Counting Medals? Count Mosquitoes, too!

A lot of people are counting medals this week. Will Germany dominate? Are you rooting for Isabel or Anky? Was Australia robbed of the Eventing Gold it deserved?

Take a minute today to look up from the Olympics your television or your monitor and check with your local or state health department. What are the West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) risks in your area?

Today we have the first announcement of EEE in the state of Wisconsin, and the fifth case of EEE in Marion County, the area around uber-horsey Ocala, Florida. Seventy-two horses have been diagnosed with EEE in Florida so far this year.

Two horses in Orange County, California tested positive for EEE. West Nile Virus was recently found in mosquitoes tested in Vermont.

And it doesn’t end there. Just a few of the alerts on hand include WNV in Oak Park, Illinois; Greenwich, Connecticut; Salinas, California, and Minnehaha, South Dakota.

EEE recently showed up in Craven County, North Carolina and Carroll County, Tennessee.

Vermont is having one of the worst mosquito seasons on record. Just how many mosquitoes are out there? It sounds like Vermonters have a lot of time on their hands. One researcher set out to determine just how many mosquitoes inhabit an acre of land…they’re still counting.

Keep these three facts in mind: 1) Both diseases are carried by mosquitoes; 2) Both diseases can also be transferred by mosquitoes to humans; and 3) Both diseases are highly preventable with a simple vaccination program.




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