Home > Horse Care > Smart horse boot use during turnout
Smart horse boot use during turnout
- January 5, 2023
- ⎯ Christine Barakat with Melinda Freckleton, DVM
During riding sessions you may want to protect your horse’s legs with boots, but what about boot use during turnout? It’s usually a good idea to forgo boots when turning your horse out—except in one particular case.
Tendon boots and others that cover the legs trap dirt and heat next to the skin, which can lead to irritation. And a damaged or loose boot can be a hazard, injuring the very structures you’re trying to protect. You may see photos of horses turned out wearing leg boots, but these tend to be elite athletes who are groomed thoroughly before and after they go out and whose turnout is carefully monitored. Unless you’re able to provide that much oversight, it’s better to forgo leg boots when your horse is on pasture.
The boots your horse may need for turnout
Bell boots, on the other hand, can be helpful for horses who tend to overreach—stepping on their front heels with a back hoof as they move. These horses may pull off their own shoes or, worse, injure themselves when at liberty. Bell boots can guard against both of those possibilities. Keep in mind, though, that bell boots also tend to hold mud against skin. This can lead to continual exposure to moisture and germs and a painful case of scratches.
Click here to learn about a quick and easy treatment for scratches.
If you leave bell boots on your horse for turnout, it’s important to regularly flip them inside out to brush the leg and clean the underside of the boot. As you do this, inspect the horse’s hoof and heel area for signs of irritation.
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