A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Articles are listed as follows: Title (Department) Issue Number/Page Number
Department Key: BP (Back Page), C (Consultants), CR (Case Report), F (Feauture), HO (Hands On), HW (Health Watch), MF (Medical Front), PER (Perspective), RU (Round Up), SR (Special Report)
Abortion Lost Foals (F) 315/46 Differences between equine herpesvirus strains (MF) 322/22
Abscesses Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47 Scintigraphy for diagnosing head problems (MF) 323/16 Hoof soaking techniques (HO) 325/23
Abuse and Neglect Aftermath of bizarre attack on Saddlebreds (CR) 316/21 New technology helps identify soring (RU) 321/82 Rancher charged with neglect (RU) 321/83 Reputable Rescue or Shameless Scam? (F) 324/42 Lawsuits in Saddlebred attacks (RU) 324/81 Plea agreement in neglect case (RU) 325/73
Accidents and Safety Hold Your Horses (F) 316/34 Safer Sports for Equine Athletes (F) 316/56 When horse and rider fall (HO) 317/22 Laceration injury (CR) 318/38 How to safely cross deep water (HO) 322/24 Taking jumps on the trail (HO) 323/18 Concussion and brain injury (CR) 325/25
Adrenal Gland and Adrenal Disorders New treatment for Cushing’s disease (MF) 314/13
Aggressiveness Tough Customers (F) 323/34 Unusual case of foal rejection (CR) 324/24
Allergies Allergies that cause ear tenderness (C) 317/108 Hope for Headshakers (F) 320/40 The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38
American Endurance Ride Conference Safer Sports for Equine Athletes (F) 316/56 Why endurance horses fail to finish (RU) 320/94 Trends at a Glance (SR) 325/46
Amputation An Artificial Leg to Stand On (F) 324/56 Heroic Measures (BP) 324/104
Appaloosa Horses Bright Zip euthanatized (RU) 314/60 Appaloosa foundation pedigree program (RU) 315/54 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Inheritance of Appaloosa colorings (MF) 323/14 Trends at a Glance Industry Statistics (SR) 325/44
Arabian Horses Arabian breeder in National Cowgirl Hall of Fame (RU) 317/100 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Trends at a Glance (SR) 325/44
Arthritis Premature arthritis (C) 315/60 Spotting arthritis early (HO) 319/33 Hyaluronan & Healthy Joints (F) 320/60 Arthritis in aging horse (C) 322/80
Attitude Spring Trail Prep (F) 318/50 Sourness during the winter (C) 320/106 Concussion and brain injury (CR) 325/25 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34
Backs A Most Deceptive Deformity: Swayback (F) 316/44 The Science of Saddle Fit (HW) 320/96
Bacteria Danger from a stream (C) 319/119 The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38 Foreign Mission: Investigating grass sickness (F) 324/36
Bandages and Wraps Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Horsekeeping items to keep at hand (HO) 325/21
Barrel Racing Champion barrel racer retires (RU) 318/115 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51
Bedding What a stall’s appearance can tell you (HO) 323/20
Behavior and Behavioral Problems Happy Together (F) 314/26 Better Client, Better Care (F) 314/42 Tooth grinding (C) 315/60 Hold Your Horses (F) 316/34 Stress-free weaning (C) 316/80 Raging Hormones (F) 317/30 Bombproofing Basics (F) 317/42 Indicators of low-grade discomfort (HO) 318/36 Spring Trail Prep (F) 318/50 Putting Bombproofing Training to the Test (F) 318/76 The Fallen Comrade Fallacy (PER) 319/14 Spotting arthritis early (HO) 319/33 Link between cribbing and one form of colic (MF) 320/22 Misbehavior during grooming (HO) 320/30 Hope for Headshakers (F) 320/40 Sourness during the winter (C) 320/106 Horse who blows up at shows (C) 320/106 Minimize the risk of kick injuries (HO) 321/26 Horses who chew on trees (C) 321/92 Giving injections to needle-shy horses (HO) 322/24 Saddle & Bridle Solutions (F) 322/63 Tongue sucking (C) 322/79 What a stall’s appearance can tell you (HO) 323/20 Reluctance to move (CR) 323/22 Tough Customers (F) 323/34 Tooth Sleuthing (F) 323/65 Arizona horse slashings solved (RU) 323/73 Cribbing and ulcers (C) 323/86 Unusual case of foal rejection (CR) 324/24 Residual effects of concussion and brain injury (CR) 325/25 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34 Herding behavior (C) 325/82
Bits Saddle & Bridle Solutions (F) 322/63
Blankets and Sheets Fly-Fighting Strategies (F) 320/52 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Tips for checking the fit of a winter blanket (HO) 324/22
