Arabian Horse Association Forms New Charitable Foundation
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Fran Jurga
(edited from press release)
The Arabian Horse Association (AHA) announced the formation of a new Arabian Horse Foundation to meet the growing needs of the Arabian horse community. The foundation will fund previously unsupported areas, such as general education, equine research and disaster relief. Donors will have the option to designate their contributions to a particular category.
“This foundation will provide, for the first time, a way for donors to select how they want their gift to be used,” said Larry Kinneer, President of the Foundation.
Board members decided on the new categories partly based on recent events. “The fires in Southern California in 2007 displaced approximately 4,000 horses. And no one can forget the devastation that Hurricane Katrina caused to both humans and horses. Each of these tragic events left horses without homes, food and water, and in need of medical attention. In the future, when such catastrophic events occur, the Arabian community will have a presence in helping through the Arabian Horse Foundation,” said Kinneer.
When asked about the other categories previously unsupported, Kinneer added, “Research into equine health-related needs has always been important to our breed as well as the entire equine community. We can now focus our financial support, particularly toward genetic problems or ailments that are unique to our breed. And, seeking every opportunity to educate the public about how wonderful Arabians are is always high on our priority list.”
Visit the Arabian Horse Foundation’s website at where you can get more information about the foundation or make a contribution.
The foundation’s administrative offices are at the Arabian Horse Association headquarters located at 10805 Bethany Dr., Aurora, CO 80014. Call (303) 696-4500 for more information.