Quick assessment of damage from losing a shoe. (HO)?? 432/19 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20 Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12 Pop Quiz: Hoof wall growth. (HO)?? 434/17
Hormones Seasonal mare behavior. (HO)?? 423/11
Horse and Human Relationship Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22 A Second Chance. (TT)?? 423/64 Forever Young. (BP)?? 423/80 A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40 The Power of Two. (TT)?? 425/64 That First Ride. (BP)?? 426/112 The Only Answer. (BP)?? 428/104 Learning to Love Loki. (TT)?? 429/68 What to do when resistance develops suddenly. (C)?? 429/72 The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 Key to My Heart. (TT)?? 430/67 A Life Well Lived. (BP)?? 431/80 New study fails to support the theory that centuries of breeding have produced horses who are innately “in tune” with their human handlers. (MF)?? 433/12 An Ordinary Horse. (F)?? 433/56 Behaving badly on the trail. (C)?? 433/72 This Glamorous Life. (BP)?? 433/80 The Pony and Me. (TT)?? 434/77 Dealing with mouthy behavior. (C)?? 434/81 What Really Counts. (BP)?? 434/88
Horse Care -see also- Abuse and Neglect -see also- Health and Health Maintenance -see also- Seasonal Care -see also- Veterinary Medicine and Care What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 She’s Leaving Home. (TT)?? 426/99 Preparing for a move. (C)?? 428/95 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60 This Glamorous Life. (BP)?? 433/80 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Horse Farms Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Horse Leasing Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Horse Ownership The Book that Changed My Life. (BP)?? 425/80 Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34 This Glamorous Life. (BP)?? 433/80 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Horse to Horse Relationship French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 Companion options for lonely horses. (HO)?? 425/15 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75 Hung Up. (CR)?? 427/23 The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32
Horsekeeping Myths Watering a sweaty horse. (C)?? 432/78
Horses -see also- Breeds -see also- Buying and Selling Horses -see also- Carousel Horses -see also- Carriage Horses and Driving -see also- Cavalry and Cavalry Horses -see also- Colts -see also- Cow Horses -see also- Cutting and Cutting Horses -see also- Donkeys and Asses -see also- Elderly and Older Horses -see also- Equine Athletes -see also- Escaped and Lost Horses -see also- Famous Horses -see also- Foals -see also- Gaited Horses -see also- Gray Horses -see also- Mares -see also- Pleasure Horses and Riding -see also- Police Horses and Mounted Police -see also- Ponies -see also- Racing and Racehorses -see also- Reining and Reining Horses -see also- Rescued Horses -see also- Stallions -see also- Training Horses -see also- Wild Horses -see also- Working Horses -see also- Yearlings -see also- Young Horses
Hospitalization University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6
Hotlines -see- Information Systems and Services
Houpt, Katherine Can horses learn by observing other horses. (C)?? 423/66 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86
Human and Horse Relationship -see- Horse and Human Relationship
Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Hylton, Candi Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21
Hyperelastosis Cutis -see- Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia
Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15
Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
Ice One Step at a Time. (BP)?? 424/80
Ice Balls Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Icelandic Horses Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6 Large-scale outbreak of respiratory disease among Icelandic Horses is linked to common bacteria that normally do not cause illness. (MF)?? 425/13
Identification Systems and Proof of Ownership Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26 If Your Horse Gets Loose. (F)?? 433/48
Illions (M. C.) and Sons Carousel Works All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Illions, Marcus “Mike” All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Immune System and Disorders Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46 (HO)?? 428/15 Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14
India The Last Tanga. (TT)?? 424/67
Infection -see also- Fungi and Fungal Infection An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23 Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23 Australian researchers study risks of joint injections. (MF)?? 433/15
Inflammation New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 Clenbuterol shows promise as a treatment for endotoxemia. (MF)?? 430/11
Influenza, Equine -see- Equine Influenza
Information Systems and Services . (MF)?? 432/14
Injections Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Australian researchers study risks of joint injections. (MF)?? 433/15
Injuries -see also- Fractures -see also- Traumatic Brain Injury Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8 Italian researchers find that transplanting amnion cells from sheep into injured equine tendons improves healing. (MF)?? 426/12 Hoof Bruises. (PRE)?? 426/20 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10 An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19 Determining why a horse doesn’t like to be touched. (HO)?? 431/14 A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 Quick assessment of damage from losing a shoe. (HO)?? 432/19 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Insects and Insect Control -see also- Ticks An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23 Lyme Disease. (PRE)?? 428/18 Beetle in a Haystack. (CR)?? 428/21 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44 Measures to reduce mosquito populations around the barn. (HO)?? 431/13 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Instinct 7 Things to Teach Your Trail Horse. (F)?? 425/30
Institute of Animal Science (Prague) Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14
Insulin Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88
Insurance Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Intec Performance Gear The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Internet and World Wide Web Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26 Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Intestinal Tract and Disorders -see- Digestive System and Disorders
Iodine Differences in povidone iodine formulas. (HO)?? 430/16
Iowa State University Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30 Iowa State University researchers demonstrate that kidney dialysis is possible in horses. (MF)?? 429/16
Irritation What tooth grinding means. (HO)?? 428/15
Italy Italian researchers find that transplanting amnion cells from sheep into injured equine tendons improves healing. (MF)?? 426/12 Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14
Itch -see- Skin and Skin Disorders
Jacobson, Patricia The Book that Changed My Life. (BP)?? 425/80
Japan New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9 Japanese veterinarians find a new way to predict foaling. (MF)?? 427/17 Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12
Japan Racing Association New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9
Jawitz, Lynn Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Jeglum, Ann When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40
Jockeys Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Jockeys’ Guild Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Joints and Joint Disorders Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Canadian study suggests that fragmentation of a bone within the hock may go unnoticed until radiographs are taken. (MF)?? 429/15 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10 French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12 Australian researchers study risks of joint injections. (MF)?? 433/15
Jones, Helen A Life Well Lived. (BP)?? 431/80
The Journal of Animal Science University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12
The Journal of Equine Veterinary Science McNeese State University study suggests a whiff of lavender can help calm a high-strung horse. (MF)?? 426/12 Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12
The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6 Japanese veterinarians find a new way to predict foaling. (MF)?? 427/17 Canadian study suggests that fragmentation of a bone within the hock may go unnoticed until radiographs are taken. (MF)?? 429/15 University of Minnesota researchers discover early signs of equine motor neuron disease. (MF)?? 429/16 Texas A&M University study supports the theory that nasopharyngeal cicatrix syndrome is caused by chronic exposure to an irritant or infective agent in the environment. (MF)?? 430/13 French researchers find good prognosis for rare type of fracture. (MF)?? 432/13 New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12 Ohio and Kentucky researchers study cleft palate survival. (MF)?? 434/12
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13 Iowa State University researchers demonstrate that kidney dialysis is possible in horses. (MF)?? 429/16 Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital study finds some wobblers go on to athletic careers. (MF)?? 429/17 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9
Jumping -see also- Show Jumping What Really Counts. (BP)?? 434/88
Juvenile Osteochondral Conditions French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12
Kansas State University Kansas State University researchers study method for reducing cecal acidity. (MF)?? 432/14
Kauffmann, Susan Obie’s Ocular Enigma. (CR)?? 424/14