Blood and Blood Disorders Effects of overnight blood storage investigated (MF) 314/14 Aftermath of bizarre attack on Saddlebreds (CR) 316/21 Role of neutrophils in colic (MF) 317/16 Rare clotting disorder (CR) 319/34
Body Fat Body condition scoring system tested (MF) 325/18
Botulism Foreign Mission: Investigating grass sickness (F) 324/36
Bowed Tendons Significance of an “old bow” (C) 324/89 Olympic tendon injuries investigated (RU) 325/73
Brain and Brain Disorders Vaccine can complicate EPM diagnosis (MF) 320/26 Prognosis of West Nile virus-related illness (MF) 325/16 Concussion and brain injury (CR) 325/25
Breeding and Reproduction Lost Foals (F) 315/46 Exercising a pregnant mare (C) 318/125 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Delayed conception (C) 321/92
Bruxism Tooth grinding (C) 315/60
Bucked Shins Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34
Cancer Electrochemotherapy for equine tumors (MF) 322/19
Carbohydrates Managing carbohydrates in horses (HO) 320/28
Cardiovascular System and Disorders Better Client, Better Care (F) 314/42 Causes of exercise intolerance (C) 314/66 Incidence of pericarditis and MRLS (MF) 315/11 Hyaluronan & Healthy Joints (F) 320/60 The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38 At the Heart of Greatness (SR) 325/58 Great Heart (BP) 325/96
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (see Recurrent Airway Obstruction)
Clipping and Clippers Clipper Buying Basics (F) 321/60 Controlling coat growth in winter (C) 324/91
Cloning Differences among equine clones (C) 315/61
Coat and Hair (see also Manes and Tails) Drying a wet horse in winter (C) 314/66 Unusual hair loss (CR) 320/32 What a stall’s appearance can tell you (HO) 323/20 Hair analysis to detect drugs (MF) 324/14 Controlling coat growth in winter (C) 324/91
Colic Role of neutrophils in colic (MF) 317/16 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Link between cribbing and one form of colic (MF) 320/22 Managing carbohydrates in horses (HO) 320/28 Clinical clues to fatal gastrointestinal ruptures (MF) 321/20 Enteroliths (CR) 321/28 Foreign Mission: Investigating grass sickness (F) 324/36 Enema to resolve meconium impactions (MF) 325/14
Color-Dilute Follicular Dysplasia Unusual hair loss (CR) 320/32
Coloration and Markings Differences among equine clones (C) 315/61 Birdcatcher spots (C) 318/124 Unusual hair loss (CR) 320/32 AQHA eliminates “white rule” (RU) 322/73 Inheritance of Appaloosa colorings (MF) 323/14
Colostrum The Right Start (F) 319/58
Combined Training (see Eventing)
Conditioning (see Exercise and Conditioning)
Conformation A Most Deceptive Deformity: Swayback (F) 316/44 Achieving Hoof Balance (F) 319/95 Persistent splints (C) 319/116; correction 324/12 Saddle & Bridle Solutions (F) 322/63 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51 Identifying Your Horse’s Natural Assets (SR) 325/53
Cribbing Stress-free weaning (C) 316/80 Link between cribbing and one form of colic (MF) 320/22 Cribbing and ulcers (C) 323/86
Cushing’s Disease New treatment for Cushing’s disease (MF) 314/13
Cutting and Cutting Horses Chiquita Pistol sweeps cutting’s Triple Crown (RU) 314/61 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51
Dehydration Increasing water intake after exercise (MF) 320/24 Dealing With Drought (F) 323/42
Dentistry (see Teeth and Dentistry)
Diagnostic Tools and Techniques Blood storage investigated (MF) 314/14 Better Client, Better Care (F) 314/42 Glucose monitoring system in horses (MF) 315/12 How Well Do Horses Hear? (F) 315/28 Safer Sports for Equine Athletes (F) 316/56 Lameness scale (MF) 318/26 Subtle signs of hock pain (MF) 318/26 Noises at the canter (HO) 318/34 Unfinished meals (HO) 318/34 Indicators of low-grade discomfort (HO) 318/36 The Need for Necropsy (F) 318/102 Spotting arthritis early (HO) 319/33 Parasite Control Check (F) 319/69 Urine as indicator of gastric ulcers (MF) 320/23 Vaccine can complicate EPM diagnosis (MF) 320/26 Synovial-fluid signals of osteoarthritis (MF) 321/18 Clinical clues to fatal gastrointestinal ruptures (MF) 321/20 The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38 New technology helps identify soring (RU) 321/82 Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47 Ultrasound helps diagnose eye problems (MF) 323/15 Scintigraphy for diagnosing head problems (MF) 323/16 Tough Customers (F) 323/34 Hair analysis to detect drugs (MF) 324/14 MRI detects bone damage (MF) 324/16 Diagnosing watery eyes (C) 324/90 Body condition scoring system tested (MF) 325/18 Concussion and brain injury (CR) 325/25 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34
