Christine Barakat with Mick McCluskey, BVSc

old pony PPID
PPID linked to lower bone density
Rethinking housing for stallions
old hairy horse
Diagnosis and treatment of PPID compared
Foal loss
Reasons for foal loss studied
Causes of surgical site infections unclear
horse itching himself
Vaccine against sweet itch shows promise
Horses and people
Do veterinarians make horses nervous?
A mare and foal standing in a field
A surprising reason for foal rejection
A horse on a surgery table with two veterinarians preparing for surgery.
The risk of eye injury during surgery
Genetic disorder in Arabians investigated


horse cough:choke
What to do for a horse with choke
How to Read Your Horse's Body Language
white leg scab
Resist the urge to pick at your horse's scabs
How to identify 8 common equine skin diseases