A mule in Aiken County, South Carolina has tested positive for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA), which is caused by a virus related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is the first case of EIA in South Carolina in more than a decade.
Testing done at the Clemson University Veterinary Diagnostic Center in Columbia, South Carolina and National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa, confirmed the initial results this week, according to State Veterinarian Boyd Parr.
The EIA virus weakens the horse’s immune system, causing disease the same way HIV does in people. While humans are not at risk for infection with EIA, similarities between EIA and HIV show how serious an infection it can be in horses and why “we still are adamant about preventing the spread and attempting to eradicate this disease from the equine population,” Parr said.
“This 16-year-old mule is the first equine of South Carolina origin to be initially found positive for EIA since the 1990s,” Parr said. “South Carolina is the only Southeastern state that did not record a new positive EIA horse between 2003-2013. The positive mule has been humanely euthanized under our supervision and no longer poses any risk to other horses.”
The affected mule did not show any outward symptoms of its EIA infection. State officials will continue their investigation to determine if other equines may have been exposed that require additional quarantine and testing.
The Coggins test is the common name for the laboratory test that will determine if a horse is infected with the EIA virus. Veterinarian Leroy Coggins and his research team developed the diagnostic test at Cornell University in the 1970s. Its promotion and adoption by animal health authorities and equine industry leaders around the world has helped reduce the spread of the disease and its impact on the horse population, according to Parr.
“Many horses in South Carolina have never been tested for EIA and these horses are our highest-risk group for undetected EIA infection,” said Adam Eichelberger, Director of Animal Health Programs in the State Veterinarian’s Office. “This new diagnosis serves as a wake-up call for us and should remind horse owners of the importance of continuing to test for the disease, even in horses that appear perfectly healthy.”
All horses going to a public assembly in South Carolina are required by law to have a negative Coggins test for EIA within 12 months. All horses entering from another state are subject to the same requirement. A negative EIA test prior to a change of ownership is highly recommended, say veterinarians and animal health officials.
(end of message from South Carolina)
Click this link for information on EIA testing and prevention from the AAEP and Bayer Equine Health: EIA The Only Protection is Prevention