Diet and Nutrition Evaluate your horse’s diet (HO) 314/16 Managing polysaccharide storage myopathy (MF) 315/12 Caring for horses after an ice storm (HO) 315/17 Managing horses who have foundered (C) 316/78 Danger in the Grass (F) 318/60 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Managing carbohydrates in horses (HO) 320/28 Sourness during the winter (C) 320/106 Enteroliths (CR) 321/28 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Horses who chew on trees (C) 321/92 Fall laminitis risks (HO) 323/20 What a stall’s appearance can tell you (HO) 323/20 Dealing With Drought (F) 323/42 Causes of flatulence (HO) 324/23 Corn oil to protect from ulcers (MF) 325/15
Digestive System and Disorders Penicillin’s effects on the bowel (MF) 316/14 Role of neutrophils in colic (MF) 317/16 Ulcer drug delivers consistent relief (MF) 318/25 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Link between cribbing and one form of colic (MF) 320/22 Urine as indicator of gastric ulcers (MF) 320/23 Managing carbohydrates in horses (HO) 320/28 Clinical clues to fatal gastrointestinal ruptures (MF) 321/20 Enteroliths (CR) 321/28 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Horses who chew on trees (C) 321/92 Causes of flatulence (HO) 324/23 Foreign Mission: Investigating grass sickness (F) 324/36 Enema to resolve meconium impactions (MF) 325/14 Corn oil to protect from ulcers (MF) 325/15
Dressage AQHA documents dressage competitors (RU) 316/70 Mules to compete in USEF dressage shows (RU) 318/116 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51
Drought Dealing With Drought (F) 323/42
Dust and Dust Control Steps to improve air quality in indoor arenas (HO) 316/31 The Power of Dust (F) 319/84 Air Quality Issues (BP) 319/136
Ear Nets Hope for Headshakers (F) 320/40 Fly-Fighting Strategies (F) 320/52
Ears and Hearing Disorders How Well Do Horses Hear? (F) 315/28 Selective hearing in man and animals (BP) 315/72 Allergies that cause ear tenderness (C) 317/108
Elderly and Older Horses Jake’s Journey Back (BP) 317/128 World’s oldest horse (RU) 318/115 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Arthritis in aging horse (C) 322/80 Prognosis of West Nile virus-related illness (MF) 325/16
Electrochemotherapy Electrochemotherapy for equine tumors (MF) 322/19
Endurance Horses Safer Sports for Equine Athletes (F) 316/56 Spring Trail Prep (F) 318/50 Increasing water intake after exercise (MF) 320/24 Why endurance horses fail to finish (RU) 320/94 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Winners of 50th Tevis Cup (RU) 324/80 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51 Identifying Your Horse’s Natural Assets (SR) 325/53
Enteroliths Mysterious colic traced to enteroliths (CR) 321/28
Enzymes Causes of exercise intolerance (C) 314/66 Tracking Down a Foal Killer (HW) 323/76
Equine Dysautonomia Foreign Mission: Investigating grass sickness (F) 324/36
Equine Encephalomyelitis Healing slow from West Nile disease (MF) 319/25
Equine Herpesvirus Acyclovir combats equine herpes infection (MF) 322/20 Equine herpesvirus strains (MF) 322/22
Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalitis Acyclovir combats equine herpes infection (MF) 322/20
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis Vaccine can complicate EPM diagnosis (MF) 320/26
Escaped and Lost Horses Hold Your Horses (F) 316/34
Estrus Raging Hormones (F) 317/30
Eventing Safer Sports for Equine Athletes (F) 316/56 Rolex event offers special Olympic division (RU) 317/103 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51
Exercise and Conditioning Causes of exercise intolerance (C) 314/66 Managing polysaccharide storage myopathy (MF) 315/12 Warm Up Your Winter Riding Routine (F) 315/38 Pace of glycogen replacement (MF) 316/13 How much weight a horse can carry (C) 317/109 Safe exercise regimen for a pregnant mare (C) 318/125 Hand-walking a recuperating horse (HO) 319/30 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Increasing water intake after exercise (MF) 320/24 Causes of sourness during the winter (C) 320/106 Synovial fluid signals of osteoarthritis (MF) 321/18 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Dealing With Drought (F) 323/42 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34
