War Horse Film: Today’s New, Deeper and More Dangerous Movie Trailer

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Two-and-a-half minutes of juxtaposed mayhem and memory: Is Joey running toward something (or someone), or away from something (or someone)? Or both? The new trailer for Spielberg’s sure-to-be-sensitive adaptation of the book and play leave me asking more questions than ever. Answers await on Christmas Day…

Go ahead, go full-screen. Hit that little box in the lower right. You don’t want to see this in a scrawny little box on my blog.

Thank you, Dreamworks. Here’s a new, spectacular trailer for War Horse, the new film coming in December from director Steven Spielberg. It is based, of course, on the London/New York award-winning play and Michael Morpurgo’s best-selling book. But how closely does it follow their storyline?

War Horse will be our Christmas present from Hollywood. The latest news from Tinsel Town is that War Horse, the film, will be premiering in theaters across America on Christmas Day, December 25. This moves the date forward from the previously-announced December 28 debut.

The film’s star, Jeremy Irvine, is making the rounds of the horse world. He’s been cast in a lavish production of Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations that is currently filming on an island in the marshes of Kent. He’ll play Pip, a boy who begins and ends his ambitious adventures in a village blacksmith’s forge, a place he sees very differently when he returns. Helena Bonham Carter and?Ralph Fiennes will also star in the film.

John Williams composed the stirring score to the War Horse film; it is expected to be on CD from Sony.




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