Diet and Nutrition

Thin horse in stance typical of laminitis or founder
Laminitis: Action plan
two horses eating hay
Plan for winter hay needs now
Why do horses eat dirt?
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Savvy supplement shopping
White horse eating a meal from a bucket
Optimize your old horse's feeding plan
Thoroughbreds on a horse farm in Kentucky
11 vitamins and minerals all horses need
Horse feeding on the meadow
EQUUS 'Farm Calls' episode 10: The equine microbiome
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How Much Grain Does Your Horse Need?
equus extra 47 feeding
Feeding Horses Around the World
What science says about feeding rescue horses
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using mounting block
Ease Mounting Pressures on Your Horse
What science says about feeding rescue horses
A woman riding a horse down the side of a highway
Lost and found in America
Close up of horse's eye
A test for subtle eye swelling