Exertion Pace of glycogen replacement (MF) 316/13 Increasing water intake after exercise (MF) 320/24
Exertional Rhabdomyolysis Dantrolene treatment for “tying up” (MF) 317/18 Dantrolene efficacy confirmed (MF) 318/31
Eyes and Vision Disorders Heredity of susceptibility to cataracts (C) 319/118 Hyaluronan & Healthy Joints (F) 320/60 Burr Trouble (F) 321/71 Ultrasound helps diagnose eye problems (MF) 323/15 Possible causes of watery eyes (C) 324/90
Failure of Passive Transfer Dysmaturity (CR) 314/20
Farm Management Incidence of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia (MF) 314/13 Protecting new pasture grass (HO) 317/20 Fencing Lessons (F) 317/72 10 Storage Solutions for Your Barn (F) 317/87 Rutgers equine-management guide online (RU) 324/83
Feed and Feeding (see Diet and Nutrition)
Fencing Hold Your Horses (F) 316/34 Fencing Lessons (F) 317/72 Maintaining wood fences (HO) 322/27
Flatulence Causes of flatulence (HO) 324/23
Foal Rejection Unusual case of foal rejection (CR) 324/24
Foaling Signs of foaling troubles (HO) 316/30 The Right Start (F) 319/58 Riding a mare after foaling (C) 322/78
Foals Incidence of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia (MF) 314/13 Dealing with dysmaturity in a foal (CR) 314/20 Lost Foals (F) 315/46 The Right Start (F) 319/58 Contraceptive vaccine passes test (MF) 321/19 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Tracking Down a Foal Killer (HW) 323/76 Enema to resolve meconium impactions (MF) 325/14
Footing Caring for horses after an ice storm (HO) 315/17 Steps to improve air quality in indoor arenas (HO) 316/31 Air Quality Issues (BP) 319/136 Soil cement (C) 325/84
Founder Managing foundered feet (C) 316/78 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50
Fractures Safer Sports for Equine Athletes (F) 316/56 Reluctance to move (CR) 323/22 Types of fractures and odds for recovery (MF) 324/18
Fungi and Fungal Infection The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38
Gaited Horses Jumping gaited horses (C) 322/78
Genetics Differences among equine clones (C) 315/61 A Most Deceptive Deformity: Swayback (F) 316/44 Behind the Science (BP) 316/96 Equine “gene chip” developed (MF) 318/24 Recombinant DNA vaccine (MF) 318/28 Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia studied (MF) 319/24 Rare clotting disorder (CR) 319/34 Persistent splints (C) 319/116; correction 324/12 Cataracts and genetics (C) 319/118 AQHA restricts registration of HYPP carriers (RU) 320/91 Inheritance of Appaloosa colorings (MF) 323/14 Tracking Down a Foal Killer (HW) 323/76 At the Heart of Greatness (SR) 325/58 Great Heart (BP) 325/96
Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency Tracking Down a Foal Killer (HW) 323/76
Grass Sickness (see Equine Dysautonomia)
Grooming Drying a wet horse in winter (C) 314/66 Misbehavior during grooming (HO) 320/30
Hay (see Diet and Nutrition)
Headshaking and Tossing Hope for Headshakers (F) 320/40
Heaves (see Recurrent Airway Obstruction)
Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia studied (MF) 319/24 Pedigree analysis reveals links to HERDA (MF) 319/25
Hooves and Hoof Disorders Severe laminitis (CR) 315/20 Injections to relieve navicular pain (MF) 316/12 Managing foundered feet (C) 316/78 Equine hoof design principles (HO) 317/24 Achieving Hoof Balance (F) 319/95 Deep clefts in the frog (C) 319/120 Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47 Fall laminitis risks (HO) 323/20 Hoof soaking techniques (HO) 325/23
Hormones Number of mares in PMU production reduced (RU) 315/52 Raging Hormones (F) 317/30
Hyaluronan Hyaluronan and Healthy Joints (F) 320/60
Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis AQHA restricts registration of HYPP carriers (RU) 320/91
Identification Systems Microchip migration studied (MF) 316/15
Ileus Penicillin’s effects on the bowel (MF) 316/14
Immune System and Disorders Blood storage investigated (MF) 314/14 Role of neutrophils in colic (MF) 317/16 Healthiest method to ship horses (C) 318/126 The Right Start (F) 319/58 Unusual hair loss (CR) 320/32
Infection Aerosolized antibiotics under development (MF) 315/10 Lost Foals (F) 315/46 Allergies that cause ear tenderness (C) 317/108 Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47
