Home > EQUUS Extra > Is Your Deworming Strategy Actually Working?
Is Your Deworming Strategy Actually Working?
- February 8, 2022
- ⎯ Editors of EQUUS
Recommended deworming protocols have undergone a major transformation in the last decade or so. Instead of a calendar-based deworming schedule, calling for treatment every eight weeks, veterinarians now advocate a targeted deworming program, which uses regular fecal egg counts to identify horses that need treatment. This approach is not only more effective, it can save money because you’ll be deworming your horse only when necessary. In this volume of EQUUS Extra, we break down what you need to know about implementing a targeted deworming program.
Featured in this Issue:
- Parasite control basics
- Which worms to worry about
- Why are fecal egg counts important?
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