Kentucky Derby Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Keratomycosis University of California-Davis study illustrates the potentially devastating consequences of fungal infections of the cornea. (MF)?? 424/7
Keys -see- Locks, Latches and Keys
Kicking How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 Protecting yourself from kicks. (HO)?? 427/19 Hung Up. (CR)?? 427/23
Kidney Dialysis -see- Renal Replacement Therapy
Kidneys and Kidney Disease Iowa State University researchers demonstrate that kidney dialysis is possible in horses. (MF)?? 429/16 New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
King-Dye, Courtney Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
King’s Plates Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Koch, Matt An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19
Komarkova, Martina Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14
Krueger, Konstanze Can horses learn by observing other horses. (C)?? 423/66
Labelle, Amber Myths about blue-eyed horses. (C)?? 429/74 Equine herpesvirus-2 keratitis. (C)?? 433/74
Laboratory Tests -see- Diagnostic Tools and Techniques
Lameness English researchers study saddle slippage and lameness. (MF)?? 425/11 English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8 A Life Well Lived. (BP)?? 431/80 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 Quick assessment of damage from losing a shoe. (HO)?? 432/19
Laminitis Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Precautions to take when pasture turns to green in spring. (HO)?? 426/17 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88 Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51 Suitable wood shavings as bedding. (C)?? 431/72 Kansas State University researchers study method for reducing cecal acidity. (MF)?? 432/14 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12
Landseer, Edwin Henry A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Lansade, Lea French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7
LaPorta, Bob and Debby Home Away From Home. (BP)?? 429/80
Large Animal Veterinary Services The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26
LaSure, Jane The Only Answer. (BP)?? 428/104
Latches -see- Locks, Latches and Keys
Latham, Jim Suitable wood shavings as bedding. (C)?? 431/72
Lavender McNeese State University study suggests a whiff of lavender can help calm a high-strung horse. (MF)?? 426/12
Leadership Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22
Learning and Learning Ability French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 Can horses learn by observing other horses. (C)?? 423/66
Leasing Horses -see- Horse Leasing
Leg Wraps -see- Bandages and Wraps
Legs and Leg Disorders How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19 French researchers find good prognosis for rare type of fracture. (MF)?? 432/13 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20
Lesimple, Cl?mence French researchers study horse problem-solving abilities. (MF)?? 425/10 French study indicates how a horse holds his neck while at rest provides clues to the health of his back. (MF)?? 426/13
Lexington (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Liability and Liability Lawsuits Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Lifestyles and Living Conditions French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 The Only Answer. (BP)?? 428/104
Ligaments and Ligament Disorders Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15 Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Lights and Lighting Preparing the barn for a winter visit from the veterinarian or farrier. (HO)?? 423/12 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32
Lipids Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Literature -see- Books and Literature
Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center -see- University of Kentucky
Locks, Latches and Keys The Ins and Outs of Gates. (F)?? 423/30
Long Toe/Low Heel Syndrome Series on Conformation: Two Extremes in Hoof Imbalance. (F)?? 429/55
Loof Company All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Loof, Charles I. D. All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Lopenera, Enrique Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Lopez, Mario Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Lost Horses -see- Escaped and Lost Horses
Louth, Jack Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23
Ludwig, Dale The Power of Two. (TT)?? 425/64
Lusky, Leonard Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Lying Down -see- Recumbency
Lyme Disease Lyme Disease. (PRE)?? 428/18 Pop Quiz: Ticks and Lyme disease. (HO)?? 432/17
Mackay-Smith, Alexander Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Madigan. John University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10
Maggot Therapy French study suggests that maggot therapy can be beneficial in treating uncomplicated equine wounds. (MF)?? 428/11
Magnetic Resonance Imaging The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Makowski, Nancy My Good Samaritan Summer. (TT)?? 427/73
Malavase, Drusilla “Dru” Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Man ‘o War (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Manes and Tails How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Manes, Tails and Forelocks Fixing a feeble forelock. (C)?? 424/68 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Checking the underside of the tailbone. (HO)?? 434/18
Mangan, Brendan G. Surgery to see better. (C)?? 426/106
Manure and Manure Management Forestalling thrush. (HO)?? 425/17 An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23 Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58
Mares Seasonal mare behavior. (HO)?? 423/11 Japanese veterinarians find a new way to predict foaling. (MF)?? 427/17 University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12 Research from Kentucky shows that a mare’s age may affect the success of twin reduction. (MF)?? 430/10 The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12
Markell, Richard Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Markings -see- Coloration and Markings
Masri, Maria Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Massey University New Zealand researchers find possible cause of Australian stringhalt. (MF)?? 432/15
Mathias, Lauren McKenzie After the Fall. (F)?? 428/40
Matras, Gene A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
McGraw, Eliza The Book that Changed My Life. (BP)?? 425/80
McKenzie, Harold Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23
McLain, Ted Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
McNeese State University McNeese State University study suggests a whiff of lavender can help calm a high-strung horse. (MF)?? 426/12
The Meadow Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Medical Front (Feature) University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6 German study suggests that genetics plays an important role in a horse’s competitive success. (MF)?? 423/7 French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8 Czech Republic researchers find support for the theory that narcolepsy can be inherited. (MF)?? 423/9 New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9 Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6 North Carolina State University study finds nearly three-quarters of equine athletes return to the previous level of performance a year after colic surgery. (MF)?? 424/7 University of California-Davis study illustrates the potentially devastating consequences of fungal infections of the cornea. (MF)?? 424/7 Australian study suggests that recombinant vaccines can be administered on an accelerated schedule to more quickly control outbreaks of equine influenza. (MF)?? 424/8 Austrian researchers call for end to hot-iron branding. (MF)?? 424/9 French researchers study horse problem-solving abilities. (MF)?? 425/10 University of South Florida researchers find snakes are hosts of the eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus. (MF)?? 425/11 English researchers study saddle slippage and lameness. (MF)?? 425/11 Dutch researchers study horses and air travel. (MF)?? 425/12 Large-scale outbreak of respiratory disease among Icelandic Horses is linked to common bacteria that normally do not cause illness. (MF)?? 425/13 New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13 University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11 Danish researchers trace outbreak of respiratory disease on a poultry farm to a herd of horses. (MF)?? 426/11 Czech researchers study fungal infections of the guttural pouch. (MF)?? 426/12 Italian researchers find that transplanting amnion cells from sheep into injured equine tendons improves healing. (MF)?? 426/12 McNeese State University study suggests a whiff of lavender can help calm a high-strung horse. (MF)?? 426/12 French study indicates how a horse holds his neck while at rest provides clues to the health of his back. (MF)?? 426/13 Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14 Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 Japanese veterinarians find a new way to predict foaling. (MF)?? 427/17 Danish researchers studying cardiac activity in horses undergoing euthanasia recommend administering a sedative before the procedure. (MF)?? 428/10 French study suggests that maggot therapy can be beneficial in treating uncomplicated equine wounds. (MF)?? 428/11 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11 University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12 Michigan State University study helps explain why horses with Cushing’s Disease fail to shed their winter coats. (MF)?? 428/13 University of California-Davis study suggests that pancreatitis in horses may occur more often than previously thought. (MF)?? 428/13 Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14 English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15 Canadian study suggests that fragmentation of a bone within the hock may go unnoticed until radiographs are taken. (MF)?? 