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Equitrekking Debuts with New Season on PBS May 2009
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Equus
January 8, 2009 — Equitrekking®, the first travel television series to explore the world on horseback, has announced its new season of high definition episodes on PBS starting in May 2009. Episodes include Wales, Scotland, Southern Spain, Central Turkey, Alaska and Quebec City and Beyond. Hosted and produced by equestrian travel expert Darley Newman, the series has just completed its 26th high definition episode and secured distribution on international networks, in addition to its broadcasts on PBS and the Create Channel in North America.
Equitrekking’s new fourth season finds Darley learning dressage in Spain, viewing bald eagles and other wildlife on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, riding to castles in Scotland, visiting underground cities and ancient villages on Arabian horses in Central Turkey, riding the wide beaches on the Gower Peninsula in Wales and more. This winter and spring, Equitrekking begins filming a new set of episodes with destinations in Jordan, Montana, Uruguay, Turkey, Alberta and more.
“In each new destination, I find new horse breeds, new challenging terrain, beautiful scenery and welcoming locals who show me the best of their world in and out of the saddle,” said Darley. “I am excited for viewers across the United States and now around the world to ride along for our amazing adventures and so excited that a show like Equitrekking, focused on horses, travel and adventure, has gained such wide appeal.”
The Equitrekking series is now broadcast on international networks in Italy, Turkey, Dom Toms, Belgium, Monaco, Andorra, French-speaking Switzerland, French-speaking Africa, French-speaking Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mauritania and Russia & CSI territories.
To find out where Equitrekking is on in your area, check your local PBS listings and visit Equitrekking.com.
Keep up with Darley’s travels in her EquiSearch.com blog and monthly postcards in Practical Horseman magazine.