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Breazy’s Amazing Recovery
Watch the mare featured in March 2011's Case Report go through her paces at a dressage clinic 27 months after her devastating tendon injury.
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Equus
Watch the mare featured in March 2011’s Case Report go through her paces at a dressage clinic 27 months after her devastating tendon injury.
Chances for a return to pasture soundness—much less athletic activity—were slim after Breazy severed the deep digital flexor tendon (the major support structure for the back of the leg) in her right front pastern. Yet her owner decided to give her mare a chance, and after more than two years of vigilant care and rehabilitation, Breazy has healed enough to carry a rider and return to dressage training. In fact, watching her now, it’s hard to tell she was ever injured.