429/15 University of Minnesota researchers discover early signs of equine motor neuron disease. (MF)?? 429/16 Iowa State University researchers demonstrate that kidney dialysis is possible in horses. (MF)?? 429/16 Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital study finds some wobblers go on to athletic careers. (MF)?? 429/17 Research from Kentucky shows that a mare’s age may affect the success of twin reduction. (MF)?? 430/10 Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10 Clenbuterol shows promise as a treatment for endotoxemia. (MF)?? 430/11 French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12 Texas A&M University study supports the theory that nasopharyngeal cicatrix syndrome is caused by chronic exposure to an irritant or infective agent in the environment. (MF)?? 430/13 English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8 Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9 Auburn University research may explain the link between cribbing and one type of colic. (MF)?? 431/9 Authorities confirmed the first two cases of Australian bat lyssavirus in horses this past spring. (MF)?? 431/10 Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10 Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 French researchers find good prognosis for rare type of fracture. (MF)?? 432/13 Kansas State University researchers study method for reducing cecal acidity. (MF)?? 432/14 . (MF)?? 432/14 New Zealand researchers find possible cause of Australian stringhalt. (MF)?? 432/15 New study fails to support the theory that centuries of breeding have produced horses who are innately “in tune” with their human handlers. (MF)?? 433/12 New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12 English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13 Australian researchers study risks of joint injections. (MF)?? 433/15 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12 Ohio and Kentucky researchers study cleft palate survival. (MF)?? 434/12 Dutch researchers report on Friesian Horses with distichiasis. (MF)?? 434/13 University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14
Medical Products and Supplies -see also- Bandages and Wraps -see also- Diagnostic Tools and Techniques -see also- Medications and Drugs -see also- Vaccines and Vaccinations First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66
Medications and Drugs -see also- Vaccines and Vaccinations University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6 Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Why FDA Approval Matters. (F)?? 425/38 Tips on handling drugs after a disaster. (HO)?? 426/17 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46 First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Clenbuterol shows promise as a treatment for endotoxemia. (MF)?? 430/11 Asthma attack. (C)?? 430/71 A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38 Equine herpesvirus-2 keratitis. (C)?? 433/74 Cleaning out the feed room. (HO)?? 434/19 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Medicine -see also- Veterinary Medicine and Care
Melanomas When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14 Checking the underside of the tailbone. (HO)?? 434/18
Mendez-Angulo, Jose Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10
Meningitis Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23
Merriam, Jay Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Meszoly, Joanne Forever Young. (BP)?? 423/80
Metabolism Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56
Metcalfe, Debi Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26
Mexico Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38 Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Michigan State University Michigan State University study helps explain why horses with Cushing’s Disease fail to shed their winter coats. (MF)?? 428/13 Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12
Military Horses -see also- Cavalry and Cavalry Horses
Miscarriage -see- Abortion
Mississippi State University An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23 Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9
The Mongolia V.E.T. Net Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Moorhead, Ron An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19
Morris, Robin The Last Tanga. (TT)?? 424/67 My Escape from Wildfires. (TT)?? 431/66 Sheepish. (BP)?? 432/88
Mosquitos Measures to reduce mosquito populations around the barn. (HO)?? 431/13
Motion Pictures Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Motor Vehicles -see also- Automobiles and Vans -see also- Trucks
Mounted Police -see- Police Horses and Mounted Police
Mouths and Mouth Disorders How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Movies -see- Motion Pictures
Moving (Relocation) Preparing for a move. (C)?? 428/95 Home Away From Home. (BP)?? 429/80
MrTruck.com When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Mucking -see- Manure and Manure Management
Mud 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75
Mugen Denko Ltd. The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Muller Brothers All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Muller, Alfred All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Muller, Daniel All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Munoz, Debby Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Munsterman, Amelia Auburn University research may explain the link between cribbing and one type of colic. (MF)?? 431/9
Munsters, Carolien Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15
Murphy, Brenda After the Fall. (F)?? 428/40
Muscles and Muscle Disorders Pop Quiz: What a horse’s body does with calcium. (HO)?? 423/11 Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13 Anesthesia Without Fear. (F)?? 425/50 French study indicates how a horse holds his neck while at rest provides clues to the health of his back. (MF)?? 426/13 Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15 University of Minnesota researchers discover early signs of equine motor neuron disease. (MF)?? 429/16 French researchers find good prognosis for rare type of fracture. (MF)?? 432/13 University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Muzzles (Anatomy) How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Muzzles (Tack) Precautions to take when pasture turns to green in spring. (HO)?? 426/17
Myths, Horsekeeping -see- Horsekeeping Myths
Nadeau, Jenifer 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75 Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58
Nails (Toe) Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44
Narcolepsy Czech Republic researchers find support for the theory that narcolepsy can be inherited. (MF)?? 423/9
Narrow Gate Trekking Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Nasogastric Tubes Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24
Nasopharyngeal Cicatrix Texas A&M University study supports the theory that nasopharyngeal cicatrix syndrome is caused by chronic exposure to an irritant or infective agent in the environment. (MF)?? 430/13
Nasrullah (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
National Carousel Association All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
National Cutting Horse Association Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
National Reining Horse Association Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Nature (Journal) Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Navas de Solis, Cristobal New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
Navicular Disease Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51 A Life Well Lived. (BP)?? 431/80 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Naylor, Rosie New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13
Necks and Neck Disorders French study indicates how a horse holds his neck while at rest provides clues to the health of his back. (MF)?? 426/13
Nelson, LeRoy Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Nelson, Tia Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46
Neonatal Encephalopathy Will foal of a mare with neurological problems mimic his mother’s behavior. (C)?? 427/78
Nervous System and Neurological Disorders -see also- Brain and Brain Disorders Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 University of South Florida researchers find snakes are hosts of the eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus. (MF)?? 425/11 Anesthesia Without Fear. (F)?? 425/50 Will foal of a mare with neurological problems mimic his mother’s behavior. (C)?? 427/78 University of Minnesota researchers discover early signs of equine motor neuron disease. (MF)?? 429/16 . (MF)?? 431/10 New Zealand researchers find possible cause of Australian stringhalt. (MF)?? 432/15 Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23 University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13
Netherlands Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8 Dutch researchers study horses and air travel. (MF)?? 425/12 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 Dutch researchers report on Friesian Horses with distichiasis. (MF)?? 434/13
NetPosse.com Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26
New Bolton Center -see- University of Pennsylvania
New Forest Ponies Pop Quiz: Pony breed that did not originate in the British Isles. (HO)?? 424/11
New York State College of Veterinary Medicine -see- Cornell University
New Zealand New Zealand researchers find possible cause of Australian stringhalt. (MF)?? 432/15
Nonprofit Organizations Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
North Carolina State University North Carolina State University study finds nearly three-quarters of equine athletes return to the previous level of performance a year after colic surgery. (MF)?? 424/7
