Safety Video: Is Your Horse Trailer Ready for Fire/Hurricane/Flood Evacuation Use?
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Fran Jurga
by Fran Jurga | 11 July 2009 | The Jurga Report
No one wants to think about it, but it’s that time of year. Forest fires, hurricanes and floods are sure to be in the news again this year, but maybe if everyone is prepared, the worst will never happen.
Brett Scott PhD, Assistant Professor of Animal Science and Extension Horse Specialist at Texas A&M University talked to a video camera recently and provided a laundry list of tips for horse owners who should be preparing their plans now for how to evacuate their animals if the need arises.
Who can forget those horrible scenes of traffic jams and closed gas stations back in the days of Hurricane Gustave? It was so hot, and many horses were stuck in trailers pulled by trucks going nowhere. And when they got somewhere…there was no power.
Sure, this is all common sense. Sure, we all already know this stuff. But look around. Imagine that today’s the day. If you had to load up and hit the road with your horses because a wildfire was approaching or a nuclear power plant melted down, could you do it?
How would you do it? Walk yourself through the steps. Now ask yourself what would happen if you were away for the weekend. Could a stranger or a neighbor or a rescue agency worker come to your barn and get your horses to safety. Could they find the equipment and identification information and medications your horses would need?
Writing phone numbers on a blackboard is not enough. Make a binder. Take pictures of all the horses and identify them with name, age, medical conditions and behavior idiosyncracies. Write down all the possible information you can think of for people to contact.
Then get to work on that trailer. And maybe get to know your neighbors, just in case.
Thanks to for hosting this video.