Insects and Insect Control Allergies that cause ear tenderness (C) 317/108 Treating a laceration injury (CR) 318/38 Fly-Fighting Strategies (F) 320/52 The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38
Itch (see Skin and Skin Disorders)
Joints and Joint Disorders Recognizing premature arthritis (C) 315/60 Subtle signs of hock pain (MF) 318/26 Spotting arthritis early (HO) 319/33 Hyaluronan & Healthy Joints (F) 320/60 Synovial fluid signals of osteoarthritis (MF) 321/18 Arthritis in elderly horses (C) 322/80
Jumping (see also Show Jumping) Jumping gaited horses (C) 322/78 Safely taking jumps on the trail (HO) 323/18 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34
Lameness American Association of Equine Practitioners’ lameness scale (MF) 318/26 Subtle signs of hock pain (MF) 318/26 Arthritis in aging horse (C) 322/80
Laminitis Severe laminitis (CR) 315/20 Managing foundered feet (C) 316/78 Danger in the Grass (F) 318/60 Managing carbohydrates in horses (HO) 320/28 Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47 Fall laminitis risks (HO) 323/20
Liniments and Poultices Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47
Liver and Liver Disorders The Hardest Working Organ (F) 317/52
Lordosis A Most Deceptive Deformity: Swayback (F) 316/44 Behind the Science (BP) 316/96
Lymph System and Disorders Lymphangitis (C) 320/109
Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI detects bone damage (MF) 324/16
Manes and Tails Direction that equine manes fall (HO) 321/24 Hair analysis to detect drugs (MF) 324/14
Manure and Manure Management Steps to improve air quality in indoor arenas (HO) 316/31 Fly-Fighting Strategies (F) 320/52
Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome Incidence of pericarditis and MRLS (MF) 315/11 Keeneland’s July Selected Yearling Sale is canceled again (RU) 320/95
Medications and Drugs (see also Vaccines and Vaccinations) New treatment for Cushing’s disease (MF) 314/13 Aerosolized antibiotics (MF) 315/10 Making up for missed medication doses (HO) 315/19 Lost Foals (F) 315/46 Injections to relieve navicular pain (MF) 316/12 Penicillin’s effects on the bowel (MF) 316/14 Dantrolene treatment for “tying up” (MF) 317/18 Ulcer drug delivers consistent relief (MF) 318/25 Dantrolene efficacy confirmed (MF) 318/31 Medication expiration dates (C) 318/127 Hope for Headshakers (F) 320/40 Hyaluronan & Healthy Joints (F) 320/60 Use of long-acting tranquilizers (RU) 320/92 Electrochemotherapy for equine tumors (MF) 322/19 Acyclovir combats equine herpes infection (MF) 322/20 Hair analysis to detect drugs (MF) 324/14
Metabolism Danger in the Grass (F) 318/60 Managing carbohydrates in horses (HO) 320/28
Microchips Microchip migration studied (MF) 316/15
Morgan Horses Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Trends at a Glance: Industry Statistics (SR) 325/44
Mounting Aids Using a mounting block (HO) 315/18 The Trend Toward Comfort (F) 320/82
Muscles and Muscle Disorders Managing polysaccharide storage myopathy (MF) 315/12 Dantrolene treatment for “tying up” (MF) 317/18 Dantrolene efficacy confirmed (MF) 318/31 AQHA restricts registration of HYPP carriers (RU) 320/91 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51 Muscle Fiber Types sidebar (SR) 325/54
Navicular Disease Injections to relieve navicular pain (MF) 316/12
Necropsy A Separate Peace (PER) 318/12 The Need for Necropsy (F) 318/102
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis The Right Start (F) 319/58
Nervous System and Neurological Disorders (see also Brain and Brain Disorders) Recognizing wobbler syndrome (C) 317/111 Healing slow from West Nile disease (MF) 319/25 Residual effects of West Nile virus infection (MF) 319/26 Vaccine can complicate EPM diagnosis (MF) 320/26 Hope for Headshakers (F) 320/40 Acyclovir combats equine herpes infection (MF) 322/20 Equine herpesvirus strains (MF) 322/22 Foreign Mission: Investigating grass sickness (F) 324/36 Concussion and brain injury (CR) 325/25
Nutrition (see Diet and Nutrition)
Oils and Fats Managing carbohydrates in horses (HO) 320/28 Corn oil to protect from ulcers (MF) 325/15
Osteoarthritis Hyaluronan & Healthy Joints (F) 320/60 Synovial fluid signals of osteoarthritis (MF) 321/18
Ovariectomy Raging Hormones (F) 317/30