Nose and Nasal Disorders How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Nostrils How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Nottingham Trent University English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13
Nunez, Alonso Trouble In Paradise. (CR)?? 434/23
Nutrition -see- Diet and Nutrition
Obesity Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12
Ohio State University Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 Ohio and Kentucky researchers study cleft palate survival. (MF)?? 434/12 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12
Oils and Fats Horses’ oil needs. (C)?? 432/77
Ointments and Creams First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66 Helping wounds heal. (HO)?? 429/19
Older Horses -see- Elderly and Older Horses
Oliver, Elizabeth What Brings Me Back. (TT)?? 428/91
Onychomycosis -see- White Line Disease
Opossums Pop Quiz: Wild animals that prey upon small rodents. (HO)?? 433/17
Organizations -see also- Nonprofit Organizations -see also- Veterinary Medical Organizations
Osborne, Neysa Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Osteochondritis Dissecans Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46
Osteomyelitis Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23
Otto, Adrienne Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Over the Hill Farm Inc. Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Owen (Charles) & Co. The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Ownership, Proof of -see- Identification Systems and Proof of Ownership
Pace Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Pack Trips Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Paddocks and Corrals Forestalling thrush. (HO)?? 425/17 An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23
Pads -see also- Saddles and Saddle Pads
Pain and Pain Management Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Hoof Bruises. (PRE)?? 426/20 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 What tooth grinding means. (HO)?? 428/15 What to do when resistance develops suddenly. (C)?? 429/72 A Life Well Lived. (BP)?? 431/80 New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
Pancreas and Pancreatic Disorders University of California-Davis study suggests that pancreatitis in horses may occur more often than previously thought. (MF)?? 428/13
Pancreatitis University of California-Davis study suggests that pancreatitis in horses may occur more often than previously thought. (MF)?? 428/13
Parades Sheepish. (BP)?? 432/88
Parasites and Parasite Control -see also- Ticks Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 (HO)?? 428/15 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44 Impaction Colic. (PRE)?? 434/20 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Parker, C. W. All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Partrade The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Paso Fino Horses Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Pastern Dermatitis -see- Scratches
Pastures The Ins and Outs of Gates. (F)?? 423/30 Precautions to take when pasture turns to green in spring. (HO)?? 426/17 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75 Lyme Disease. (PRE)?? 428/18 Plant Poisoning. (PRE)?? 429/22
Patent Urachus Seeking Closure. (CR)?? 433/23
Pawing How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20
Performance and Performance Problems German study suggests that genetics plays an important role in a horse’s competitive success. (MF)?? 423/7 North Carolina State University study finds nearly three-quarters of equine athletes return to the previous level of performance a year after colic surgery. (MF)?? 424/7 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16
Peripheral Cushing’s Disease -see- Equine Metabolic Syndrome
Personality -see- Character and Personality
Pesticides -see- Chemicals
Peter McCue (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital study finds some wobblers go on to athletic careers. (MF)?? 429/17
Phar Lap (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Pharmacies, Compounding -see- Compounding Pharmacies
Philadelphia Toboggan Company All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Phoenix Performance Products The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Photography Steps to take better pictures of horses. (HO)?? 432/17
Photosensitivity 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Physical Fitness -see- Fitness
Physiology University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13
Physiology and Behavior (Journal) English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13
Pickford, Kate A Second Chance. (TT)?? 423/64
Piercy, Richard New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13
Pigeon Fever An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23
Pituitary Gland and Pituitary Disorders Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30
Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction -see- Cushing’s Disease
Plants and Weeds -see also- Toxic and Hazardous Plants Pop Quiz: Plant that causes drooling. (HO)?? 426/17
Play Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22
Pleasure Horses and Riding Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12
PLoS ONE (Journal) French study indicates how a horse holds his neck while at rest provides clues to the health of his back. (MF)?? 426/13 Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10 New study fails to support the theory that centuries of breeding have produced horses who are innately “in tune” with their human handlers. (MF)?? 433/12
Pneumonia Anesthesia Without Fear. (F)?? 425/50
Point Two Air Vests USA The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Poisons and Poisoning Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21 Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30 University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12 Beetle in a Haystack. (CR)?? 428/21 Plant Poisoning. (PRE)?? 429/22 Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51 Animal Poison Control Center hotline information. (MF)?? 432/14
Polettini, Marco Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14
Police Horses and Mounted Police Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15
Pollitt, Christopher A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88 Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12
Pollution -see also- Air Pollution
Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13
Ponies -see also- Connemara Ponies -see also- New Forest Ponies Pop Quiz: Pony breed that did not originate in the British Isles. (HO)?? 424/11 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11 English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15 The Pony and Me. (TT)?? 434/77
Pony Clubs Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11
Posture and Carriage How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language. (F)?? 424/20 Series on Conformation: Hoof Balance. (F)?? 428/77
Potomac Horse Fever Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32
Poultry Danish researchers trace outbreak of respiratory disease on a poultry farm to a herd of horses. (MF)?? 426/11
Poverty Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Powell (Rodney) The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Powers, Jen Obie’s Ocular Enigma. (CR)?? 424/14
Preakness Stakes Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Predators Measures to reduce mosquito populations around the barn. (HO)?? 431/13
Pregnancy Japanese veterinarians find a new way to predict foaling. (MF)?? 427/17 University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12 Research from Kentucky shows that a mare’s age may affect the success of twin reduction. (MF)?? 430/10 Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12
Prevention (Feature) Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Hoof Bruises. (PRE)?? 426/20 Lyme Disease. (PRE)?? 428/18 Plant Poisoning. (PRE)?? 429/22 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20 Ringworm. (PRE)?? 433/20 Impaction Colic. (PRE)?? 434/20
Preventive Veterinary Medicine (Journal) Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8
Princequillo (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Problem-Solving Ability French researchers study horse problem-solving abilities. (MF)?? 425/10
Professions and Occupations -see also- Farriers and Farriery -see also- Jockeys -see also- Riders and Riding -see also- Trainers and Coaches -see also- Veterinarians
Prognostic Tools and Techniques -see also- Diagnostic Tools and Techniques English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15
Project Samana Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Proof of Ownership -see- Identification Systems and Proof of Ownership
Purcell, Tawna Hung Up. (CR)?? 427/23
Purpura Hemorrhagica Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46
Putnam, Jessica Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12
Quarter Horses What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14
Racing and Racehorses New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9 Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital study finds some wobblers go on to athletic careers. (MF)?? 429/17 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Radiation When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40
Radiography The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Rainland Farm Equine Clinic Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44
Rainrot Catching skin conditions early in winter. (HO)?? 424/11 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Ralston, Sarah Pasture portion control. (C)?? 425/67
Ranch and Coast Equine Practice Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46
Rankin, Chris A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Reardon, Chris . (MF)?? 431/10
Records and Recordkeeping Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26
Recumbency University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13
