Snow News Is Good News!
- March 10, 2017
- ⎯ Fran Jurga
yippee! first snow!, originally uploaded by Dan65.

A foot or more of light fluffy snow swirled and twirled into drifts this morning, with even more forecast for tomorrow here in New England.
It looks like our Christmas will be very white, which certainly beats the high-gloss glaze of last week’s ice. Pass the egg-nog!
Thanks to Dan in Austria for the loan of this photo. It just seemed to capture the moment, yesterday, when the snow first started. Now the horses are wondering where the fence line went.
It’s time to remember the pros and cons of winter shoes. I’m sure one of the boot companies must have come up with a super-studded traction boot for this winter. Ice is dangerous for all horses, shod or not.
Maine’s homeless horse with an attitude, Hobo Hank, has been rounded up and trucked to a homeless shelter–aka the beautiful horse rescue barn at the Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals–for the time being. He’s been living on the loose for a while now, feasting on lawns, gardens, and trash barrels. And thriving. And eluding capture. I wonder if they will turn him loose again in the spring…or if his owner will ever claim him. He’s joined more than 80 other homeless horses at the farm and is in very good hands.