Pain and Pain Management Injections to relieve navicular pain (MF) 316/12 Subtle signs of hock pain (MF) 318/26 Indicators of low-grade discomfort (HO) 318/36 Spotting arthritis early (HO) 319/33 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Misbehavior during grooming (HO) 320/30 Hope for Headshakers (F) 320/40 Horse who blows up at shows (C) 320/106 Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47 Investigating a mysterious reluctance to move (CR) 323/22 Tough Customers (F) 323/34 Tooth Sleuthing (F) 323/65
Paint Horses APHA “Ride America” program (RU) 317/102 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Trends at a Glance (SR) 325/44
Parasites and Parasite Control Cats and tapeworms (C) 318/128 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Parasite Control Check (F) 319/69 Fly-Fighting Strategies (F) 320/52 The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38 Summer sore (CR) 322/28
Pastures Protecting new pasture grass (HO) 317/20 Danger in the Grass (F) 318/60 Minimize the risk of kick injuries (HO) 321/26 Fall laminitis risks (HO) 323/20 Dealing With Drought (F) 323/42 Ridding a pasture of centipedegrass (C) 323/84
Pemphigus Foliaceous Unusual hair loss (CR) 320/32
Pericarditis Incidence of pericarditis and MRLS (MF) 315/11
Periparturient Asphyxia Syndrome The Right Start (F) 319/58
Physiology Causes of exercise intolerance (C) 314/66 Pace of glycogen replacement (MF) 316/13 Snoring in horses (HO) 317/20 The Hardest Working Organ (F) 317/52 Rare clotting disorder (CR) 319/34 Why endurance horses fail to finish (RU) 320/94 Mare with incontinence (C) 321/95 Tracking Down a Foal Killer (HW) 323/76 Causes of flatulence (HO) 324/23 Identifying Your Horse’s Natural Assets (SR) 325/53 At the Heart of Greatness (SR) 325/58
Pituitary Gland and Pituitary Disorders New treatment for Cushing’s disease (MF) 314/13
Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (see Cushing’s Disease)
Plants and Weeds (see also Toxic and Hazardous Plants) Danger in the Grass (F) 318/60 Burr Trouble (F) 321/71 The Seed of an Idea (BP) 321/112 Dealing With Drought (F) 323/42 Ridding a pasture of centipedegrass (C) 323/84
Pneumonia Incidence of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia (MF) 314/13
Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy Exercise intolerance (C) 314/66 Managing polysaccharide storage myopathy (MF) 315/12
Pregnancy Lost Foals (F) 315/46 Exercising a pregnant mare (C) 318/125 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50
Prosthetic Limbs An Artificial Leg to Stand On (F) 324/56 Heroic Measures (BP) 324/104
Quarter Horses Managing polysaccharide storage myopathy (MF) 315/12 AQHA changes judging criteria (RU) 315/53 Sgt. Pepper Feature is euthanatized (RU) 315/55 AQHA documents dressage competitors (RU) 316/70 Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia studied (MF) 319/24 Pedigree analysis reveals links to HERDA (MF) 319/25 AQHA restricts registration of HYPP carriers (RU) 320/91 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 AQHA eliminates “white rule” (RU) 322/73 Champion Tailor Fit moves to Kentucky Horse Park (RU) 323/75 Tracking Down a Foal Killer (HW) 323/76 Trends at a Glance Industry Statistics (SR) 325/44
Racing and Racehorses Old Friends home for retired racehorses (RU) 315/53 Sgt. Pepper Feature euthanatized (RU) 315/55 Safer Sports for Equine Athletes (F) 316/56 Behind the Science (BP) 316/96 Risk factors for recurrent airway obstruction (MF) 317/17 Man Versus Horse Marathon (RU) 319/108 Increasing water intake after exercise (MF) 320/24 Racing reality show planned (RU) 321/84 Seabiscuit’s home preserved (RU) 322/71 Former racehorse serves as the riderless horse (RU) 322/71 Champion Tailor Fit moves to Kentucky Horse Park (RU) 323/75 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51 At the Heart of Greatness (SR) 325/58 Great Heart (BP) 325/96
Recurrent Airway Obstruction Heaves management and treatment (MF) 316/16 Risk factors for recurrent airway obstruction (MF) 317/17
Regulations and Rules Iowa adopts new supplement labeling requirements (RU) 317/99 AQHA restricts registration of HYPP carriers (RU) 320/91 Humane whips mandated for steeplechasers (RU) 323/73 Special stabling requirements for medal finalists (RU) 324/81
Reining and Reining Horses Shawn Flarida tops $1 million mark (RU) 316/73 Duane Latimer takes home a record purse (RU) 319/107 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51