Recurrent Airway Obstruction Asthma attack. (C)?? 430/71
Reeve, Christopher After the Fall. (F)?? 428/40
Regulus (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Rehabilitation Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10
Reining and Reining Horses Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Home Away From Home. (BP)?? 429/80
Relationships -see also- Animal Relationships-see also- Horse and Human Relationship -see also- Horse to Horse Relationship
Renal Replacement Therapy Iowa State University researchers demonstrate that kidney dialysis is possible in horses. (MF)?? 429/16
Renting and Leasing -see also- Horse Leasing
Reproduction -see- Breeding and Reproduction
Reproductive System and Disorders Seasonal mare behavior. (HO)?? 423/11 Japanese researchers study how gender may affect gestation. (MF)?? 432/12
Rescued Horses Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 My Good Samaritan Summer. (TT)?? 427/73
Rescues One Step at a Time. (BP)?? 424/80
Research -see also- Medical Front (Feature) Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88
Research in Veterinary Science (Journal) Italian researchers find that transplanting amnion cells from sheep into injured equine tendons improves healing. (MF)?? 426/12 Clenbuterol shows promise as a treatment for endotoxemia. (MF)?? 430/11
Respiratory System and Disorders Large-scale outbreak of respiratory disease among Icelandic Horses is linked to common bacteria that normally do not cause illness. (MF)?? 425/13 Cold weather workouts. (HO)?? 425/15 Anesthesia Without Fear. (F)?? 425/50 Danish researchers trace outbreak of respiratory disease on a poultry farm to a herd of horses. (MF)?? 426/11 Texas A&M University study supports the theory that nasopharyngeal cicatrix syndrome is caused by chronic exposure to an irritant or infective agent in the environment. (MF)?? 430/13 Asthma attack. (C)?? 430/71 Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58
Restraints University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10
Retirement and Retired Horses Companion options for lonely horses. (HO)?? 425/15
Rewards Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26
Rhabdomyolysis Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Rhinopneumonitis A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17
Ricochet Ridge Ranch Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58
Riders and Riding -see also- Disabled Riders -see also- Horse and Human Relationship -see also- Pleasure Horses and Riding -see also- Therapeutic Riding A Second Chance. (TT)?? 423/64 That First Ride. (BP)?? 426/112 Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 After the Fall. (F)?? 428/40 Series on Conformation: Hoof Balance. (F)?? 428/77 What Brings Me Back. (TT)?? 428/91 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Techniques to minimize risks when crossing a road. (HO)?? 430/15 Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32 A Level Playing Field. (TT)?? 432/72 An Ordinary Horse. (F)?? 433/56 This Glamorous Life. (BP)?? 433/80 Breaking the habit of slowing down when passing the arena gate. (HO)?? 434/17
Riders4Helmets After the Fall. (F)?? 428/40 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Riding Camps -see- Camps
Ringbone Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51
Ringworm Ringworm. (PRE)?? 433/20 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Riss, Bill When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Roads -see- Highways, Streets and Roads
Roberts, Monty Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22
Rodents Pop Quiz: Animals that make effective predators against rodents. (HO)?? 427/19 Lyme Disease. (PRE)?? 428/18 Pop Quiz: Wild animals that prey upon small rodents. (HO)?? 433/17
Rollkur Posture What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32
Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital Research from Kentucky shows that a mare’s age may affect the success of twin reduction. (MF)?? 430/10 Ohio and Kentucky researchers study cleft palate survival. (MF)?? 434/12
Roughage -see- Diet and Nutrition
Round Pens and Round Penning Inspecting the round pen. (HO)?? 429/19
Royal Veterinary College (England) New research suggests that horses with type-1 PSSM aren’t likely to have cardiac complications. (MF)?? 425/13 English study suggests that a blood test used determine the severity of colic needs to be interpreted differently when used for ponies. (MF)?? 429/15 English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8
Running Walk Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Russell, Mark 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75
The Saddle Research Trust English researchers study saddle slippage and lameness. (MF)?? 425/11
Saddles and Saddle Pads English researchers study saddle slippage and lameness. (MF)?? 425/11 Sizing Up Cinches & Girths. (F)?? 428/32 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Safety -see- Accidents and Safety
Safety Equipment Institute Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Safety Vests -see- Body Protectors
Sales Steps to take to get ready for tack sale season. (HO)?? 429/20
Sales (Horse) -see- Buying and Selling Horses
Saliva and Salivation Pop Quiz: Plant that causes drooling. (HO)?? 426/17 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86
Scanlan, Lawrence Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Scheve, Tom When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Schott, Hal Michigan State University study helps explain why horses with Cushing’s Disease fail to shed their winter coats. (MF)?? 428/13
Scott (Marion duPont) Equine Medical Center -see- Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Scott, Mike Sizing Up Cinches & Girths. (F)?? 428/32
Scratches Catching skin conditions early in winter. (HO)?? 424/11 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Sculpture -see- Art and Artists
Seabaugh, Katie An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19
Seasonal Care 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Seasonal Pasture Myopathy Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Seasons -see also- Autumn -see also- Spring -see also- Summer -see also- Winter
Secretariat (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Sedation Danish researchers studying cardiac activity in horses undergoing euthanasia recommend administering a sedative before the procedure. (MF)?? 428/10
Seizures Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46
Selling Horses -see- Buying and Selling Horses
Seminars -see- Clinics, Seminars and Workshops
Sepsis Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32
Severe, Michelle A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Sex (Gender) -see- Gender
Sheds -see- Shelter and Sheds
Sheep Italian researchers find that transplanting amnion cells from sheep into injured equine tendons improves healing. (MF)?? 426/12 Sheepish. (BP)?? 432/88
Sheets -see- Blankets and Sheets
Shelter and Sheds 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75
Sherlock, Ceri E. University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6
Shideler, Steve An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23 Seeking Closure. (CR)?? 433/23
Shipping Fever New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9
Shock -see also- Anaphylactic Shock
Shoes and Shoeing -see also- Farriers and Farriery Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 Quick assessment of damage from losing a shoe. (HO)?? 432/19 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Show Jumping German study suggests that genetics plays an important role in a horse’s competitive success. (MF)?? 423/7 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Reverse Psychology. (BP)?? 430/80
Sidebone Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51
Sidedness Czech researchers study foals’ preferences for suckling sides. (MF)?? 427/14
Simpson, Koelle Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22
Size -see- Stature and Size
Skeletal System and Disorders Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 Canadian study suggests that fragmentation of a bone within the hock may go unnoticed until radiographs are taken. (MF)?? 429/15 French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12 A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20 Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23 University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13
Skin and Skin Disorders Catching skin conditions early in winter. (HO)?? 424/11 Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Fixing a feeble forelock. (C)?? 424/68 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14 Study from Mississippi State and Michigan State universities confirms that the effects of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia extend well beyond a horse’s skin. (MF)?? 431/9 Determining why a horse doesn’t like to be touched. (HO)?? 431/14 When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40 Ringworm. (PRE)?? 433/20 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14 Checking the underside of the tailbone. (HO)?? 434/18
Slaughter My Good Samaritan Summer. (TT)?? 427/73
Sleep and Sleep Disorders Czech Republic researchers find support for the theory that narcolepsy can be inherited. (MF)?? 423/9
Slobbers -see- Saliva and Salivation
Smith, Lisa A Level Playing Field. (TT)?? 432/72
Snacks -see- Treats and Snacks
Snakes and Snakebite University of South Florida researchers find snakes are hosts of the eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus. (MF)?? 425/11 Pop Quiz: Animals that make effective predators against rodents. (HO)?? 427/19 Pop Quiz: Wild animals that prey upon small rodents. (HO)?? 433/17
Social Behavior -see- Behavior and Behavioral Problems
Something Royal (Horse) Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Soreness -see- Pain and Pain Management
Soundness Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56
