Texas A&M’s Noah Cohen Wins WEVA’s Equine Research Award
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Fran Jurga
Noah CohenVMD, MPH, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, professor of large animal clinical sciences at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, won the 2008 Schering-Plough Animal Health Applied Equine Research Award at the 10th World Equine Veterinary Association (WEVA) Congress in Moscow at the end of January.
Dr. Cohen was awarded in recognition of his extensive research in the field of equine neonatology and perinatology. Most recently, he has focused his efforts in collaboration with others to study Rhodococcus equi foal pneumonia, which is a major cause of disease and death in foals.
Dr. Cohen is a dedicated researcher and a prolific author. In 2005, Sciencewatch ranked him #19 on the international list of “Highly Cited Authors in Veterinary Medicine, 1994-2004”; his name seemed to be the only equine researcher’s on the list.