Pimp My Pony: “Wired” Magazine Salutes the Equestrian Commuter
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Fran Jurga
One of the last places I would have expected to find a survey of the latest high-tech gear for horses and riders is Wired magazine, the uber-guide to high-tech culture. Click here to read a web capsule. The illustrator was having fun in the creative department; I have no idea why she is dressed that way or what sort of stirrup leathers those are supposed to be. I love the gas nozzle raised to the sky, though, and the magazine gives some real ooomph in the links department to Dr. Robert Cook’s Bitless Bridle, Veredus leg boots, Horsetec shock-absorbing stirrups, Linear saddles and polyurethane horseshoes, among others. Commuting on horseback sounds like a good option to me!

This post originally appeared on The Jurga Report on Equisearch.com on September 23, 2008. The Jurga Report provides ongoing news and observations about horse care and health by journalist Fran Jurga.Bookmark TJR today!