Equine Dental Health Awareness

Vet, hand and horse with mouth outdoor for dental examination, teeth hygiene and gum health of healthcare
Do equine wolf teeth always need to be extracted?
Ears pinning AdobeStock_178237778
Is your horse trying to tell you his teeth hurt?
A horse being examined by a dentist
Why nose twitches are rarely used in equine dentistry
drowsy horse
Safe recovery from sedation
A person opening a horse's lips to exam the teeth
Going Toothless
A horse being examined by a dentist
Common Equine Dental Problems


Closeup of gaited horse in bridle with red brow and nose bands
Federal district court ruling weakens key soring protections
Close up of two hind hooves and lower limbs
4 facts about stocking up
Two horses drinking from a water trough.
Three simple ways to get your horse to drink more
How to identify 8 common equine skin diseases