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Breed Associations A – F
- July 25, 2019
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The Akhal-Teke Network This really is an excellent web site. It’s aim is to spread knowledge of the beautiful and rare Akhal-Teke and it does so with articles andphotographs. The site includes listings of breeders and Akhal Teke Societies all over the world.
American Warmblood Society The American Warmblood Societyis the only breed association that nominates only those horses involved in the Olympic Sports – dressage, show-jumping, eventing and combined driving.
American Warmblood Registry Nicely laid out Web site which includes registration information and requirements, stallion listings and showcase, and a gallery of photographs.
International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association Breed profiles, stallions, news and events.
The Foundation For The Pure Spanish Horse (Andalusian) The Foundation is dedicated to developing, perpetuating and fostering an appreciation and understanding of the Pure Spanish Horse.
Appaloosa Horse Club Membership news, event results, high point standing and more.
International Colored Appaloosa Association Dedicated to preserving the Native American heritage of the Appaloosa and promoting the true Appaloosa around the world. Membership information, calendar of events, member ranches and more.
Arabian Breeders Association Dedicated to ensuring the welfare of the Arabian horse and the future of the breed. Read about ongoing ABA projects and get membership information.
Arabian Horse Association. Beautifully designed Web site which gives information about the aims of the Arabian Horse Association, online forms in printable or downloadable formats, and a lot more.
Arabian Horse Association of Michigan Membership information, listing of member breeding and training farms and more.
World Arabian Horse Organization History of the breed, definitions, news, shows, more.
Azteca Horse Registry of America, Inc. Attractive Web site featuring the history of the Azteca, registration information, stallion listings and a gallery of photographs of these versatile and talented horses.
Canadian Sport Horse Association Information about the Canadian Sport Horse, inspection procedures, a calendar of events and horses for sale.
Celtic Warmblood Registry This registry’s purpose is to register Irish Draught and Irish Draught-related horses from birth on.
Cleveland Bay Horse Society of the UK Information about the Society, as well as listings of breeders of Cleveland Bays in the UK, stallions and horses for sale.
Cleveland Bay Horse Society of North America History of the breed, photos, stallion listing, horses for sale.
Clydesdale Breeders of the USA Information about the Clydesdale, membership information and forms, events and more.
American Connemara Pony Society History and details about the breed, directory of breeders.
American Cream Draft Horse Association Information about the American Cream Draft, with a history of the breed, breed characteristics along with some great photographs and a QuickTime video.
The American Dartmoor Pony Association Nicely designed page aimed at promoting the Dartmoor Pony in America. It includes history and breed standards, as well as a breeder directory and some lovely photographs.
Dartmoor Pony Registry of America This registry has been in existence since 1936 and maintains the official stud book in the U.S.
American Donkey and Mule Society Registry information, as well as detailed information about donkeys, mules and zebra hybrids. Request a sample copy of the Brayer Magazine.
The Donkey Breed Society This English breed association’s Web site contains a lot of information about donkeys, their care and their uses – with some great photographs.
The Exmoor Pony Society Guarding the purity of the Exmoor Pony, with information on where to see Exmoor Ponies in the wild, news events and more.
International Falabella Miniature Horse Association Falabella Miniature Horses are said to have originated on the South American Pampas and are now very popular in the UK and Europe. This site includes husbandry information and lots more.
Fell Pony Society of North America I have a soft spot for black horses and the Fell Pony fits the bill! This site includes membership information, as well as a history of the breed, listing of breeders in the US and some great photos.
Fell Pony Society – Deutschland In German – this site gives information about the Fell Pony Society – Deutschland.
Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry The official Web site of the Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry. This site gives information on breed standards, how to join the registry, a breeding farm directory and some wonderful photographs.
Friesian Horse Association of North America More black horses! FHANA is the North American representative of the original Friesian horse association, Friese Paarden Stamboek (FPS). The site includes membership information, a Friesian FAQ, a stallion directory and more.
Friesian Horse Studbook With versions in Dutch, English, French and German, this is the original Friesian breed society, registering Friesian horses since 1879. Includes information on inspections, membership information and more.