Southern Arkansas University Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26
Spain New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
Special Report (Feature) Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26 Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Special Section (Feature) Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44 Special Section on Barn Dogs: 5 Skills Every Barn Dog Needs. (SECT)?? 431/52
Speed Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Spine -see- Skeletal System and Disorders
Splints (Cast) -see- Casts and Splints
Splints (Injury) Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20
Sponenberg, D. Phillip Breeding for white markings. (C)?? 434/81
Sponseller, Beatrice Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Sport Horses -see- Equine Athletes
Sports -see- Competitions and Sports
Spring Precautions to take when pasture turns to green in spring. (HO)?? 426/17
Squeeze-Induced Somnolence University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10
Stable Equipment and Supplies -see also- Clipping and Clippers -see also- Grooming Equipment Using baling twine to cut a bale of hay. (HOT)?? 423/12 Using a badminton racket to skim out water tubs. (HOT)?? 425/16 Using a hand-held ice scraper to remove scum from a plastic or rubber water trough. (HOT)?? 426/18 Wrapping self-adhesive veterinary wrap around wooden tool handles. (HOT)?? 427/20 Using a mesh laundry bag to dry wet sponges. (HOT)?? 428/16 Getting to the bottom of a hoof conditioner container. (HOT)?? 429/20 Using strainer or flour sifter to spread stall freshener powder evenly. (HOT)?? 430/16 Wrapping self-adhesive elastic bandage around the hand-holding areas of barn tools. (HOT)?? 434/18 Cleaning out the feed room. (HO)?? 434/19 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Stables and Stable Care Preparing the barn for a winter visit from the veterinarian or farrier. (HO)?? 423/12 Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58 Timesaving tips to finish barn chores during remaining daylight in autumn. (HO)?? 433/18 Ways to reduce the chances of a fire in the barn. (HO)?? 433/19 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Stabling and Turning Out Pasture portion control. (C)?? 425/67 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Texas A&M University study supports the theory that nasopharyngeal cicatrix syndrome is caused by chronic exposure to an irritant or infective agent in the environment. (MF)?? 430/13 Measures to reduce mosquito populations around the barn. (HO)?? 431/13 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32
Stall Mats Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Stallions The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10
Stalls -see also- Wash Stalls Forestalling thrush. (HO)?? 425/17 Using strainer or flour sifter to spread stall freshener powder evenly. (HOT)?? 430/16 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Stance Series on Conformation: Hoof Balance. (F)?? 428/77 A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17
Standardbred Horses Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86
Standing Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15
Standing Water Measures to reduce mosquito populations around the barn. (HO)?? 431/13
Stanitski, Debbie The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Starke, Sandra English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8
Static Electricity Avoiding getting shock from static electricity when grooming. (HOT)?? 431/14
Statues -see- Art and Artists
Stature and Size Determining how large a foal will be when grown. (HO)?? 430/15 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Steel, Cate Australian researchers study risks of joint injections. (MF)?? 433/15
Stein and Goldstein All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Stem Cells and Stem-Cell Therapy Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14
Stephens, Virgil C. A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Sterile Maggot Therapy -see- Maggot Therapy
Steroids Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46
Stewart, Jon Beetle in a Haystack. (CR)?? 428/21
Stewart, Rebeccah A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17
Stiff Horse Syndrome Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15
Stiff Person Syndrome Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15
Stix, Karen Hung Up. (CR)?? 427/23
Stolen Horse International Inc. Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26
Stopping Training to stop on a dime. (C)?? 428/94
Stormes, Chuck Sizing Up Cinches & Girths. (F)?? 428/32
Storms Meaning of terms used by the National Weather Service. (HO)?? 423/11
Strains Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15
Streets -see- Highways, Streets and Roads
Stress Dutch researchers study horses and air travel. (MF)?? 425/12 Companion options for lonely horses. (HO)?? 425/15 McNeese State University study suggests a whiff of lavender can help calm a high-strung horse. (MF)?? 426/12 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 What tooth grinding means. (HO)?? 428/15 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 Things to watch for during weaning. (HO)?? 432/17 English researchers study clipping and stress. (MF)?? 433/13
Stringhalt New Zealand researchers find possible cause of Australian stringhalt. (MF)?? 432/15
Strom, Ann R. Obie’s Ocular Enigma. (CR)?? 424/14
Sullins, Kenneth When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40
Summer Texas A&M University study supports the theory that nasopharyngeal cicatrix syndrome is caused by chronic exposure to an irritant or infective agent in the environment. (MF)?? 430/13 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Summerwind Farm Home Away From Home. (BP)?? 429/80
Sun and Sun Protection 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Sundling, Kent When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Supplements, Feed -see- Feed Supplements
Surgery -see also- Castration North Carolina State University study finds nearly three-quarters of equine athletes return to the previous level of performance a year after colic surgery. (MF)?? 424/7 Anesthesia Without Fear. (F)?? 425/50 Surgery to see better. (C)?? 426/106 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40
Sutures Helping wounds heal. (HO)?? 429/19
Sweating 8 Summer Health Concerns. (F)?? 430/44
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11
Sweet Itch -see- Equine Insect Hypersensitivity
Sweetman, Larry Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
Swellings Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46 Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46
Swigart, Kat The Case for Safety Vests. (F)?? 426/40
Swiss National Stud Farm Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10
Switzerland Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10
Symposia -see- Clinics, Seminars and Workshops
Tack -see also- Blankets and Sheets -see also- Boots -see also- Saddles and Saddle Pads Steps to take to get ready for tack sale season. (HO)?? 429/20 What Horses Want. (OB)?? 432/32 If Your Horse Gets Loose. (F)?? 433/48 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Tack Rooms Using a round-top mailbox in the tack room. (HOT)?? 424/12 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Tails -see- Manes, Tails and Forelocks
Taylor, Elizabeth Kansas State University researchers study method for reducing cecal acidity. (MF)?? 432/14
Taylor, Elizabeth (Actress) Dutch researchers report on Friesian Horses with distichiasis. (MF)?? 434/13
Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26 If Your Horse Gets Loose. (F)?? 433/48
Teeth and Dentistry Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Senior horse spring health check. (HO)?? 427/21 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 What tooth grinding means. (HO)?? 428/15 (HO)?? 431/13 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44 Impaction Colic. (PRE)?? 434/20 Dealing with mouthy behavior. (C)?? 434/81
Teeth Grinding -see- Bruxism
Teixeira, Raffaella University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14
Telephones -see also- Cellular Telephones
Temperament -see- Character and Personality
Temperature (Body) Pop Quiz: What a horse’s body does with calcium. (HO)?? 423/11 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44
Tendons and Tendon Disorders Italian researchers find that transplanting amnion cells from sheep into injured equine tendons improves healing. (MF)?? 426/12 Hot vs. cold therapy. (HO)?? 428/15 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Tennessee Walking Horses Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Tests -see also- Diagnostic Tools and Techniques
Tetanus Back On Her Feet. (CR)?? 423/15
Texas A&M University Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Texas A&M University study supports the theory that nasopharyngeal cicatrix syndrome is caused by chronic exposure to an irritant or infective agent in the environment. (MF)?? 430/13
Theft Special Report: When Your Horse is Stolen. (SR)?? 430/26
Therapeutic Riding A Level Playing Field. (TT)?? 432/72
Therapy -see also- Cryotherapy -see also- Heat Therapy -see also- Maggot Therapy -see also- Stem Cells and Stem-Cell Therapy Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10
Thermometers First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66
Thin Digital Cushions Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51
Thoroughbred Horses What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital study finds some wobblers go on to athletic careers. (MF)?? 429/17 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32 Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Thoroughbred Racing -see- Racing and Racehorses
Thorpe, Marjorie Making Horse Leases Work. (F)?? 431/34
Three-Day Events -see- Eventing
