National Carousel Association celebrates 50 years
- July 18, 2023
- ⎯ Edited Press Release
Carousels hold a special place in the heart of American horse lovers, who often enjoy their first equestrian experience aboard a merry-go-round steed. And now for some carousel trivia: Do you know what a “Flag Horse” is? According to the National Carousel Association, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, the American Flag Horse was a recurring theme for carvers and painters of carousel figures. As the organization’s website explains, “Besides making a statement of enthusiasm and patriotism for the parks and patrons, many carousel creators were recent immigrants, proudly embracing their new country.”
For half a century, the National Carousel Association has been working to keep America’s remaining carousels in operation. Through a wide range of programs and projects, the organization has participated in the restoration and preservation of many of the antique carousels in operation in this country today.
The NCA’s 2023 convention, Golden Jubilee!, takes place Sept. 20-23 in Warwick, RI, and is limited to 200 participants. The convention schedule as published on the NCA website is below, and the registration packet is now available.
For more information about the convention and antique carousels in general (including photos of Flag Horses!) visit the NCA website.
Landing page image of flag horse by GettyImages/ThreeJays