When oils spoil

Heat can cause oils, such as corn oil, and even powdered fat-based calorie-boosting products to go rancid within a few days.

As we prepare for the hottest days of summer, be aware that certain supplements in your feed room may spoil faster at this time of year. Heat can cause oils, such as corn oil, and even powdered fat-based calorie-boosting products to go rancid within a few days. The best place to store such supplements is in a refrigerator in the feed room, but if that’s not possible, keep only small amounts on hand and store the rest in a climate-controlled house or garage.

Oil products that go “off” may change in appearance, becoming darker or cloudy, or they may take on an unpleasant smell. Powdered fat products tend to clump as they pick up moisture and spoil. At best, feeding spoiled supplement will cause your horse to reject the entire meal, but it could also make him ill. Any change in the appearance or smell of a supplement is cause to toss the remainder and order a replacement.

Click here to learn about the different ways horses are fed around the world.

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