Christine Barakat with Mick McCluskey, BVSc

horse head over door sleepy
Another toll pain takes on horses
A bay horse standing in a field, swishing his tail
Challenges of detecting early laminitis
MedFrt foal
Study confirms effectiveness of the “squeeze technique”
MedFrt cutting
Good news about cutting horse injuries
Lidocaine nerve blocks can be tricky
New lifestyle for Przewalski’s horses
New test for tapeworms
Gas is important sign in sand colic cases
horse missing eye
Equine eye implants increase infection risk
Illustration of the nerves of the equine head
Nerve’s role in headshaking investigated
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A woman riding a horse down the side of a highway
Lost and found in America
Close up of horse's eye
A test for subtle eye swelling
using mounting block
Ease Mounting Pressures on Your Horse
lost shoe
How to keep your horse from losing his shoes