Horse Health

Shot of an attractive young veterinarian standing with a horse and its owner on a farm
Synchrony study: Lifetime cost of horse ownership drastically underestimated
Horses pulling a cart at sunrise
Study traces genetics of night blindness in TWH, other breeds
Man in purple shirt holding stethoscope to horse's neck to check respiration rate
Horse Health Tips: Measuring respiratory rate
A group of horses eating from outdoor hay feeder
Study examines impacts of three feeding styles
Image of cover of EQUUS Extra 85: Bedding basics
Stall bedding basics
Budweiser Clydesdales pull beer wagon down street
American Humane awards welfare certification to Budweiser Clydesdales, Dalmatians
Grazing horses. Cover for EQ Extra 84, Digestive Challenges
Digestive challenges
Pennsylvania horse owners make record gift to Foundation for the Horse 
Sweaty chestnut horse with stiff stance
Tying up: First response
Muddy pastern with scratches infection
Scratches: Keep this condition from turning chronic


The timeless horses of Lucy Kemp-Welch
Farm with horse trailer in snow storm
3 tips for winter trailering
How to handle winter colic
white leg scab
Resist the urge to pick at your horse's scabs