Equine Research

Horses pulling a cart at sunrise
Study traces genetics of night blindness in TWH, other breeds
Justin Morgan horse engraving 1873
Livestock Conservancy removes Morgan (Traditional) from Priority List
Churchill Downs spire/Getty image
HISA releases findings of Churchill Downs investigation
Group of horses grazing in a meadow
Final reminder for NAHMS equine study
Unveiling of new UK aged horse center with officials posed in front of the facility
University of Kentucky unveils new Aged Horse Care and Education Facility
Woman in wheelchair pets pinto horse
AHC releases Equine-Assisted Services and Equines in Academics surveys
George Washington: The Father of Our Country's Appreciation for Mules promo image
Belief in animal emotion linked to better welfare in working equids
Shot taken from underneath jumping horse at night under lights
The latest equine endocrine research
A close up of a horse's hoof being rasped
Where did those 'extra' toes go?
Man dealing with spooked horse/Getty image
New study targets equine 'spook' response


The timeless horses of Lucy Kemp-Welch
Farm with horse trailer in snow storm
3 tips for winter trailering
How to handle winter colic
white leg scab
Resist the urge to pick at your horse's scabs