Hoof Care

Farriery credentials explained
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Poll: What are your priorities when sedating your horse for farriery care?
Taking Care of the Horse Hoof
Get your horse to do "leg lifts"
Taking Care of the Horse Hoof
4 ways to help a hoof-shy horse
Tips for making your horse "farrier friendly"
Beim Hufschmied
How do you help ensure farrier safety during hoof care appointments?
Farrier nailing horseshoe to horse hoof with a hammer
4 ways to make your property farrier friendly
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The best time for farrier visits
Closeup shot of several different colored horse hooves in a city during daylight
Do hooves need trimming even if they don’t look long?
farrier driving nail into horse shoe on horse's hoof
Loose shoe: What to do?
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Beautiful Grey Horse
Research backs early intervention for equine melanoma 
How to Read Your Horse's Body Language
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Harnessing the Power of DMSO
How to identify 8 common equine skin diseases