Reproductive System and Disorders Lost Foals (F) 315/46 Raging Hormones (F) 317/30 Causes for delayed conception (C) 321/92 Herding behavior (C) 325/82
Rescue Organizations Reputable Rescue or Shameless Scam? (F) 324/42
Respiratory System and Disorders Airway inflammation in equine athletes (MF) 314/12 Incidence of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia (MF) 314/13 Better Client, Better Care (F) 314/42 Possible causes of exercise intolerance (C) 314/66 Aerosolized antibiotics under development (MF) 315/10 Lost Foals (F) 315/46 Applied Science: Heaves (MF) 316/16 Improving air quality in indoor arenas (HO) 316/31 Risk factors for recurrent airway obstruction (MF) 317/17 Snoring in horses (HO) 317/20 Noises at the canter (HO) 318/34 Air Quality Issues (BP) 319/136 Equine herpesvirus strains (MF) 322/22 Respiratory noise when cantering (C) 325/84
Rhinopneumonitis Equine herpesvirus strains (MF) 322/22
Saddlebred Horses Aftermath of bizarre attack on Saddlebreds (CR) 316/21 A Most Deceptive Deformity: Swayback (F) 316/44 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Lawsuits in Saddlebred attacks (RU) 324/81 Trends at a Glance: Industry Statistics (SR) 325/44
Saddles and Saddle Pads A Rider’s Guide to Alternative Saddles (F) 318/86 The Trend Toward Comfort (F) 320/82 The Science of Saddle Fit (HW) 320/96 Saddle & Bridle Solutions (F) 322/63
Scintigraphy Scintigraphy for diagnosing head problems (MF) 323/16
Scott Syndrome Rare clotting disorder (CR) 319/34
Scratches Three wintertime skin problems (HO) 316/28
Septicemia The Right Start (F) 319/58
Shoes and Shoeing Managing foundered feet (C) 316/78 Achieving Hoof Balance (F) 319/95 Minimize the risk of kick injuries (HO) 321/26 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50 Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47
Show Jumping Safer Sports for Equine Athletes (F) 316/56 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51 Olympic tendon injuries investigated (RU) 325/73
Skeletal System and Disorders Dysmaturity (CR) 314/20 Premature arthritis (C) 315/60 A Most Deceptive Deformity: Swayback (F) 316/44 Behind the Science (BP) 316/96 Persistent splints (C) 319/116; correction 324/12 Synovial fluid signals of osteoarthritis (MF) 321/18 Reluctance to move (CR) 323/22 MRI detects bone damage (MF) 324/16 Types of fractures and odds for recovery (MF) 324/18 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34
Skin and Skin Disorders Three wintertime skin problems (HO) 316/28 Springtime sunburn (C) 318/129 Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia studied (MF) 319/24 Pedigree analysis reveals links to HERDA (MF) 319/25 Misbehavior during grooming (HO) 320/30 Rare disorder causes hair loss (CR) 320/32 Hyaluronan & Healthy Joints (F) 320/60 The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38
Slaughter Illinois horse slaughter plant to reopen (RU) 316/70 Antislaughter messages (RU) 317/99
Soring New technology helps identify soring (RU) 321/82 Enforcement of Horse Protection Act (RU) 321/82
Splints (Injury) Persistent splints (C) 319/116; correction 324/12
Stabling and Turnout Caring for horses after an ice storm (HO) 315/17 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Sourness during the winter (C) 320/106 Minimize the risk of kick injuries (HO) 321/26 Connection between cribbing and ulcers (C) 323/86 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34
Standardbred Horses Happy Returns (F) 323/57 Trends at a Glance (SR) 325/44
Steeplechasing Attrition in the Grand National steeplechase (MF) 322/18 Highlights in Grand National history (MF) 322/19 Humane whips mandated for steeplechasers (RU) 323/73 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51
Stocking Up Lymphangitis (C) 320/109
Storage Equipment 10 Storage Solutions for Your Barn (F) 317/87
Summer Sore Treating persistent summer sore (CR) 322/28
Sun and Sun Protection Protecting a horse from springtime sunburn (C) 318/129 Hope for Headshakers (F) 320/40
Swayback (see Lordosis)
Sweet Itch The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38
Teeth and Dentistry Tooth grinding (C) 315/60 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Heat generated by power dental tools (MF) 321/21 Scintigraphy for diagnosing head problems (MF) 323/16 Tooth Sleuthing (F) 323/65
Teeth Grinding (see Bruxism)
