Video: Christmas Message from the World Horse Welfare Organization
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Fran Jurga
World Horse Welfare (WHW) Chief Executive Roly Owers wraps up the year in this comprehensive look back at the charity’s efforts to help horses around the world. WHW is the world’s leading horses-only charity operating on both a national level in Great Britain and on the global stage representing ongoing interests in horse health and care.
Back home in Britain, WHW (formerly the International League for the Protection of Horses) operates as a leading resource for education of horse owners and has lead the way in campaigning for awareness of the ill effects of obesity in horses. WHW staffers are dedicated, highly educated in the specialty fields of horse welfare and health, and moving forward.
Directly or indirectly, we all benefit from organizations like WHW. The people there, and the people who donate to WHW programs, are at the top of my Christmas wishes list. While the stories I report on that involve WHW are not always easy or pleasant to write, I know that whenever I see their name involved, it is likely that the best and most knowledgeable minds in the horse world are working on this problem.
It’s hard to ask for anything more, and we must never expect groups like WHW to just be there for us and our horses. We make them possible. And they, in turn, make us possible.
Merry Christmas to every horse and human who has benefited from or who is helping this wonderful organization. Go to to donate whatever you can and be part of this important effort to help horses.