Calling All Youth! American Horse Council announces June 24, 2021 virtual youth “fly-in.”
- June 4, 2021
- ⎯ Edited Press Release
Participation in advocacy and communicating with government, especially lawmakers, is the essential foundation of American democracy. While COVID-19 has brought about changes to the way we conduct a congressional fly-in, it is still important to engage with lawmakers.

The American Horse Council (AHC) will hold its second annual virtual fly-in for youth on Thursday June 24, 2021 beginning at 10:30 AM ET. AHC Staff will provide advocacy 101 tips and review the most current legislative and regulatory issues facing the equine industry. A series of industry advocates and congressional staff will be available to meet with attendees to hear their thoughts, suggestions, opinions, and feedback on issues.
This event is open to all youth (13 years of age and older) who would like to learn about advocacy, hear about the federal legislative and regulatory issues affecting the US equine community, and meet with congressional members and staff to discuss the issues.
Tentative agenda:
- Overview of American Horse Council and key legislative and regulatory issues,
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
- Advocacy 101, including tips for congressional meetings, 11:15 AM – 11:45 AM
- Statement from Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Winner of 2021 Rolapp Award,
11:45 AM – Noon
- Brown Bag Lunch with Q&A Session, Noon to 1:00 PM
- Meetings with congressional offices, industry executives and advocates,
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- Office of Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) – Priorities for the Congressional Horse Caucus
- Office of Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) – The congressional spending process
- Office of Sen. Shelley Moore-Capito (R-WV) – Saddle-up for trails legislation
- Annise Montplaisir and Ellen Taylor – You’re hired! Careers in the Horse Industry
- Jon Baselice, U.S. Chamber of Commerce – Perspectives from the business community
- Allison Crittenden, American Farm Bureau Federation – Agriculture and advocacy
- Conclusion
To register send an email to [email protected] no later than June 22 at Noon ET. If you have questions, contact American Horse Council President, Julie Broadway at [email protected]
Fly-ins are often the biggest asks for advocates, but time and time again, these events not only serve as an incredibly impactful tactic for our stakeholders, but also an incredible opportunity to spotlight our greatest assets – our youth!