“Little Big Man” Makes a Big Comeback at Pan Am Games; Show Jumper Goes Clear in First Day of Show Jumping In Spite of Health Issue

First, the bad news: the USA is sitting in fourth place in the show jumping at the Pan Am Games, behind Canada, Brazil and Mexico, respectively.

Now, the good news: The USA’s Little Big Man bounced back from colic symptoms and contributetd a clear round in today’s event! Here’s the official report from USEF editor Brian Sosby, who is on the ground in Rio:

“…The third member of Team USA to tackle the course was New Jersey’s Laura Chapot and her 13-year-old KWPN Dutch Warmblood, Little Big Man. The gelding, which has had several tough days due to a displaced colon, bounced back and turned in a clean round, though there was a split second where it seemed that fence 12 might say otherwise.

“Some quick thinking and control on the rider’s part helped prevent it, which is another wonder considering she has been up with her mount for the past three days.

“‘I’m just amazed at my horse?he had a displaced colon,’ she said. ‘Somehow, it got back where it belonged. We were up through the night. But [before the competition], the vets said it was OK, and everything was in order. George [Morris, chef d’equipe] said, ?Give it a shot,’ and despite my horse being tired?he put in an amazing performance’.”

“The clean-and-clear round, on a time of 82.41 seconds, sits Chapot and Little Big Man in sixth place overall on a computed score of 1.38.

“The horse has been totally cleared by the veterinarians to compete – an issue that was of the utmost importance to the vets, the team and the rider. Chapot made it clear that under no circumstance would she compete otherwise.

“‘I made it very clear this morning that in no way was I going to take my horse [into the ring] if there were any possible repercussions,'” she said.”

Thanks to Brian Sosby and USEF for the report!




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