Tendons and Tendon Disorders Significance of an “old bow” (C) 324/89 Olympic tendon injuries investigated (RU) 325/73
Tennessee Walking Horses New technology helps identify soring (RU) 321/82 Really Big Shows (F) 322/54 Jumping gaited horses (C) 322/78 Trends at a Glance: Industry Statistics (SR) 325/44
Therapeutic Riding Learning to Fly (F) 317/63
Thermography The Science of Saddle Fit (HW) 320/96
Thermoregulation The Indispensable Skin (F) 321/38
Thoroughbred Horses Behind the Science (BP) 316/96 Risk factors for recurrent airway obstruction (MF) 317/17 Dantrolene efficacy confirmed (MF) 317/18 Keeneland’s July Selected Yearling Sale is canceled again (RU) 320/95 Television network plans racing reality show (RU) 321/84 Seabiscuit’s home to be preserved (RU) 322/71 Trends at a Glance: Industry Statistics (SR) 325/44 Thoroughbred Yearlings Sold at Auction (SR) 325/46 At the Heart of Greatness (SR) 325/58 Great Heart (BP) 325/96
Three-Day Events (see Eventing)
Thrush Implications of deep clefts in the frog (C) 319/120
Tongue Sucking Why a horse would suck his tongue (C) 322/79
Toxic and Hazardous Plants Lost Foals (F) 315/46 The Hardest Working Organ (F) 317/52 The 10 Most Dangerous Plants for Horses (F) 320/70 Dealing With Drought (F) 323/42 Variation in red maple trees (C) 324/88
Trailers and Trailering Horse who scrambles during trailer turns (C) 316/79 Healthiest method to ship horses (C) 318/126 Placement of a horse in the trailer (HO) 319/32 What’s Your Horse’s Colic Risk? (F) 319/46 Concussion and brain injury (CR) 325/25
Trails and Trail Riding Spring Trail Prep (F) 318/50 Achieving Hoof Balance (F) 319/95 Storm safety on the trail (C) 319/117 On the Trails of History (F) 322/36 American Dreams (BP) 322/96 Taking jumps on the trail (HO) 323/18 Horses with animal phobias (HO) 324/20
Training Horses Happy Together (F) 314/26 Perle’s Progress: Baby Steps (F) 314/35 Tooth grinding (C) 315/60 Horse who scrambles during trailer turns (C) 316/79 Bombproofing Basics (F) 317/42 Putting Bombproofing Training to the Test (F) 318/76 Saddle & Bridle Solutions (F) 322/63 Tough Customers (F) 323/34 Horses with animal phobias (HO) 324/20 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34 Secrets of Success (SR) 325/51
Trees The 10 Most Dangerous Plants for Horses (F) 320/70 Horses who chew on trees (C) 321/92 Variation in red maple trees (C) 324/88
Tumors Raging Hormones (F) 317/30 Electrochemotherapy (MF) 322/19 Tough Customers (F) 323/34
Twins and Triplets Lost Foals (F) 315/46
Tying Up (see Exertional Rhabdomyolysis)
Ulcers Ulcer drug delivers consistent relief (MF) 318/25 Urine as indicator of gastric ulcers (MF) 320/23 Cribbing and ulcers (C) 323/86
Ultrasound Ultrasound helps diagnose eye problems (MF) 323/15 Body condition scoring system tested (MF) 325/18
Urinary Tract and Disorders Mare with incontinence (C) 321/95
Vaccines and Vaccinations New West Nile virus vaccine (MF) 318/28 Residual effects of West Nile virus infection (MF) 319/26 Vaccine can complicate EPM diagnosis (MF) 320/26 Contraceptive vaccine passes test (MF) 321/19 Prognosis of West Nile virus-related illness (MF) 325/16
Ventilation Steps to improve air quality in indoor arenas (HO) 316/31 Assessing a barn’s ventilation (HO) 325/21
Vesicular Stomatitis Vesicular stomatitis outbreak (RU) 323/74
Warming Up and Cooling Down Drying a wet horse in winter (C) 314/66 Bring Out the Champion in Your Horse (SR) 325/34
Water Spring Trail Prep (F) 318/50 Contamination danger in a stream (C) 319/119 Crossing deep water (HO) 322/24 Dealing With Drought (F) 323/42
Watering and Thirst Goldfish in the stock tank (C) 317/111 Increasing water intake after exercise (MF) 320/24 Drinking colder water and exercise (MF) 320/24 Getting Ready for the Long Haul (F) 321/50
Weaning Tips for lower-stress weaning (C) 316/80
West Nile Virus West Nile case reported in California (MF) 315/10 Different strain of West Nile virus in Africa (MF) 315/15 New West Nile virus vaccine (MF) 318/28 Healing slow from West Nile disease (MF) 319/25 Residual effects of West Nile virus infection (MF) 319/26 Prognosis of West Nile virus-related illness (MF) 325/16
Withers Physiological effects of massage (MF) 324/15
Wobbler Syndrome Diagnosing wobbler syndrome (C) 317/111
Wounds and Wound Treatment Healing Decisions (F) 316/63 Treating a laceration injury (CR) 318/38 Trouble Afoot (F) 322/47