Why you need to shovel out your horse trailer this winter

In a veterinary emergency during the winter, your ability to quickly hitch up and pull your horse trailer can make the life-or-death difference.
A snowy farm scene with a silo and horse trailer
Letting your horse trailer get “snowed in” can cost valuable time in a colic emergency situation.

If your horse colics in winter, one of your greatest resources can be your trailer, so keep it maintained and accessible throughout the season.

Many winter colics can be managed on the farm, but those that need more intensive intervention or surgery at a large facility need it as soon as possible. Check the following to make sure your trailer are in good shape and suitable for winter driving:

• tires
• battery
• hitch
• electrical system

In addition, when you’re plowing and shoveling, be sure to clear snow away from your trailer. Also, see that your drive is plowed well enough to allow safe passage. You don’t want to end up digging out a trailer blocked by snow banks in the midst of an already stressful emergency. 

Click here to learn about winter shelters for pastured horses. 

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