
Closeup of gaited horse in bridle with red brow and nose bands
Federal district court ruling weakens key soring protections
Closeup of dark horse's eye
Study explores UK attitudes about horse sport and welfare
Image of person kneeling down and taking photo with smartphone of gaited horse's foot
USDA announces HPA Final Rule postponement
Horses suffer from the flies on their heads
USEF joins AHC in calling for delay to HPA changes
two horses field sunrise
AHC formally asks USDA to delay new HPA regulations
Shot of bottom half of horse and rider clearing jump with palm trees
Equine Network teams with Nilforushan Equisport Events
Gray horse jumping colorful jumper course poles, rider's face not visible
Well-being study continues at CHIO Aachen
FEI Awards 2024: Cast your vote
Ranch sorting competitor in action
Ranch sorting now on Ride TV
image of horse and rider jumping over fence, shot from back angle
US Equestrian announces three initiatives to support sporthorse welfare
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Closeup of gaited horse in bridle with red brow and nose bands
Federal district court ruling weakens key soring protections
Close up of two hind hooves and lower limbs
4 facts about stocking up
Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 11.41
When to worry about coughing in horses
Horse Buckskin Stallion Andalusian Quarter Horse Running Galloping in Arena Sand Dirt Round Pen Wood Fence Blue Sky Green Trees
If your horse gets loose