Thrush Forestalling thrush. (HO)?? 425/17 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Ticks Lyme Disease. (PRE)?? 428/18 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Pop Quiz: Ticks and Lyme disease. (HO)?? 432/17 Checking the underside of the tailbone. (HO)?? 434/18
Ties -see- Restraints
Timms, Richard M. Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Tires Trailer safety check. (HO)?? 428/16
Tolt Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Toolboxes When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Toth, Balazs University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10 Toxic and Hazardous Plants Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21 Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30 Plant Poisoning. (PRE)?? 429/22 Suitable wood shavings as bedding. (C)?? 431/72 New Zealand researchers find possible cause of Australian stringhalt. (MF)?? 432/15
Toxicon (Journal) New Zealand researchers find possible cause of Australian stringhalt. (MF)?? 432/15
Trachtenberg Veterinary Associates Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Trachtenberg, David Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Asthma attack. (C)?? 430/71
Trailers and Trailering -see also- Travel and Transportation Can horses learn by observing other horses. (C)?? 423/66 7 Things to Teach Your Trail Horse. (F)?? 425/30 Trailer safety check. (HO)?? 428/16 Using heavy-duty anti-slip tape on the trailer ramp. (HOT)?? 432/18 When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Trails and Trail Riding 7 Things to Teach Your Trail Horse. (F)?? 425/30 The Power of Two. (TT)?? 425/64 Plant Poisoning. (PRE)?? 429/22 Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Key to My Heart. (TT)?? 430/67 An Ordinary Horse. (F)?? 433/56 The Transformation. (TT)?? 433/67 Behaving badly on the trail. (C)?? 433/72
Trainers and Coaches Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22
Training and Education Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Training Horses French study indicates that a period of isolation aids learning in a young horse. (MF)?? 423/7 Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22 Can horses learn by observing other horses. (C)?? 423/66 Forever Young. (BP)?? 423/80 7 Things to Teach Your Trail Horse. (F)?? 425/30 Training a reluctant horse to cross water. (C)?? 426/105 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 My Good Samaritan Summer. (TT)?? 427/73 Cue control. (C)?? 427/78 Training to stop on a dime. (C)?? 428/94 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 Key to My Heart. (TT)?? 430/67 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20 If Your Horse Gets Loose. (F)?? 433/48 The Transformation. (TT)?? 433/67 Behaving badly on the trail. (C)?? 433/72 Breaking the habit of slowing down when passing the arena gate. (HO)?? 434/17 Dealing with mouthy behavior. (C)?? 434/81
Trauma (Physical) -see- Injuries Traumatic Brain Injury Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Travel and Transportation -see also- Trailers and Trailering Dutch researchers study horses and air travel. (MF)?? 425/12 Preparing for a move. (C)?? 428/95
Treadmills and Treadmill Tests Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10
Treats and Snacks Variety of treats. (HO)?? 427/19 Protecting yourself from kicks. (HO)?? 427/19 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Trees Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21 Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30 Suitable wood shavings as bedding. (C)?? 431/72 Home remedies for getting tree sap off your horse. (HO)?? 433/17
Treviranus, Caroline Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Triple Crown Special Report on Secretariat: Secrets of Secretariat’s Speed. (SR)?? 434/42
Triplets -see- Twins and Triplets
Trot English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8
Trucks When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
True Tale (Feature) A Second Chance. (TT)?? 423/64 The Last Tanga. (TT)?? 424/67 The Power of Two. (TT)?? 425/64 She’s Leaving Home. (TT)?? 426/99 My Good Samaritan Summer. (TT)?? 427/73 What Brings Me Back. (TT)?? 428/91 Learning to Love Loki. (TT)?? 429/68 Key to My Heart. (TT)?? 430/67 My Escape from Wildfires. (TT)?? 431/66 A Level Playing Field. (TT)?? 432/72 The Transformation. (TT)?? 433/67 The Pony and Me. (TT)?? 434/77
Tufts University What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86
Tumors When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14
Turcotte, Ron Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Turning Out -see- Stabling and Turning Out
Tuvera, Ashley Reverse Psychology. (BP)?? 430/80 Tweedy, John Jr. Special Report on Secretariat: Why Secretariat Still Matters. (SR)?? 434/32
Twins and Triplets Research from Kentucky shows that a mare’s age may affect the success of twin reduction. (MF)?? 430/10
Tying Up -see- Exertional Rhabdomyolysis
Ulcers What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86
Ultrasound University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12 An Unusual Swelling. (CR)?? 430/19
United States Dressage Federation Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
United States Equestrian Federation Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
United States Govt?Bureau of Land Management The One Left Behind. (F)?? 425/46
United States Govt?Center for Veterinary Medicine Why FDA Approval Matters. (F)?? 425/38
United States Govt?Food and Drug Administration Why FDA Approval Matters. (F)?? 425/38
United States Govt?National Weather Service Meaning of terms used by the National Weather Service. (HO)?? 423/11
United States Hunter Jumper Association Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
United States Polo Foundation Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
United States Pony Clubs Inc. Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34
Universidad Barcelona New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
University of Brno Czech researchers study fungal infections of the guttural pouch. (MF)?? 426/12
University of California-Davis University of California-Davis study illustrates the potentially devastating consequences of fungal infections of the cornea. (MF)?? 424/7 Obie’s Ocular Enigma. (CR)?? 424/14 University of California-Davis research explains how some restraint techniques induce a sleep-like state in foals. (MF)?? 426/10 University of California-Davis study suggests that pancreatitis in horses may occur more often than previously thought. (MF)?? 428/13 University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13
University of California-San Francisco Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
University of Copenhagen Danish researchers trace outbreak of respiratory disease on a poultry farm to a herd of horses. (MF)?? 426/11 Danish researchers studying cardiac activity in horses undergoing euthanasia recommend administering a sedative before the procedure. (MF)?? 428/10
University of Florida New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16
University of Georgia University of Georgia retrospective study finds correlation between eye problems and colic. (MF)?? 423/6 New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16
University of Guelph Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24
University of Kentucky University of Kentucky researchers study using ultrasound to detect fescue toxicosis. (MF)?? 428/12
University of Liege Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16
University of Lyon French study suggests that maggot therapy can be beneficial in treating uncomplicated equine wounds. (MF)?? 428/11
University of Melbourne Australian study suggests that recombinant vaccines can be administered on an accelerated schedule to more quickly control outbreaks of equine influenza. (MF)?? 424/8 Clenbuterol shows promise as a treatment for endotoxemia. (MF)?? 430/11 Australian researchers study risks of joint injections. (MF)?? 433/15
University of Minnesota Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6 Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30 University of Minnesota researchers discover early signs of equine motor neuron disease. (MF)?? 429/16 Research helps refine underwater treadmill therapy. (MF)?? 430/10 University of Minnesota researchers study melanoma cases among Quarter Horses. (MF)?? 434/14
University of Montreal Canadian study suggests that fragmentation of a bone within the hock may go unnoticed until radiographs are taken. (MF)?? 429/15
University of Nottingham Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12
University of Pennsylvania New research suggests that conditions that cause severe pain or ongoing illness may also make horses susceptible to heart problems. (MF)?? 433/12
University of Queensland Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88 Australian study shows a link between obesity and misbehavior in ponies. (MF)?? 428/11 University of Rennes French researchers study horse problem-solving abilities. (MF)?? 425/10 French study indicates how a horse holds his neck while at rest provides clues to the health of his back. (MF)?? 426/13
University of Saskatchewan A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17 University of South Florida University of South Florida researchers find snakes are hosts of the eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus. (MF)?? 425/11
University of Sussex New study fails to support the theory that centuries of breeding have produced horses who are innately “in tune” with their human handlers. (MF)?? 433/12
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Brno) Czech Republic researchers find support for the theory that narcolepsy can be inherited. (MF)?? 423/9
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover German study suggests that genetics plays an important role in a horse’s competitive success. (MF)?? 423/7
University of Veterinary Sciences (Vienna) Austrian researchers call for end to hot-iron branding. (MF)?? 424/9
