old horse

Do right by your retired horse
Volunteers put a weight tape on a rescue horse
Love is good: Creating community with This Old Horse 
woman kissing old horse
'Barn Stories,' Ep. 71: Old soldier
old white horse grazing in a meadow in the french Alsace
Can horses develop dementia?
Unveiling of new UK aged horse center with officials posed in front of the facility
University of Kentucky unveils new Aged Horse Care and Education Facility
Horse on grazing. English thoroughbred in the enclosure at farmland
Beyond deworming: Parasite control in older horses


Your horse's tail is a nature's fly swatter.
Finding the cause of tail rubbing
Horses eating meal from the rubber tub outdoors. Horse mealtime, sunny day
What exactly is extruded feed, and how is it different from other types of feed?
Nice brown horse running on the pasture in summer
Do you know the signs of PPID?
Close up of a person's hand on a horse's withers.
Detecting back pain in horses