This Horse Is Underdressed for Our Neighborhood
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Fran Jurga
Fall fashions are arriving in the stores; why should horse fashions be any different?

Here we have a press photo for the new fly sheet/wrap/hood from Anky Van Gruvsnen’s line of horsewear from Holland.
We could use a few hundred sets of these outfits around here: both West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis have been found in our local trailriding area.
The temptation is to wrap the horses up and turn them out, soaked in fly spray. The problem with that is that the forecast is for 96-degree heat today.
What’s wrong withs picture? Anky forgot to design matching leg wraps. We are fighting not only mosquito-borne horse viruses but also the ubiquitous Lyme’s disease carried by ticks. The ticks crawl up the horses’ legs (and mine).
All three insect-borne diseases are a risk to both horses and humans here.
I think we should all stay in today. I regret not having an air-conditioner on days like today. The Travers Stakes from Saratoga will be broadcast on ESPN from 4-6 pm.
Pray for frost.