Bureau of Land Management to host public tour of Axtell wild horse corrals.
- October 6, 2020
- ⎯ Edited Press Release
AXTELL, Utah — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced it is offering a public tour of the Axtell contract off-range corrals in Axtell, Utah, on Oct. 15, 2020, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Tour attendees will have an opportunity to tour the facility, observe approximately 1,700 wild horses, and discuss the BLM’s wild horse and burro program.
The Axtell facility is one of two locations in Utah that provides care to wild horses removed from the range. The corrals are located at 13500 South 10490 West (mile marker 235.2 on Highway 89) in Axtell, approximately six miles south of Gunnison or eight miles north of Salina. Please note that some phone map applications do not recognize this address.
The facility encompasses 32 acres containing 40+ holding pens in various sizes and can provide care for up to 2,250 wild horses. The horses receive abundant feed tailored to their needs each day, along with a constant supply of fresh water through automatic watering troughs. Free choice mineral block supplements are also provided to each animal. A veterinarian routinely inspects the horses and provides medical care as needed.
The BLM strives to place horses removed from the range into good, private homes. Horses at the Axtell facility are made available to the public for adoption or sale throughout the year at events held across the country. Horses will not be available for adoption during the public tour. Please note that COVID-19 guidelines for visiting parks and recreational facilities will be followed.
Burro website at www.blm.gov/whb or call (866) 468-7826.