University of Vienna Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14
Uppsala University Joint research shows ambling gaits are probably the result of the same genetic mutation. (MF)?? 424/6
Urinary Tract and Disorders Seeking Closure. (CR)?? 433/23
Urine and Urination Red Maple Poisoning Survivor. (CR)?? 425/21 Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58
Urticaria -see- Hives
USRider When You’re Shopping for a Towing Vehicle. (F)?? 432/50
Utrecht University Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8 Dutch researchers study horses and air travel. (MF)?? 425/12 Utrecht University researchers study how riders help police horses learn. (MF)?? 427/15 Dutch researchers report on Friesian Horses with distichiasis. (MF)?? 434/13
Vacations Planning Your First Pack Trip. (F)?? 425/58 She’s Leaving Home. (TT)?? 426/99
Vaccines and Vaccinations Australian study suggests that recombinant vaccines can be administered on an accelerated schedule to more quickly control outbreaks of equine influenza. (MF)?? 424/8 Vaccines and exercise. (C)?? 425/67 Injection Aftercare. (F)?? 427/46 Lyme Disease. (PRE)?? 428/18 When to Worry About Equine Melanoma. (F)?? 432/40 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Valberg, Stephanie Mystery Solved. (F)?? 426/30
van Eps, Andrew Ohio State University and Michigan State University researchers study benefits of icing feet as laminitis preventive. (MF)?? 434/12
Vans -see- Automobiles and Vans
Ventilation Measures to reduce mosquito populations around the barn. (HO)?? 431/13 Clear the Air. (F)?? 431/58 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68 Veterinarians Preparing the barn for a winter visit from the veterinarian or farrier. (HO)?? 423/12 Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Veterinary Dermatology (Journal) Michigan State University study helps explain why horses with Cushing’s Disease fail to shed their winter coats. (MF)?? 428/13
The Veterinary Journal Austrian researchers call for end to hot-iron branding. (MF)?? 424/9 Joint study researchers monitor heart rates of horses during competitions. (MF)?? 427/14
Veterinary Journal Danish researchers studying cardiac activity in horses undergoing euthanasia recommend administering a sedative before the procedure. (MF)?? 428/10
The Veterinary Journal French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12 English researchers study how speed affects lameness detection. (MF)?? 431/8
Veterinary Medical Organizations Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Veterinary Medicine and Care -see also- Surgery -see also- Teeth and Dentistry -see also- Therapy Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 Tube Troubles. (CR)?? 429/24 Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Veterinary Quarterly (Journal) Czech Republic researchers find support for the theory that narcolepsy can be inherited. (MF)?? 423/9
The Veterinary Record (Journal) Dutch researchers study horses and air travel. (MF)?? 425/12 Czech researchers study fungal infections of the guttural pouch. (MF)?? 426/12
Veterinary Surgery (Journal) Auburn University research may explain the link between cribbing and one type of colic. (MF)?? 431/9 Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Saving Star. (CR)?? 432/23
Viruses Measures to reduce mosquito populations around the barn. (HO)?? 431/13
Vision -see- Eyes and Vision Disorders
Vital Signs Special Section on Barn Dogs: A Horse Owner’s Guide to Dog Care. (SECT)?? 431/44
Vitamins University of Minnesota researchers discover early signs of equine motor neuron disease. (MF)?? 429/16
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus Series on Conformation: The Vitruvian Hoof. (F)?? 423/45
Vough, Les When is hay too old. (C)?? 431/71
Walsh, Donald A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88
Warmblood Horses What We Know About Cribbing. (OB)?? 426/86 Belgian researchers study the effect of developmental orthopedic disease on future performance of warmblood show jumpers. (MF)?? 427/16 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46
Wash Stalls Tips to make the wash stall safer. (HO)?? 431/13
Water Crossing 7 Things to Teach Your Trail Horse. (F)?? 425/30 Training a reluctant horse to cross water. (C)?? 426/105
Watering and Watering Supplies Horses’ water needs in winter. (HO)?? 425/15 Using a badminton racket to skim out water tubs. (HOT)?? 425/16 Using a hand-held ice scraper to remove scum from a plastic or rubber water trough. (HOT)?? 426/18 The Challenge of Choke. (F)?? 431/26 Watering a sweaty horse. (C)?? 432/78 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Watts, Kathryn A Man Who Made a Difference. (BP)?? 427/88
Weaning and Weanlings Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 Things to watch for during weaning. (HO)?? 432/17
Weather -see also- Storms Meaning of terms used by the National Weather Service. (HO)?? 423/11 Catching skin conditions early in winter. (HO)?? 424/11 Warm choices for winter apparel. (HO)?? 424/12 Horses’ puffy coats in winter. (HO)?? 424/13 Horses’ water needs in winter. (HO)?? 425/15 Cold weather workouts. (HO)?? 425/15 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11 7 Ways to Improve Your Run-In Shed. (F)?? 426/75
Weeds-see- Plants and Weeds
Weight and Weight Management-see also- Obesity Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 Developmental Orthopedic Disease. (PRE)?? 425/18 Pasture portion control. (C)?? 425/67 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40 Things to watch for during weaning. (HO)?? 432/17
Weight Bearing Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 The Anatomy of Laminitis. (F)?? 427/40
Western Style Riding and Gear Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Home Away From Home. (BP)?? 429/80
White Leg Disease-see- Photosensitivity
White Line Disease Series on Conformation: Identifying Abnormal Hooves. (F)?? 430/51
White, Lindsey Safety Helmet Success Story. (F)?? 429/34 Wild Animals Pop Quiz: Wild animals that prey upon small rodents. (HO)?? 433/17
Wild Horses Finding My Path. (F)?? 423/22 The One Left Behind. (F)?? 425/46 Rethinking Laminitis. (F)?? 427/32 Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56 My Good Samaritan Summer. (TT)?? 427/73 The Herd Factor. (OB)?? 430/36 Swiss study challenges conventional notions about how stallions are best housed and managed. (MF)?? 431/10
Wildermuth, Pamela A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Williams, Carey Horses’ oil needs. (C)?? 432/77
Williams, Jennifer Starting the Older Horse. (OB)?? 427/56
Williams, Leanne Special Section on Barn Dogs: 5 Skills Every Barn Dog Needs. (SECT)?? 431/52
Wilson, Julie Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Winfield, Laramie University of California-Davis researchers study records of recumbent horses. (MF)?? 434/13
Winter Seasonal mare behavior. (HO)?? 423/11 Meaning of terms used by the National Weather Service. (HO)?? 423/11 Preparing the barn for a winter visit from the veterinarian or farrier. (HO)?? 423/12 Catching skin conditions early in winter. (HO)?? 424/11 Warm choices for winter apparel. (HO)?? 424/12 Horses’ puffy coats in winter. (HO)?? 424/13 Horses’ water needs in winter. (HO)?? 425/15 Cold weather workouts. (HO)?? 425/15 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences researchers study effects of exercise on clipped and unclipped horses in the cold. (MF)?? 426/11 Winter Checklist. (F)?? 433/60
Withers A Crushing Blow. (CR)?? 431/17
Wobbler Syndrome Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital study finds some wobblers go on to athletic careers. (MF)?? 429/17
Wolf, W. H. A Forged Bond. (F)?? 424/40
Wong, David Iowa State University researchers demonstrate that kidney dialysis is possible in horses. (MF)?? 429/16
Wood Carving All The Pretty Horses. (F)?? 432/60
Woods, Gary 7 Things to Teach Your Trail Horse. (F)?? 425/30
Working Horses Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8 Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
Workouts Dutch study yields advice for owners of hardworking horses. (MF)?? 423/8 Cold weather workouts. (HO)?? 425/15
Workshops-see- Clinics, Seminars and Workshops
World Horse Welfare Help for Horses in Need. (F)?? 423/38
World Wide Web-see- Internet and World Wide Web
Worms-see- Parasites and Parasite Control
Wounds and Wound Treatment Special Report: The Latest on PPID. (SR)?? 424/30 An Insidious Case of Pigeon Fever. (CR)?? 426/23 First-Aid Kit Overhaul. (F)?? 427/66 French study suggests that maggot therapy can be beneficial in treating uncomplicated equine wounds. (MF)?? 428/11 Guilt-free Grooming. (F)?? 428/46 Italian researcher succeeds in using a blood-derived stem cell to aid the healing of persistent skin wounds in horses. (MF)?? 429/14 Helping wounds heal. (HO)?? 429/19 Study of lameness in British ceremonial cavalry horses may benefit pleasure horses. (MF)?? 432/12 Quick assessment of damage from losing a shoe. (HO)?? 432/19 Wound-flushing facts. (HO)?? 434/17 Special Report on Secretariat: That 70s Barn. (SR)?? 434/68
Wraps-see- Bandages and Wraps
X-rays New study suggests that many simple cases of sand colic can be managed without surgery. (MF)?? 427/16 Canadian study suggests that fragmentation of a bone within the hock may go unnoticed until radiographs are taken. (MF)?? 429/15 The End of Navicular Disease? (F)?? 433/38
Yearlings My Good Samaritan Summer. (TT)?? 427/73
Young Horses Fight Arthritis at Every Age. (F)?? 429/46 French researchers identify risk factors that may lead to the development of juvenile osteochondral conditions. (MF)?? 430/12 Splints. (PRE)?? 432/20 New study fails to support the theory that centuries of breeding have produced horses who are innately “in tune” with their human handlers. (MF)?? 433/12 Behaving badly on the trail. (C)?? 433/72
Zinc New research from Japan shows a link between low zinc levels and certain diseases in racehorses. (MF)?? 423/9